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Sarah's submission - S01 E206

Story 2 months ago

Sarah's submission - S01 E206

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 206

"No. No. Absolutely not. I'm just wondering if we should wait for Joe. I wouldn't want him to find out and think we were going behind his back." Sarah lied. Had it not been for her new restrictions, she would have fucked Natalie in a second. On top of that, Mr. Michaels had sent a '0' that morning, frustrating Sarah even further and meant that even if she ate Natalie out, but then told Natalie that she didn't want her to reciprocate, Sarah would hurt the girl's feelings or cause more questions. Natalie still looked crestfallen and clearly worried that she has screwed things up.

Sarah moved in and rubbed her back. "Trust me. We have all summer. Let's wait until the three of us can get together properly and then we will fuck each other's brains out." Natalie looked disappointed, but hugged Sarah and agreed.

Playing up that her drink had made her tipsy, she told Natalie her 'secret' about lifting money off of Mr. Michaels when she babysat. She swore Natalie to secrecy and then took her upstairs and showed her the money stash. Natalie's eyes popped just like the previous girls and readily agreed to share in the easy profits. Sarah told her to count out $400 in smaller bills while she went to check on Billy and to make sure Mr. Michaels didn't come home early and surprise them.

They split the loot downstairs and Natalie asked a ton of questions. As expected, she suddenly understood how Sarah had been able to throw such a great prom night party. Sarah confirmed all of Natalie's suspicions and reaffirmed her confidentiality again. Whether it was the excitement of tricking another girl, or just her own sexual frustration, Sarah ended up pushed Natalie down on the couch, ripping her top and shorts off, and finger fucking Natalie through several big orgasms. Natalie wanted to return the favor, but Sarah convinced her that they had already pushed their luck with Mr. Michaels due home at any time.

Ten minutes later he arrived home. After some heavy flirting, both girls found ways to bend over in front of him making sure he got a good look at their tits. Sarah even 'accidentally' bent over enough for him to see that she had on one of the thongs he had given her under her short skirt. He tipped them generously and got big, long hugs from each of them feeling their braless breasts rub against him.

The next week continued to challenge Sarah sexually. On Friday, Mr. Michaels gave her a '6'. She spread it out throughout the day,

but each orgasm made her crave penetration all the more.

Saturday got another '5' to her small rebellious scream in the morning on top of a reminder to think about his dick in her mouth while she masturbated. She had that image in her head all day.

Her date that night with Connor proved even more aggravating. He wanted to fuck and demanded an explanation at her refusal.

"Look," she said angrily, "I'll give you a hand job or we can just call it a night. But I don't want to fuck tonight. And before you ask, no, I'm not going to blow you! It's a hand job or take care of it yourself!" He reluctantly agreed and she jerked him off in the backseat of his car. She licked the shaft and his balls, but again refused to take him in her mouth despite his begging. As payback, she edged him repeatedly, never letting him cum. She tortured his dick for twenty minutes before giving him relief. His cumshot hit the roof of the car and left huge blobs all over his stomach and chest. Sarah frowned at him and considered leaving him to clean himself up but relented and started licking up the mess.

He continued to complain like a three-year-old not getting his way. "I don't understand why we can't fuck. We always fuck. don't want just a hand job," he protested.

"Not tonight, okay?! Jesus. Leave it alone already. We'll fuck again after finals. But right now, I just don't feel like it."

He sighed and looked bored. They sat in silence stewing individually over the situation. Realistically, they didn't have a lot in common other than sex. Which suited Sarah just fine most of the time. "At least let me eat you out. How about that?"

Sarah rolled her eyes. He wasn't going to stop. "Fine. You can eat me out. But don't finger me and don't stick your tongue in me. Just lick me."

"What the fuck is going on? Why? Why are you being like this?"

"God damn it. I don't have to explain myself to you. I just don't want to do that tonight, okay? Can't you respect that? if you don't want to eat me, then don't. But if you are going to do it, then it is going to be my way. And only my way," she said firmly and stared defiantly straight into his eyes.

He stared back still totally perplexed. Eventually he conceded, "Fine. Your way" Sarah stripped off her shirt. Her butterfly necklace landed on her chest between her breasts clad in one of the pretty lacey bras Mr. Michaels had gotten for her. She had to slap Connor's hands when he pulled at it and took it off carefully. Sliding her skirt down, she revealed the matching thong underwear, sheer enough to see her pussy lips through the small front triangular panel. Having the thongs riding between her pussy lips and up her butt crack still took getting used to as compared to her old more conservative underwear, but she loved how they looked. The beauty of her undergarments went unappreciated by Connor, and he worked quickly to strip them off her.

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E205

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E207

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