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The Medieval Marine - S01 E04

Story 18 hours ago

The Medieval Marine - S01 E04

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4


Marion was the first of the ladies to wake up the next morning, Cecilia was really not a morning person. So, she carefully got up as to not wake Cecilia, she grabbed her dress, and stepped out of the tent. Luke was up and had the fire going. He had some fresh fish cooking, but he hadn't realized that Marion was up yet. So, she stood quietly and watched him still holding her dress in her hand. The sun was just about to rise as Marion watched Luke cook the fish and boil water for drinking. Finally, she got the courage to walk over to him. As she did, she carefully laid her dress down. Now naked with nothing to hide her body she walked up behind Luke

"Good morning, Luke. I trust that you slept well last night."

"Good morning, Marion. I slept decent actually. How about you?"

That was the best that I have ever slept. Your bedding is by far the best I have ever felt."

"Thank you, Marion, Breakfast will be ready in a bit. Can you wake Cecilia up?"

"Can we talk for a bit first, please. Cecilia actually hates mornings."

"Very well then." Luke turned around and his jaw almost fell off. Marion was the very definition of a goddess. Her skin was pure white. She had about the same size breast as Cecilia, but Marion's breast were a bit firmer with smaller pink nipples. The flip side was that her nipples were much harder than Cecilia's. Luke's eyes traveled down to her stomach. It was flat, firm, and toned but not thin enough to show any bones. Traveling further south, Luke noticed that Marion's pussy was covered in sparse light blond hair. He could see her pussy lips sticking out slightly and the there was a small gap between her legs, caused by Marion's hips flaring out nicely. Her legs were long and strong, and her feet were even beautiful and Luke wasn't a foot guy. Traveling back up north, Luke also noticed that Marion had a graceful neck that seemed to be

screaming for him to nibble on.

"Well how do I look?"

"Are you sure you name isn't Aphrodite? You are by far the most beautiful woman that I have ever met, and I have met some very beautiful woman before."

Marion smiled. From the sudden heat in her cheeks, she was sure that she was blushing crimson and she felt a sticky wetness forming between her legs again. Suddenly she was moving like another person. She walked straight up to Luke, reached up to hold his cheek and pull him down so she could kiss him. Kissing himn was by far the best thing that Marion had ever felt. Her whole body felt tingly and she actually wondered if she might pass out from the pleasure. This increased when Luke carefully picked her up. Marion then wrapped her strong legs around Luke's body. She could feel his penis getting hard and this only further drove Marion's lust. She might have gone even further, but through her lust induced trance she heard the unmistakable sounds of Cecilia starting to get up. Marion and Luke let go of each other and Marion ran over to put her dress on. She got it on in record time and by the time Cecilia came out of the tent Marion was starting to eat on one of the fish that Luke had been preparing. Cecilia was clueless as to what Marion and Luke had been doing, for she just assumed that Luke would want to be with her because she was the oldest and she though the smartest. What she didn't know was that Luke was deeply attracted to intelligence and Marion had her beat badly in this department.

As the three of them ate their breakfast, Marion asked about the plans for today.

"Well first we need to check out those clothes we got yesterday to see if you two can wear any of it. One; having pants on makes it easier to fight, and two; when we start traveling it will be much easier for you two to hide the fact that you are women."

Marion immediately could see the wisdom in Luke's thinking; by hiding the fact that Marion and Cecilia were in fact women even if it was only from a distance then they wouldn't attract as much attention to themselves. It was like Luke's hunting clothes, in the woods, that she learned were colored in a pattern called camouflage. It would make them harder to spot. Cecilia of course was against the idea. She was a lady not some cross dresser, thank you very much, but when it was clear that even her sister supported Luke, Cecilia didn't have much choice. They both found men's clothes that fit them and Luke found some clothes that even

fit him. He wanted to be dressed in the same clothes as everyone

else so he didn't stand out as much. Plus, by not wearing his modern clothes, he could save them for special occasions. After the three got changed, Luke started going over the ultra-basics of self-defense. Marion threw herself into learning and she learnt fast. She had been almost raped once and she wasn't going to let that happen again if she could help it. Cecilia wasn't really that interested. The way she looked at it, it was Luke's job to protect her not for her to protect herself. After a couple of hours all three were hungry and tired. Luke got the fire going again and started fixing the last of the food that had been in the carriage. As they ate, Marion sat as close as she could to Luke while not crowding him. Eventually Cecilia excused herself to relieve herself.

"Marion, I have a question for you. Now before I ask know this, know that the question will at first sound very stupid but once I explain I promise that it will make sense and furthermore I must Insist that you never, ever tell anyone what we are about to talk about. If my secret falls into the wrong hands and used Incorrectly the destruction that will fall on the world will cast the Battle of Armageddon in the shade." Marion nodded nervously, "Ok, what year is this?"

"Why this is the year of our lord 1065. Why, and why must it remain a secret"

Luke closed his eyes, took a deep breath, held it for a second and slowly let it out. Marion was growing more concerned, she knew that Luke didn't lack anything in the bravery department and yet here he was more nervous than she had ever seen him, and she had seen him take out half a dozen thugs without breaking a sweat. Slowly opening his eyes, Luke looked directly into Marion's eyes and said flatly:

"Where I came from it was the year 2021 AD."


That's right Marion, I not only come from a different place but also from a different time and since i have a decent understanding of my history, I know what the major events that are going to happen for the next almost thousand years and if the wrong people get hold of this then they might try to make short sighted decisions that would spell disaster for them and their people."

Marion was speechless and absolutely stunned after all she had been falling in love with this man and know she felt that she didn't know him at all. Suddenly she stood up.


"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BLOODY DEVIL!! I never want to be near you again!" Luke bowed his head, accepting his fate. As Marion ran away, she didn't see that Luke was starting to cry. He had just lost the only woman that he had ever truly loved romantically and this came on top of him losing his entire family and all of his friends. He hadn't cried since he was five, but now he was crying now. Slowly he stood up and started to gather his gear up. Looking up he seen Cecilia coming back. 'Just fucking great' he thought.

"Where's Marion?" Cecilia asked. Knowing that not telling her would turn out badly, Luke decided on telling Cecilia a half-truth, he didn't trust Cecilia.

"I told her something about myself that upset her deeply."

"What, are you actually married?"

Luke smiled slightly "If it was only that small of a secret, but no, my secret can change the world forever and if it gets used wrong then the horror that would be unleashed is far beyond anything you could ever imagine."

"Then why did you tell Marion, but not me?" Now Cecilia was getting pissed for she didn't like the fact that that Luke trusted her bratty little sister and not her.

"Why, because I am finding myself falling in love with her and the last thing, I wanted was to keep my biggest secret from her.

Marion, in the meantime was stomping off. She didn't even know where she was going, for she was furious. Eventually she found herself standing in front of her father's grave. Luke had given her father his own grave and had even took the time to make a marker for him. She collapsed in front of the grave and began to weep. She was crying harder than she had ever cried before, the man that she had fallen in love with wasn't even close to the man that she had thought that he was. Finally, she stopped crying and just stared at the marker that Luke had made for her father. Luke had taken her father's sword and broke it in half. He then carved Charles's name on it and had written something else. Then he drove the handle part into the soil at her father's head. It took Marion a while to read the in*********ion. For one, it was written In an unfamiliar ********* and two her reading was just good enough to be able to slowly make her way through the bible. But eventually she was able to make sense of the writing and once

again began to cry for Luke had written:

"Here lies a proud, brave man that gave his life so that his family might live. If I, the man who buried his earthly remains, could be even a quarter of the man that this man was then I would be able to die a happy man. Go in peace now Charles of York. I promise that I will do everything in my power to continue to protect your family."

Marion knew what she had to do and she knew what she had done. She was so pissed with herself, for turning her back on Luke, that she could barely stand herself. After all, here was a man that had saved her from being raped and murdered, that had started to train her in self-defense so that if something like that ever happened again, she would be able to defend herself, and most of all here was a man that believed that women are at the very least equal to men. Sure, men are usually stronger and faster, but in mental abilities, where Luke seemed to be most interested in her, he had already stated multiple times that men and women are at least equals and, in some areas, women are for the most part far superior to men. She also knew that Luke would never hurt her and would die to protect her. Finally, she was able to stand up, she wiped her face off, turned around, and ran off to find Luke before he took off. She could only hope and pray that she wasn't too late. Of course, he might turn his back on her and she wouldn't blame him if he did, after all she had already turned her back on him once.

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The Medieval Marine - S01 E03

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The Medieval Marine - S01 E05

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