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The Devil's Pact - S01 E219

Story 2 months ago

The Devil's Pact - S01 E219

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 219

As I jogged down Shaw Road, Thursday morning, my mind kept drifting to the phone call from Willow yesterday and the explosive news she delivered. Karen was pregnant. By the demon Lilith, no less. Her baby was growing fast, almost a weeks growth in a day, according to Willow. The stress of the growing child had left Karen in such a weakened state, she was barely conscious half the time.

"We thought it best to abort the embryo," Willow had explained, "and then Lilith appeared. She warned us that Karen's life was tied to the child growing inside her. If the child died, so would Karen."

It was fucking frustrating. There was nothing we could do. Since I made my Pact, I had never felt so helpless. Not even when Karen was atop me, trying to exorcise my powers. I was still able to struggle to summon Lilith. But there was absolutely nothing either Mary or I could do but wait for Karen to give birth and worry about what sort of problem the thing growing inside her would cause.

Last night, we sat for an hour with Karen and the one time she woke up she smiled at us before falling back unconscious. We instructed the hospital staff not to report her unusual pregnancy and would keep one of the sluts with her at all time. Anger was burning in my stomach as I watched my Karen lay so listless, all those machines attached to her body. Anger at Lilith and anger at myself for being so stupid.

That night, when Lilith offered to trade the secrets of magic for the simple price of fucking Karen, I didn't even hesitate. What harm could there be in letting the demon fuck her? Lilith formed a cock from her clit and told me how she was just so horny. She hadn't had a woman on her cock in centuries. I could understand that desperate need to get off in some girls snatch. All guys understood that. I didn't even occur to me that Lilith might have some ulterior plan in mind when she fucked Karen.

But she was a demon and Mary and I had learned an important

But she was a demon and Mary and I had learned an important lesson. A demon never does anything unless it benefits them in someway. They'll find a way to turn it to their advantage. Then why did the Devil give me the ability to summon Lilith in the first place. It wasn't out of kindness or sense of fair play. From what Karen told me, Warlock hadn't summoned demons or used magics in a thousand of years. The Devil wants something from me. He needs something that only I can do, something that only a Warlock give him. And the real question is, will it benefit me or bite me in the ass in the end like Lilith's simple deal has become.

I was betting on it biting me in the ass.

When Mary and I were returning from the club we saw several moving trucks arriving. Our families were following our orders and moving in. We sent the sluts to go help out and my mom guilt tripped me into carrying boxes into her new house. Mary thought it would be funny to watch and make unhelpful comments until my mom thrust a box into her arms and Mary, with a frown, was guilted into helping out as easily as I was.

By noon, our families were moved in and we were all gathered back at the house to eat the delicious egg salad sandwiches Desiree made for lunch. The sandwiches were so good, I decided to forgive Desiree for getting out of carrying boxes with the rest of us.

"Sandy, Mark and I need you to come with us, this afternoon," Mary told my mom as she wolfed down her sandwich. "We need to bond a few pilots."

At three we had an appointment with the head of HR at Alaska Airlines to screen for our pilots. We bought a Gulfstream IV from this billionaire yesterday and Mary and I agreed having our pilots bound by the Zimmah spell is the safest course. That way we didn't have to worry about a nun getting to our pilot and causing her to crash our plane with us in it

"Oh, sure," my mom answered. "I guess unpacking can wait."

"Oh, we have plenty of time," Betty said, patting my mom's wrist fondly.

Betty was Mom's....eh...girlfriend, I guess. I was having trouble wrapping my brain around my mom and Betty. For my entire life mom was a straitlaced Christian and it was surprising finding out she had been cheating on my dad with Betty Cooley for the last few years. And now that my dad was dead, and mom and Betty,

with a little nudge from Mary, had moved in together.

"We should have a bar-ba-que, Sean, my future father-in-law, suggested. "A nice, family get together once everyone gets settle in." He had Felicity, the sex slave Mary gave him, dandled on his knee, Felicity was dressed in the sluttiest, naughty schoolgirl outfit I had ever seen. Sean was a high school teacher and it looked like he was working through all those years of not molesting his students with Felicity.

"Ohh, that sounds fun." Missy chimed in. Missy was Mary's little sister, still in High School, who looked almost the spitting image of Mary. The main difference, other than age, was Missy's light, strawberry-blonde hair versus Mary's darker, auburn hair.

"Monday?" I asked Mary, thinking what we might have plans for that day.

"You did schedule those tryouts for Monday, right?" Mary asked me. After I we got home from the hospital last night, spent two hours calling police agencies in King and Thurston County to arrange for a new pool of women to draw more bodyguards from. With our families to protect and a nun lurking about, I wanted more protection.

"Yeah, we can have the bar-ba-que at Sparks Stadium and everyone can help us evaluate some new bodyguards," I said nodding.

"Sure, sounds fun," George said. George was Shannon's boyfriend.

Shannon laughed, tossing about her fiery red hair and tickled her boyfriend. "Someone just once to fuck some pretty girls."

"Well, there is one matter that we need to attend to," Mary said. "Mark and I have powerful enemies and they would use our loved ones against us."

Antsy, my little sister snorted. "Tell me about it," she muttered. The nuns had attacked us through Antsy, trying to break up Mary and myself.

"Yes, that's why we need to protect you with the Bond of Zimmah," Mary finished.

The family trooped upstairs and crowded into our bedroom. There was my mom, her girlfriend Betty, and their sex slave, Joy. And Antsy and her sex slave, Via. Then Mary's family dwarfed mine.

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E218

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