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Sarah's submission - S01 E223

Story 1 month ago

Sarah's submission - S01 E223

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 223

"Equally," Natalie concluded.

Sarah's head bouncing back and forth between them certainly made it seem they were already taking the working together part to heart. The group went back to sunbathing. Ali and Natalie continued to snipe at one another every time one wanted to move making the other have to reposition as well. Or when they got up to get in the water.

But when Natalie told Ali she had to pee, Ali couldn't contain her annoyed groan and started another argument. Sarah hushed her and warned her that Mr. Michaels could be listening. Ali rolled her eyes to the back of her head and the two walked off to the bathroom. Making sure they were completely out of earshot, Sarah and Jenny broke out into full blown laughter. Sarah didn't know how long he would torture them, but she knew the two were in for a hell of time.

It took six days before Mr. Michaels finally released the girls from their punishment. By the last day, both girls were denying themselves nine times a day, Including during the night. Both were grouchy from lack of sleep. Their first blowjob had not gone well with them absentmindedly letting go of each other's hand, resulting in them being handcuffed for the rest afternoon. Ali also complained that Natalie had not taken her share of his spunk earning both of them more spanks and another denial per day.

By the end of the week, they worked like a well-oiled team. On the final day, they entered his house and bowed in front of him and begged his forgiveness for being unruly bitches and bad sluts. Instead of a final blowjob, he took them to the playroom. They ate each other's pussies while he watched. Even licked each other's assholes for his enjoyment. He still denied them much begged for orgasms until he strapped them each to a table and used vibrators to edge them at the same time close to insanity.

Both girls recounted how their pussies flowed like broken dams Making them look at each other, he forced them to work together to time their orgasms to be simultaneous. And he did it repeatedly. Ali had to wait for Natalie most times, but they managed to get three in sync climaxes. The three then went upstairs and he fucked each of them while they ate the other out. After watching them kiss passionately like lesbian lovers, he declared the fight officially over.

The highlight of the summer for Sarah came the second week of August about a week before the three college bound girls would head to school. Mr. Michaels took the four girls on a trip to Michigan near Sutton's Bay for a 'final fling'. He arranged everything including buying them all plane tickets. Each of the girls told their families that they had found a great deal on a little cabin for a group trip and that it would just be the four girls.

Sarah and Ali had to switch some days around at work since they were going to be gone from Wednesday through Sunday, but both companies seemed so surprisingly accommodating that it made Sarah wonder about Mr. Michaels' probable intervention. He flew in first class while the girls traveled in the cheap seats, but that only seemed appropriate. After arriving in Grand Rapids, he rented an Escalade to drive them to their northern retreat.

The 'cabin' turned out to be a luxury villa right on the water. There were six bedrooms, an indoor pool, a giant jacuzzi, a small beach and a dock with a big speed boat. The girls explored everywhere and even walked out on the big deck and down to the water. Sarah stuck her toe in the water. It felt freezing to her and she wondered if they would swim in the lake at all.

It was one of the most memorable trips of Sarah's life. During the day, they took boat rides, went hiking, swam in the pool, and even played golf one day at a local golf course. Sarah had never played, so she jumped for joy every time she just connected with the ball. Natalie proved to be just slightly less inept. Jenny and Ali had played before and had some skill. But Mr. Michaels really set the tone for the game when he had each girl insert a lush vibrator into their pussy before they started the round.

He teased the girls mercilessly throughout the game. Especially if they were trying to line up a put. Sarah came twice during the nine holes they played. Luckily the course remained empty most of the time and Sarah didn't think anyone noticed whenever the girls would react. At one point, he had all four of them going at the same time while they rode on the golf cart between holes. Sarah lost overall, so she had to give everyone an orgasm when they got back to the villa. Secretly, she didn't mind, especially giving Mr. Michaels a blowjob. She intentionally teased and edged him for a long time. The other girls watched and shouted pointers and made comments the whole time over her shoulder.

Mr. Michaels had brought them all silky camisole and babydoll sets to wear around the villa. They were sexy and low cut or loose fitting for the most part, but completely comfortable. Most of the time, any one of them might only have on a top or bottom of the set, but hanging around felt so comfortable and natural even with partial nudity.

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E222

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