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The Devil's Pact - S01 E253

Story 1 month ago

The Devil's Pact - S01 E253

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 253

"The Greater Good"

"Mark is wrong for you!" Alice screamed at me. She looked crazed. Even when we fought back at the hotel room, she didn't look this insane. What was wrong with her? Why had she driven up here to begin with. Just an hour ago we were fighting back in that motel room. Why couldn't she just understand that I loved Mark not her.

"You have to leave, Alice," I yelled back. I was starting to regret telling Alice that she could ignore my commands.

"Alice," Mark said calmly as he stepped up beside me. Alice's hands moved, blurring as she reaching into her purse. She pulled something small and black out. What was it? Mark continued talking, "You have to understand..."

"Gun!" 63 shouted. 63 was right, there was a gun in Alice's hand. A small gun, the perfect thing to hide in a purse. What was she doing with that, I stupidly wondered as she leveled the gun at Mark's chest

The crack of Alice's gun drove all thoughts from my mind.

Mark grunted and I looked at my fiancee and my eyes widened in horror. Blood blossomed on Mark's chest, surprise painting his face, and he was falling back. Everything was going slow, like the action scene in a comic book movie. And Alice kept squeezing the trigger, her gun barking over and over and more and more blossoms of blood sprouted on Mark's torso. Someone shouted behind me, more guns were firing, and Alice was falling backwards, her own bloody blossoms opening on her breast.

Mark hit the ground with a thud. Everything was silent.

"Mark!" This couldn't be happening. I dropped to my knees. There was so much blood, blossoming red across Mark's shirt. No, this couldn't be happening. I pushed my hands down on one of the blossoms, the blood warm and sticky. I had to stop the bleeding.

"Stay with me, Mark!" I begged, looking down at his ashen face.

His blue eyes found my face, his lips moved. He was trying to tell me something but only blood leaked out of his lips.

"Please, Mark!" I pleaded. "Help! Help!"

The bodyguards were swarming over to us, dropping down to help me put pressure on Mark's wounds, Chasity was standing nearby, shouting into her police radio. Mark's blood was warm on my hands and his eyes were closed. He was still breathing, but it was so shallow. This cannot be happening! Thamina appeared, shoving one of the guards out of her way. The Muslim slut was carrying her medical bag and she started treating Mark. She was an ER nurse, I remembered. She can save Mark.

"Ambulance is on the way, Mistress," Chasity told me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Master will be fine."

He would be fine, I lied to myself.

Thamina took a pair of scissors and quickly cut open Mark's shirt. His chest and stomach was covered in smears of bright blood. Thamina pulled out pressure bandages, ripping open the paper wrapping and deftly began patching Mark's wounds.

"Lift him up, I need to see if there are any exit wounds," she calmly ordered. How could she be so calm, Mark was dying.

No, Mark was going to be okay. If I kept telling myself that, maybe it would be true. Mark was going to be okay. Mark was going to be okay. Oh, please, let my Mark be okay. I stroked his pale face and bent down and kissed his forehead. Stay with me Mark, please, please, please stay with me.

A tear ran hot down my cheek and splashed on his forehead.

"He still lives," I said, watching Mark Glassner being worked on by the Arab woman. floated with Gabriel in the Light, watching the Mortal world. "What does the future look like, Gabriel?

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E252

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E254

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