Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 246
"True," I said. "Okay, I should get back in there and mingle a little. Maybe I can sway a few of them to vote for Chandler."
"Luck," Chloe said.
Leaving Chloe in the hall, I entered the break room to see it inhabited by Roger and Carla. They were chatting. No... correction, Carla was chatting at Roger while he stared at his phone. When I arrived and made my way over to the coffee bar, Carla's attention was immediately drawn to me.
"Marcus!" she called out, flashing me a beautiful smile that probably cost tens of thousands of dollars. Everything about her felt fake, but not in the typical way. Beautification was relatively affordable to all the classes, but low-cost work usually meant results that tended toward the uncanny valley. That wasn't the case for the ultra-wealthy.
The feeling of artificiality I got from Carla was so subtle that it was almost undetectable. Her firm D-cup tits were works of art that- on their own-I might not have suspected of being fake at a glance. Her smile, on its own, could have been just a result of good genes. Her perfect Greek nose, high cheekbones, or lips that were the right amount of plump could all have been excused away by hitting the genetic lottery, but all of it combined... It was too perfect. Not in the way that Tara seemed perfect. I could tell that Tara had worked to sculpt an earned physique, but there was still a natural quality to her. Carla's perfection felt purchased. It wasn't unpleasant, her unnatural perfection almost made her seem otherworldly.. angelic even. On top of that, I would have bet all my money she felt just as good as she looked.
Unfortunately, her personality shattered the Illusion. Her attempts at flirting were obvious, and the knowledge that she was out for money made her overtures even more grating.
"Hey, Carla," I said, offering her a smile.
Roger looked up at his phone and simply said, "Mr. Upton."
"Mr. VanCamp," I replied. "It was good seeing you on Friday. I'm sorry you had to leave so abruptly." The fact that he left before I could get my answers from Ashlee still rankled me, and Intrusive thoughts about flinging my coffee in his face entered my mind. That reminded me of Bobbi, and I briefly wondered what would happen if Roger was strapped to a table in the dungeon room and I gave Bobbi free rein. Or better yet... Bobbi and Helen. What would the results of that be?
"Yes," he said, looking back at his phone. "My wife was feeling under the weather."
"Your daughter, too?" I asked.
He glanced back up at me, and I could plainly see his annoyance. "Yes"
I couldn't help myself... Roger got under my skin. Besides, he didn't get a vote in the meeting, so fuck him. "It's been cloudy lately. Maybe they need another shot of vitamin D. I think I've got some at the house if they need to borrow it." It was a bad joke, but I'm not particularly gifted in that way.
It did the trick, though. I could see his irritation flare to actual anger.
He wasn't the only one who got the joke. Carla, who had just taken a sip of her cold, frothy coffee, snorted and had to use a napkin to wipe away the foam that covered her nose and mouth. She continued to giggle silently into her napkin.
"How's Barbara Nanford?" Roger asked.
"She's fine," I said, trying not to let him know that his question stung a little. It was a sensitive subject... especially after Emily.
I guess I succeeded because he stood up and said, "Excuse me... I need to make a call." I certainly hoped I hadn't pushed him to the point where he would act on one of his threats from the other night. I really needed to talk to Chloe and Henry Psalter about what it would take to have a man killed.
"What a tool," Carla whispered about five seconds after Roger left as she patted the seat beside her. Suddenly, feeling a sense of camaraderie in our shared dislike for Roger VanCamp, I took her Invitation and set my mug on the table.
"Fucking tell me about it," I said.
"So," she asked, folding her hands under her chin and looking at me intently, "Are you?"
"Am I what?" asked.
"Banging his wife? That's what I heard. Is it true?"
Jesus... people in high society loved to talk. "Who did you hear that from?"
Her eyes shining with mirth, Carla flicked a perfectly manicured finger at me. "That's a yes."
"No it's not!" said, having a hard time keeping a smile off my face.
"I've made that face before, buster. I know what it means."
"Know what means?" A masculine voice said. We looked at the entrance to see the swarthy man walk in.
At that moment, my phone buzzed, and I pulled it out. Erin had messaged to let me know that we had ten minutes left. I gave her a thumbs-up and set the device on the table,
"Oh, nothing." Carla said, her flirtatious tone dropping to something that sounded almost bored. "How are you, Rajesh?"
"Doing well, Carla. Thank you for asking." He sat down in the spot Roger vacated and held out his hand. "Rajesh Desai."
I immediately recognized the name from Chandler's lessons. Desal came from a wealthy Pakistani family that had made a name and fortune in the telecommunications industry in Southeast Asia. I Immediately decided I hated this guy. His simple introduction felt smug, and as I shook his hand, I could feel him squeeze mine a tad too hard as if he had something to prove-Grade A asshole.
"Marcus Upton," I said, taking his hand.
He started eating and asked, "How are you enjoying the life of the one percent, Mr. Upton?"
My mind immediately flooded with memories of all the things I'd done since becoming wealthy-being courted by YPV, seduced by one of the partner's wives, buying a private jet, buying most of an entire building, purchasing my old company and firing my old boss... getting revenge on Bobbi, blowing money in Vegas with a bevy of hot women by my side...
"It's been pretty cool," I replied lamely.
Rajesh looked up at me, unimpressed with my answer. "Well, when you get bored, we should talk. I'm sure we can find something interesting to do."
"Thanks," I said, "But I can't imagine I'll get bored."
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