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The Love Shared - S01 E10

Story 1 month ago

The Love Shared - S01 E10

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 10

"Before you go," she said, "I for some reason feel the need to demonstrate to you exactly what FRAM is. It's better than explaining it anyway," she opened her laptop up and began typing, I got up and switched from sitting in the corner to sitting on the edge of her bed. I could now smell her, either that or I could smell the bed sheets.

'FRAM is me, obviously. But it's my online signature. I'm sure your pal Zak sent you the link to the Miss Whittle porn video? Yeah well I was the one who uploaded it."

"You what?" I said in shock. She nodded, "I found it on her computer and decided to upload it. Then all it took was to make sure it landed in front of that horny little rat's eyes. I knew he'd show you, I guess you were too drawn to Miss Whittle to notice the uploader was FRAM."

"So, you're a hacker?" I asked her, she just delivered that half smile from the corner of her mouth.

I found myself a little turned on by her, her green eyes met mine and that half smile of hers was still there. I narrowed my eyes a little and looked back at her laptop screen, I couldn't help but wonder how a fifteen year old hacker wouldn't know about some of the things her Dad was getting up to in her bedroom. I was almost compelled to say something, but her Mom appeared at her doorway severing any thought I had of saying anything.

"Mom, put some clothes on." Faye muttered, her Mom flashed me a grin as I did my best to maintain eye contact with her. Her glowing green bikini lit up her eyes like lights, she had the same green eyes as her daughter.

"I thought by now you'd be the one with your clothes off." she said to Faye, whose face was starting to go as red as hair used to be.

"So you thought you'd stop by?" Faye said back at her. "Well dear, I'm sure your moans would have warned me to turn around." she said taking a step forward and holding out her hand, "You must be Rosie's boy. I'm Pamela, It's a treat to meet you." I took her hand and gave it a little shake, "Pleasures mine. I replied.

"Oh Faye dear look at the lad trying to not stare at my body. Looks like he's a real gentleman" she said, "Much more of a gentlemen than your Daddy anyway." she finished. "Okay Mom you can go now. Faye replied.

The first mention of the Dad, and her Mother almost spat out the

term Daddy in the same way my Mother would. Maybe the Mother knew something about what was going on, maybe Faye did too. Either way I wasn't sure what was going on, whether her Dad's bedroom antics were tolerated or if they weren't.

"Well, Pamela," I began, "Fayes work needs no help from me, in fact I could probably use tutoring from her." I exclaimed. Pamela smiled as Faye delivered a "Ha, told you.'

"Well then handsome your welcome to come around any time you want. I'm sure my darling daughter would be only too happy to tutor you." she said with a suggestive smile.

"I wouldn't say no to that, I'm sure there are a lot of things she could teach me." said casting my gaze toward Faye, she returned the look and realised what was talking about.

"No problem." she said shortly. I gave a quick smile and got to my feet, "Well I'd better make a move. I'll email you later then Faye." I

told her. "Sure no problem." she replied brushing something off her bed. She closed the laptop lid and her Mother stepped to the side to

allow me to pass. "It was a pleasure meeting you, young man.' Pamela said to me. "Like wise." I replied and headed for the stairs, Faye followed me down to the door and after opening it I turned to her. We paused for a moment, "Well lets no make this awkward, speak later." she said putting a hand on the door latch.

"Agreed." I replied and walked out of the door and down the drive way. Fresh air hit me and was followed by heat from the sun.

I made my way toward my house and thought about my time in Fayes. She was more than what I thought she was, dying her hair so she could hide herself amongst the pack. I guess that's what hackers do.

But going there didn't answer any questions I had, questions about her Father. I didn't even see him there, it made me think that he might work weekends. The Nanny-cam only had a limited amount of battery, I just hoped it would catch what I wanted it to.

I entered the house and headed straight upstairs, I caught sight of Dad in the kitchen sorting himself some food and had no time for him right now. I went straight up the stairs and into the bedroom to sit at the computer.

I tapped a button on the keyboard and it awoke from sleep mode, the email page was still up and after refreshing itself I saw that I had an email from Faye already.


Just wanted to hammer you out a quick apology for my Mother.

She can be a little, too much.

Anyway, I'm not keen on teaching you how to hack. But feel free to come round and hang sometime.


Well that was a slap and a tickle, I thought to myself. I thought about replying but had the sense it might turn into an all day thing. she was certainly more interesting than Zak. And with a better figure too. I sat for a moment and got to grips with the idea of this possible friendship with her, it wasn't something I would have ever possible friendship with her, it wasn't something I would have ever predicted, but the idea started growing on me.

I had the roar of a familiar engine and looked out of my window, Mom and Bobbie were back. A smile spread across my face as Bobbie leapt out of the car carrying a shopping bag. Mom soon followed with a shopping bag of her own, it was a medium sized bad with no slogan on it. But I didn't need a slogan, I knew what store it was from. A sexy lingerie shop in town that had not long opened, I'd seen a number of adverts online for it. I'm even pretty sure we had a catalogue left at the door one day inside a similar bag.

Mom had bought some sexy underwear, and there wasn't anything I wanted to see more than her right now.

I stood in my bedroom as I heard the thundering of Bobbie's feet hitting the stairs, it wasn't long before appeared at my doorway with a big smile on her face. "Guess what I got." she said. She was swiftly followed by Morn, who followed Bobbie into my room and shoved her shopping bag underneath my bed. 'Doc don't go snooping in that bag, it's a surprise," she told me. I smiled at her and nodded my head, "Doc, guess what got." Bobbie repeated. "What did you get Bobbie?" I asked her, to which she then dropped her bag and promptly pulled her t-shirt up, exposing her lacy black and white bra.

My eyes scanned what was before me, it wasn't the traditional bra, It was the kid that an adult would wear, before they had wild and kinky sex!

'Christ Bobbie, don't you look grown up," I told her. I couldn't help but reach out and touch it, it felt silky and smooth, as well as "Padded. I said out loud.

"More comfortable for her, especially on her nipples. Which seem to be hard a lot of the time." Mom said, I silently agreed with her, having stared at her nipples numerous times. Bobbie then opened her shopping bag and pulled out a number of other bras, all in various colours. I went to pick up another and Bobble snatched it out of my hand, "Not that one, that ones special." she told me.

"What do you mean special?" asked her, she shook her head and gathered up her bras before leaving the room. "It's a little racy she really wanted it. Maybe a little too sexy but it makes her feel grown up." Mom said. "Too grown up." replied.

I then felt Mom's hand on my shoulder as she leaned in and gave me a kiss, "So how did it go with Faye?" she asked. I returned her kiss and brought my hand up to her hip, "Fine, turns out she didn't need help. Her Mothers a bit forward, but other than that, all good." I told her.

"I agree with you on that, well as long as you had fun." she said, 'And speaking of fun, I picked up a little something while we was out. It's for later, so don't you dare peek.' she told me, she kissed me again on the lips and left the room, almost taking my hand with her as it was seemingly glued to her ass.

Despite the temptation I didn't peek, I knew that the surprise would be better. Instead I decided to go and find something to eat before testing out the Nanny-cam's connection. Tonight was going to be a very interesting night, I thought to myself.

I decided that I should reply to Fayes ernail before checking in on the camera I planted earlier, I thought I'd humour her by calling her FRAM.


Your Mother was fine, and I mean that in the general sense. Having a hacker friend sounds pretty good to me, I don't have the patience to learn for myself so no worries there. Hope your Mom isn't giving you too much of a hard time.


I hit send and then immediately clicked on the Nanny-cam application that was installed, a timer came up and it seemed to be on my screen for what felt like an hour. When the screen finally connected I saw Faye led on her bed with her laptop, nothing very Interesting at all. But I knew that it worked at least.

I closed it down so's to save the battery, I really didn't know how long it would last and frankly I was surprised that the range between me and Faye wasn't a problem. But never-the-less, I was looking forward to a little night time viewing. Somewhere in the back of my mind though there was this nagging thought, telling me that her Dad wasn't there. Or that nothing was going to happen even if he was, I wasn't sure which would disappoint me more.

I sat for a moment before my bedroom door opened, Mom walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Your Dad's in the shower, so I thought I'd repay you for the other night on the couch." she said quietly.

"I thought you did that last night." I replied watching her move slowly toward me. She wasn't removing her clothes, which was a shame, but instead she slowly went down onto her knee's, and began crawling toward me, "True, but no good deed goes un- rewarded." she said.

She stopped crawling at my feet and made her up to my lap, she began rubbing my all ready erect cock and then began unfastening my pants.

"What if Bobbie comes in?" I asked her as she freed my penis. "Don't worry, I'll think of something." she assured me, and I believed her. She wasted no time in wrapping her lips around my helmet Her tongue ran up and down my shaft, and she even started Her tongue ran up and down my shaft, and she even started sucking on one of balls, one after the other. She then took them both in her mouth and it felt as though she was juggling them. It felt incredible.

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The Love Shared - S01 E09

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The Love Shared - S01 E11

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