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Sarah's submission - S01 E227

Story 1 month ago

Sarah's submission - S01 E227

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 227

Never backing down when she identified a target, she also knew how to use her sexuality to help get an edge. With both men and women. She never fucked to get what she wanted, but once the deal had been completed, she sometimes sought out her opponent and pursued them just as aggressively as she pursued the transaction.

Normally taking the dominant role in those situations, she loved to make men beg to please her. It gave her a thrill to sit on a man's face after having feverously negotiated against him in the deal. One guy she had detested for withholding information during the transaction and bragging about 'sticking' her with extra costs after the fact, she had later seduced with a weak, overwhelmed demeanor during drinks making sure he felt over-confident.

Leading him back up to her room, she blew his mind with kinky sex that ended with her donning a strap-on and fucking him in the ass on his hands and knees while she reached underneath him to jack off his cock. He called for weeks afterward begging for another date. When she told him he hadn't shown her enough appreciation for all she had done for him, he proceeded to send multiple gifts and flowers promising to do better. The satisfying revenge came with a simple text response of, "Too little too late. Fuck off and never call me again," that had a short video attached of him taking it up the ass and shooting his jizz all over the bedsheet under him. He never went up against her again, always finding a way to excuse himself out of negotiating against her.

Those first three girls had always been her favorites, but there had been so many more girls 'recruited' since that first summer. More than a dozen for sure. Sarah couldn't be certain that she even knew them all. Although she had had sex with all of the girls she knew at one point or another.

Jenny had started ensnaring Amanda before they even left for the Michigan trip, asking Amanda to babysit with her on the premise that she would take over after Jenny left for school. She had shown Amanda the cash drawer and sworn her to secrecy as she took a few dollars for herself. Given that Amanda wouldn't turn eighteen until late November, there had been no hurry to trap her too quickly.

Jenny took an extra $40 for herself and told Amanda she could do whatever she wanted once she took over the job. Sarah had watched the videos over the ensuing months and knew that Amanda started with $40, but eventually took a little more each time she babysat. By the time Mr. Michaels finally threatened to expose her, Amanda had stolen over $2,000. Since Amanda wasn't

into boys, Jenny had never suggested dressing sexy for tips to her.

So when he did finally challenge Amanda, it had come as a complete surprise.

Mr. Michaels had confided to Sarah that Amanda had been the most difficult girl to recruit and train out of all of his sluts. She had pleaded to him to let her pay him back and forget what she had done. Unlike all of the other girls in her situation, Amanda had been the only one that didn't offer her body as a solution. When the cops picked her up for questioning, she had been badly shaken and terrified she had ruined her life. Later begging Mr. Michaels to drop the prosecution, she vowed to do anything he wanted. But when he pressed her for what, she offered nothing of consequence. Amanda had called Jenny later frantic.

Jenny promised to call Mr. Michaels and do what she could for her, but told her that it was probably too late. When she called back later to say that Mr. Michaels had no solution, she floated the idea of making a sexual offer to him. Even going so far as to suggest she might have to submit to him as a sexual slave. Amanda had been aghast and told Sarah she wouldn't be a whore. And the thought of having sex with a man, let alone being submissive to one, repulsive. Jenny consoled her and said she understood, but that she felt confident that it might be the only solution to her problem.

Amanda had stewed on it for several days before showing up at Mr. Michaels house and offering herself. Her resolution continued to be tested while he extracted her prostitution offer. He had almost truly called it off several times.

And the indoctrination proved to be difficult for months. She fought him at every turn. When she tried to turn the tables on him and blackmail him, he mercilessly broke her. Sarah didn't know everything going on during that time, but didn't have much sympathy for Amanda. Nevertheless, she eventually got in line. Her symbol had ended up being a wasp, which he laughed had been his acknowledgement of her having a dangerous sting. Mr. Michaels always told Sarah it would all be a story for a different time.

Luckily, the other girls that followed all proved much more manipulatable. One of Sarah's favorites had been Kelly. All found Kelly at school. At twenty years old, she looked like a model without the usual stuck-up attitude that usually went with knockout looks. Long curly dirty blonde hair, green eyes, curvy body, perfectly shaped c-cup breasts, and long legs. Like Sarah, she came from fairly humble beginnings from the state of Alabama. She had gotten a good scholarship and had family in town who she lived with while commuting to school. Ali didn't find Kelly until the end of her freshman year. When Ali started her summer job, she asked Kelly to cover her babysitting job at times. About a month in, Ali told Kelly about her secret funding source and before the end of the summer, Kelly had pledged to be a willing submissive sex toy and her training began.

Sarah thought about girl after girl that fell into the same hard decision she had made. Maybe it was universal. Maybe his approach to make them each come up with the solution on their own led them to the same place. And yet, he always insisted that they make the offer willingly. Yes, it had been a trap, but each girl made the decision to steal and each girl offered their bodies and submission as an easy way out.

Of course, the trap didn't always work. Sarah reminded herself about Mary. Mary had been a girl that she had met at her school her freshman year. It had been just after Christmas that Sarah had Mary join her for babysitting. After getting a little drunk together, Sarah had shown Mary the cash draw and asked her if she wanted to take any money. Mary had refused. She indignantly insisted that she had been brought up believing stealing to be a sin that she wanted no part of it. Sarah had taken some money anyway hoping that Mary might change her mind.

Mary never judged Sarah for stealing, but even after a second try to tempt her, Mary declined with a smile and a shrug. Feeling guilty for failing to deliver, Sarah tried to promise Mr. Michaels that she would find some way to convince her, but Mr. Michaels had surprised her by insisting that she drop it and not pursue Mary anymore. He reminded her that the point was to find girls that willingly offered themselves to correct their misdeeds. But they had to commit the misdeeds by themselves as much as they had to offer themselves as penance.

New girls continued to come into the fold at the rate of one or two a year. Mr. Michaels became more ***********ive with each passing year and unknowing candidates were screened by him before the opportunity to steal would be revealed. But he never lacked for female companionship or visual stimulation. Sarah often wondered how he kept track of all of the recording devices he had deployed. And also wondered how many hours of video he would go through to edit the parts he kept. It seemed to be his constant hobby.

Anytime Sarah popped over to swim in the pool or soak in the hot tub there would invariably be naked girls sunbathing, walking around or having sex. He ministered over his harem like a king ruling over his subjects. With a simple command, one or more girls would jump to do anything he demanded. Any girl failing to do so got taken to the playroom and severely punished.

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E226

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E228

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