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The Devil's Pact - S01 E260

Story 1 month ago

The Devil's Pact - S01 E260

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 260

"Have you seen Shannon?" asked Sean. Shannon was ten, and was reaching the age where she was becoming interested in clothes, and boys. She was growing up too fast. It wouldn't be long before I was buying her a training a bra and she was dating some pimply-faced teen.

"She's at a Alice's house," Sean answered, smiling at me. He had these amazing green eyes and still kept his hair long like when we first started dating in college, tied back in a bright, red ponytail. The very image of the cool, laid-back teacher.

"Can you take Melissa, so I can start dinner?" asked, kissing Melissa's cute face before handing her to "daba."

"Sure, Tiffany," Sean smiled, taking Melissa from me. Sean's hand brushed mine and he rubbed it just a little longer than necessary. I smiled, it was the little things that kept a marriage going.

I headed for the kitchen, trailed by Mary. I pulled on my plain, white apron and Mary pulled on her pink frilly apron. "Are you going to help mommy?" I asked her.

Mary nodded, a serious expression on her face. I gave her some simple Instructions and we started gathering the ingredients for dinner when I discovered we were out of milk. I sighed and popped my head back into the living room. "Did you forget to swing by the store, Sean?"

He flushed. "Sorry, Tif," he said. "I'll go right away."

I shook my head. I loved my husband, but he was so forgetful. "111 walk over to the Coopers and borrow some milk."

I grabbed a small container and walked outside. The sun was setting, shining brightly on me as a drizzle of rain fell on my face. Weather in March was so unpredictable in Western Washington. It can go from sunny to rain to snow to hail and back to sun all in a twenty minute period of time. And around sunset, you would often get rain and sun at the same time. I grabbed my jacket and walked quickly up Violet Meadows, admiring a beautiful rainbow as I walked up the street to the Coopers.

I could hear music coming from an open garage, loud drums and the metallic screeching of an electric guitar. The Bronson boy and his band were practicing. They weren't that good, but I liked to encourage Kurt. He was a nice boy, despite that absurd mohawk and lip piercing. He was always around the house, asking if he could do any chores to make some money. So, I let him clean the gutters or mow the lawn for a some money. Sean would grouse, "I can mow the lawn, Tif," or, "I'm perfectly capable of cleaning the gutters." Well, if I waited for Sean to get around to mowing the lawn on his own, we would have waist-high grass. And I so hated being a nag.

But today there was something different about the music. A beat that just seemed to flow into me, pulsing through my soul. They sounded good today. No, great. Their practice was starting to pay off. Before I even realized what was happening, I was crossing the street. It was hard to think about anything other than the music as I stood at the entrance to the garage. I had never heard music so amazing before. The music was a primal beat that pounded through me.

There were four members of Kurt's band. Kurt looked so powerful, so manly, with his mohawk and piercings and ragged, jean jacket. Not his usually, scrawny seventeen-year-old self. He had transformed in my eyes into a virile man. His eyes found mine making me feel weak in the knees. I licked my lips as he stared hungrily at me and I felt my nipples harden and my pussy moisten. Kurt was lead guitar and vocalist. Next to him stood Tor, playing rhythm guitar, with his long brown hair and ears covered in piercings. Pat was the bassist and backup-vocalist, his black hair in conical spikes. Bones played drums, a big man with a shaved head.

And then for reasons I couldn't understand, I reached under my skirt and pulled my panties down and threw them at Kurt. The music just spoke to me and it felt so right. The air was cool on my drenched pussy and more juices leaked out as Kurt grabbed my panties and inhaled my scent, smiling broadly. The other members of his band were smiling like a bunch of pleased little boys.

"What did I tell you," Kurt boasted. "Stick with me, boys, and we'll be famous and have more poon then you can shake a stick at."

They started up another song and the musical was so primal that my body responded to it. My heart was hammering, my nipples ached so hard in my bra, and my poor little pussy was itching to get laid. If Sean were here, I was pretty sure I'd jump his bones right then and there. I was getting so horny, I was looking at the teenage boys playing before me. Kurt was a hot young man, and his hair spiked up into that mohawk and those piercings on his lips were really turning me on. Thoughts of Kurt on top of me flashed through my mind. He would take me, make me his woman.

"Wow, they are amazing," Grace Copper gasped in awe. I jumped in shock, realizing she was standing next to me.

Grace was a beautiful woman with long, honey-brown hair. We were close friends. Sometimes I would babysit her three year old, Dawn, a cute little blonde girl. I blinked in surprise as Grace began unbuttoning her pants, pulling them down her slim legs. She was going to give Kurt her panties, I realized. Grace had a neatly trimmed, blonde bush and a nice ass I noticed as she threw her panties.

Then the music stopped as all the boys stared at Grace's nudity and she suddenly flushed, realizing what she did and reached for her jeans with one hand, trying to cover her sex with the other hand.

"Wait," Kurt said. "Why don't you lovely ladies be our groupies."

That was a such a great idea, I thought and I glanced at Grace and she seemed to agree with me. "Sure, Kurt," I said with a smile

I walked into the garage and Kurt grabbed me and started kissing me. I struggled in his arms and he broke the kiss. "What's wrong, Mrs. Sullivan? Groupies are supposed to fuck the band, right."

"Oh, yeah," I flushed in embarrassment. You always heard stories about girls who went backstage to be groupies, to let the band have them.

Kurt gives me the wonderful opportunity to be a grouple in his band, Satan's Silvered Tongue, and I almost blew it. Grace was doing better, sitting on the drummer's lap. Bones had his hands between her legs and was rubbing her pussy. Kurt was kissing me again and I kissed him back, the piercing on his lips rubbed roughly on my lips, excitingly so. When he broke the kiss there was a dark lust burning in his teenage eyes.

"I've been jerking off to you since I was twelve, Mrs. Sullivan," Kurt groaned. "And now I get to fuck you." He tare my blouse open, shaking his head. "We need to get you some better clothes. If you want to be a groupie for my band you needed to dress better."

"Of course, Kurt," I quickly agreed. Being a groupie for his band was the most important thing in the world to me.

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E259

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E261

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