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The Love Of Money - S01 E223

Story 2 months ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E223

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 223

"From most likely to least likely," she said, pointing at each of us as she ticked off each name, "Rose-"

"Fuck, yes!" Rose said under her breath.

"Dillon, Marcus, Erin, Honey, Jessica, and Jonah."

Oohs and ahs broke out all around, and Jonah put on an expression of exaggerated disappointment.

"Girrrrrrrl," Honey said, "Dillon comes in second and Jonah's last? You need to get your head checked."

"Hey!" Dillon said, shooting Honey a dirty look, "You should be so lucky! I'm great in bed!"

"I can't help it," Kelly said, reaching out and playfully running her fingers through Dillon's shaggy hair. "It was a close call between Marcus and Dillon. Marcus is pretty and loaded, but I like my men a little goofy... and Dillon's a good-looking guy! Like, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't kick any of you out of bed, but if I had to choose, that's the list."

"I'm just glad I wasn't last," Jessica sald with a titter.

"Oh baby," Kelly said. Don't sell yourself short. With that skin and that rack, you're fucking gorgeous, and don't let anyone make you think differently!"

Jessica leaned against the back of the tub, wearing a face-splitting grin.

"God! And dimples like that? I could just eat them up," Kelly said.

Jessica looked embarrassed at the barrage of compliments, but I'd also been with her long enough to identify the unmistakable signs of arousal as she looked away from Kelly. She had this habit of running her fingers up her neck from hollow to chin and back down whenever she was getting turned on, and she was doing that now.

I absentmindedly let my fingers wander higher, up Rose's leg, until I felt the tips brush her mons. The dancer tensed in my arms and pressed her cheek even harder against mine, turning her head a little more so that her mouth was half on mine as she let out a faint whimper. Truth or Dare was often used to initiate sexual situations, and it was clear that Rose was interested in getting rid of the pretext of playing a game as quickly as possible.

"Erin!" Kelli said. "Truth or Dare!?"

"Oh, you know what I'm gonna say," Erin said. "Dare!"

"Oh good!" Kelly said, clapping her hands. "I dare you to give this cutie," she tapped Dillon on the top of the head, "a nude lap dance."

Erin cocked a brow at Kelly. "Aren't you basically asking for two dares in one? can't necessarily give him a nude lap dance if I'm wearing clothes."

"I don't think so," Kelly said. "A nude lap dance is a single action. It's not, like, my fault if you have to do some extra work to get there."

"I don't see the issue, Dillon said.

"You wouldn't," Jonah shot back dryly.

Erin took a long sip of her drink, and as she did so, she gave me a long look over the rim of her glass; her dark eyes held a single question: Are you okay with this?

My initial instinct was to shake my head no. I'd made it clear that I wasn't interested in sharing her with anyone else, but something stopped me. Would Erin go through with it if I gave her the Impression I was okay with it? Was she actually interested in fooling around with another man? When I made the stipulation, she said it was disappointing. Just how much was i restricting her? I could sleep around all I fucking wanted, evidenced by the slender black woman grinding her firm ass in my lap. Erin was limited to me and women, and she was the only one I'd made that formal deal with. Did she ever regret it?

I didn't respond to the question, and Erin's sip went on for a moment longer before she finally put the drink down, licked her lips, and said, "Who am to punish a little creativity in Truth or Dare? I'll do it."

"Great! I'll get the song ready, Kelly said, bending over the hot tub's edge to retrieve her phone. Erin cast me one more glance and then moved in front of Dillon and watched as Kelly queued up a song.

The song had a slow, melodious beat to which Erin immediately began swaying her trim hips. Her back was to me, so couldn't see her face, but Dillon sat there in front of her with an enraptured expression. Having been on the receiving end of Erin's teasing, I couldn't really blame him.

The music reminded me of that evening a handful of weeks ago,

when Erin followed me back to my hotel room and gave me a lapdance. It had the same sort of beat-slow and seductive... perfect for a lap dance, but this one had a man instead of a woman singing.

Erin raised a slender leg out of the water as her hands traveled up her body, she placed it on the edge of the submerged seat Dillon sat on, water streaming down the gentle contours of her lean thigh. Her hips swung wildly in time with a particularly harsh beat, and then repeated the motion-her arms were now over her head, hands weaving across each other in a mesmerizing, serpentine fashion. Her bronze skin clashed wonderfully with the pale pink bra and panty set she wore, and I had to wonder why the ladies even bothered wearing underwear in the tub when it was so transparent.

Suddenly, her petite frame lept out of the water as she jumped and placed the foot of her other leg on the ledge. Water splashed everywhere, reflecting the light from the lanterns and creating a lovely little illuminatory effect as droplets sprayed in all directions. Out of reflex, Dillon placed his hands on her calves as he peered between her thighs at the rest of us.

Swaying to the music, Erin lowered herself, bending her knees slowly until she finally rested on them, straddling my friend's lap. Her willowy arms followed a moment later, dropping to her chest as she mirrored Rose's move from earlier, grabbing the bar at the bottom and drawing it over her chest and head. She only did it much slower than Rose and with purposeful grace. Erin wasn't on the same level as Rose, Natashya, and Honey, but she was still insanely good for an amateur.

Dillon's eyes grew wide at what I could only imagine was the magnificent sight of Erin's firm, gravity-defying tits, and he licked his lips as his eyes fixed on them. He didn't get a chance to stare for long, though. With bra still in hand, Erin snapped it out like a whip, and the free end of it wrapped around Dillon's neck once before she caught that end in her free hand. Using the lingerie as an anchor, Erin leaned backward and away from Dillon.

"Oh shit," Dillon muttered as he quickly reached behind him to hold onto the edge of the tub, bracing himself as he was used as a makeshift anchor for my assistant's antics.

The ends of Erin's damp silver hair dipped into the tub's water as she arched her back as far as possible until she was almost parallel with the warm, bubbly surface. The muscles in her arms and shoulders were tense. Her breasts stood high in the air, and her dusky nipples were stiff.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E222

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The Love Of Money - S01 E224

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