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My Life - S01 E02

Story 3 months ago

My Life - S01 E02

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2

When I eventually went up to bed, I didn't rush into anything, I just laid in bed thinking of stuff to get me turned on. At this point in my life I wasn't into anything special, mostly I just closed my eyes and remembered pictures from magazines that I'd gotten to see.

As a virgin, I didn't know what sex was like, so didn't have a favorite position, or know if I preferred tits or ass or whatever. I just liked the way naked women looked, and I imagined masturbating must've felt just like a women's vagina. I didn't have access to a computer in my room, so I hadn't seem much porn, I wasn't even familiar with blowjobs or hand jobs, although, a friend of mine had a girlfriend who gave him head regularly so I'd heard of them. He would describe it, and it sounded amazing, the whole thing; The way it looked to see her sucking on it, the image of her head bobbing up and down in his lap, and the way it felt to just be relaxed, sitting there not doing anything and just cumming in her mouth, no mess or anything! So when I masturbated, it was usually to an image of me laying on the bed (since that's the way I usually jerked off) with a beautiful woman kneeling at the foot of my bed sucking my dick, I never did anything, I just laid there. Well, I'd gotten pretty turned on by now, and I'd already heard my mom go into her room, so figured it was time to start.

I pulled my hidden stash out from under my bed, a pump-bottle of lotion, a towel, and a Hustler magazine from several years ago. I rarely pulled out the magazine due to the extra risk of being caught, but tonight I was going to go all out. I stood up and pulled off my boxers. I was already rock hard, so I just stood there gently stroking myself, enjoying the feeling of not being rushed. I opened the magazine to my favorite picture of a woman with huge tits, straddling a man. It was taken from his point of view and was the basis for many of my masturbatory fantasies. I set it on the bed and stood over it looking down while gripping my cock tighter and building up speed. I pumped a couple shots of lotion into my hand and smeared it all over my dick. I particularly like working the head, it's big and really gives my dick the whole "mushroom-tip" appearance.

I enjoyed getting myself close to the point of no return, and then slowing down or stopping and letting the impending orgasm subside. It was like I was teasing myself, but really I was just taking my time, and the build up always gave me a better orgasm. I laid on my bed and kicked my blankets completely off and onto the floor. I got comfy, closed my eyes and started up again. The feeling was incredible, I rarely even got to use lotion anymore, so this moist-silky feeling of my lubed up hand was a real treat! was building up a faster rhythm again, and was thinking about whether I should just go for it this time, or slow back down again and let it build back up... when my door opened and my mom walked right in.

"Hey sweetie, do you mind if I.. oh my God!"

I was completely nude, spread out in the middle of my bed with the biggest hard on I've had in weeks!

"MOM! What the fuck are you doing? Stop! Don't come in!"

But she was just starring at me, frozen from a combination of shock and embarrassment. I was reaching around for something to cover up with, but my sheets were on the floor at the foot of my bed, so I just threw the towel over my lap and sat up, leaning forward, trying to conceal my erection. Finally coming to her senses, my mom covered her face and turned around.

"I'm so sorry sweetie! didn't know! Dammit should've knocked, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, oh my God, please forgive me, I was so stupid!"

Well now my first reaction of anger turned to pity, I didn't want her to feel bad, "it's ok mom, I'm sorry I yelled like that, I'm not mad"

"Really? I honestly didn't know.

"It's fine, I just got embarrassed."

She turned back towards me and opened her eyes. "Trust me, you're not the only one who's embarrassed." She picked my blanket up and handed it to me and sat on my bed. I covered up and sat there. We smiled at each other reassuringly. "I should've known that you were doing this already, you're at that age, plus when you got that boner from rubbing up against me, that should've been a red flag that you're probably getting hard-ons and taking care of them somehow." I just nodded. "How long have you been masturbating?"

"A year, maybe a little less I suppose".

She nodded, and noticed the Hustler sitting on the bed, she picked it up before I could react, "is this what you use?" She was flipping through the pages, I just nodded, blushing. "It's ok, every guy has jerked off to one of these magazines." She looked up and me, and I grinned, awkwardly comforted knowing that she didn't think I was weird. She leaned forward with her arms open to give me a comforting hug, I leaned in, then stopped.

"Um, I'm still hard." I moved my hands away so she could see the tent my cock was making, "ill pass on the hug." I gave a little chuckle. She laughed to, but stared at my crotch for an extra moment.

She went back to thumbing through the magazine "do you have questions about any of this?" I shook my head NO instinctually, not wanting to talk to my mom about sex. "Because this isn't reality" she continued. She turned the magazine towards me, showing me a picture of a close up of a woman spreading open the lips of her vagina.

"It's not?" I replied, she had peaked my interest, and I really DID have questions.

"No, she's just trying to look exciting for the camera, vaginas don't normally look like that"

"What do they look like then?"

"Well.." She looked around, unsure how to proceed, "Well..." She stood up, reached under her nightgown, pulled her thong off, and then lifted her gown up to her bellybutton, showing me her pussy, "They look like this." She wasn't shaved bare like the girls in the magazines, but it wasn't a bush like I'd seen before either. She had hair, but it was short, like she meant it to be that way. I just stared unable to blink. She sat back on the bed, still lifting her gown, and facing me. I could feel her watching me stare at her exposed vagina, I should've been embarrassed, but I couldn't look away. "See, they shave hers completely, and she spreads the lips like that to make it look sexy".

"That's stupid, it's looks good, just like this"

"Oh hush" she covered herself, and I looked back up at her face.

"No really, that looks really nice, it looks intimidating in the pictures"

"That's because she's playing with it in the pictures"

"Oh, so you're not supposed to play with it?"

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My Life - S01 E01

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My Life - S01 E03

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