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My Life - S01 E15

Story 2 months ago

My Life - S01 E15

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15

Summer had come and gone. It had been pretty good too. I was still cumming in my mom's mouth daily, and since I was out of school and home most days, we were usually squeezing an extra one in there, raising my average to 4+ blow jobs a day.

On top of that, my older next door neighbor, Mariola, was still paying me in oral sex whenever I helped her with things around her house. This added an extra blow job a week on average. She had even started having me titty-fuck her. They were fun to watch, and got the job done, but I still preferred a mouth. Honestly, I'm pretty sure she liked doing them more for HER enjoyment. Mariola had a thing for watching me cum on her, especially her tits, rather than swallowing. It was fine by me, her cans were huge, and it did add a little variety to my blow-job-filled-life.

Things around the house were going well, mom and dad were still doing better than before. Their sex life was as lively as ever. In fact, she usually fucked his brains out in order to put him to sleep, so she could come into my room and suck my dick to put me to sleep! My sister, Lacy, was fine, although after her being around all summer, I was ready for school to start back up.

I even got my first job this summer. It was at a clothing store at the mall, not really my cup of tea. I would've preferred some of the other places I applied to, but it was a pretty trendy store, so lots of girls my age worked and shopped there. You would think that meant that I would have gone on some dates this summer, but no.

The problem with girls my own age is that they don't 'make the move, and I'm not just talking 'sexually', they won't even say 'hi' first. Granted I've only gotten head, and it's only been from two women, my mom and Mariola, but older women don't play the games these younger girls do. So while I may be able to take charge of my mom's mouth, I still couldn't figure out how to ask a girl out.

This all changed on my last day of work. See was still in school, so once summer ended, I had to quit my job, that was my parent's rule. So today was my last day of work, the Saturday afternoon before school started on Monday.

This girl named Danielle had been a friend of mine at work. She was insanely pretty! She was as tall as me and leggy, thin, very toned, but still had a really nice ass from working out. However working out didn't give girls tits, so she was only sporting a modest B-cup.

We had been good friends all summer, we even hung out a bunch of times, and that was it. But just because never had the balls to make a move on her, didn't mean no one else did. She was the target of affection for every guy who worked there, and many customers as well. And to my surprise she always said 'yes' when she was asked out. You'd have thought that would've given me the confidence to ask her right? I mean she said yes to EVERYONE, of course she'd say yes to me, but alas I never did. Then on my last day, she stepped up and asked me out!

I figured it was just her asking me out as friends, but I would take it! She had a car already, or maybe she just borrowed her parent's, either way she drove. We went and got something to eat then went to a movie, and that was all that was planned. So I was surprised that instead of taking me home after the movie, she drove to the park, which was empty this time of night. She parked at the far end of the parking lot, which was completely empty anyways, and turned off the car.

"Adam, why didn't you ever ask me out?"

"Um... I've never really asked a girl out before, so I wasn't sure how to go about it. Plus I figured you wouldn't be interested anyways." I said shyly.

"Oh brother! All you do is ASK! What's the worst thing that could happen?? All she can do is say 'no', that's not the end of the world!"

"Ya guess so." She had a good point.

"And what made you think I wouldn't be interested? I went out with lots of guys, it's fun to go out, it doesn't mean I liked all of them, sometimes I just wanted to go out and have fun, or get laid!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Walt, you had sex with all of them?" I couldn't hide the shock.

"Not all of them, but pretty much. I like sex. I even Fucked Jeff."

"Our boss Jeff?! Isn't he like 40, and married?!"

"Ya." She grinned devilishly. "He's always been checking me out. So one night it was just the two of us closing up the store, and I asked him if he's been wanting to Fuck me, he got all nervous like it was a trap, but we did it."

"In the store?!"

"Ya, but also in his car one time. He gave me a ride home after work, and we did it in the backseat." She said this like it was no big deal. "So do you want to?"

"Want to what?" asked back, and she laughed, only I wasn't joking

"Geeze Adam, I know we're friends and everything, but you're still a guy!... Do you want to Fuck me?"


"Oh... well I guess that's my answer." She seemed hurt.

"No! It's not that don't WANT to, I mean, think you're gorgeous! But Im a virgin, and I'm not very experienced, I don't want to have an awkward first time with you..."

"Oh... so you've never done ANYTHING?"

"OH, nol I've done everything else, just not sex."

"Well then how about we do everything else then?" She said with a grin, and before I could answer she leaned in and kissed me.

She was a great kisser, and it was made better by how hot she was. To be honest, I couldn't believe this was happening. Her hands found their way to my lap and she unbuttoned my pants, then unzipped them. She reached into my boxers and pulled out my already rock hard prick. The second it was free, she pulled her lips from mine and dropped her head to my crotch. I felt her tongue flick the tip of my cock, then circle the head. Then slowly she pushed her head down, sliding her moist lips around my shaft, lower and lower until bottomed out at the back of her throat. She sat there for a moment, then went to work steadily bobbing her head up and down.

I stared down at her, God, even the back of her head was beautiful. So many times this summer my mother had sucked me off, while I closed my eyes and imagined that it was Danielle. And now here I was, and it was actually happening!

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