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Potential - S01 E83

Story 17 hours ago

Potential - S01 E83

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 83

His mother ran her hand down from his shoulder to his hand and held it. It seemed too close to his groin while he was wearing a towel. "That's fine," she said, "but one day you might find yourself in an embarrassing situation."

Like right now, he thought, but didn't say anything.

"Did you make Tonya happy?"

He diverted his eyes away from his mother's face, hoping to hide his reaction, then he tried to swallow, but his throat jammed.

"What, she wasn't satisfied? She seemed so pleased yesterday. Said you were the hardest worker. The hardest she's ever seen for someone your age"

What the fuck was happening? Pull yourself together, she's talking about the yard work. "She was thrilled, I mean happy, very happy.. with the yard work. Said she was going to recommend me to everybody she knows. She even has other stuff for me to do. That lie wouldn't hold up under investigation, but he needed a reason to go back Thursday.

"That's good," his mother said, then put her hand on his cheek. His heart fluttered. He wanted her to hug him. Sex was great, but he wanted more. He wanted to feel all those things he felt when he was holding somebody he loved, after sex. If he didn't get away from his mother, he was going to wrap his arms around her and squeeze her. She was right, a towel was tempting fate. 'I'm going.... going to get dressed. I'll try and remember my robe, next time." He broke for his door, ignoring whatever his mother was saying.

When Deana opened her eyes she was still short of breath, but now Rebecca was on top of her, stroking her hair. "I thought I killed you.

She caught her breath and said, "You did, think, I think I died and went to heaven." She wrapped her arms and legs around Rebecca. "I don't even have words for how good I feel."

"Might be love," Rebecca said.

She knew that but wasn't sure how to handle it. It was wonderful and terrifying, like being in love with your brother. How could it work?

"Don't do that," Rebecca said. "Don't start that now, not now."

"What, start what?"

'Analyzing, worrying and trying to see the future."

Deana tightened her legs on Rebecca's ass. There was something comforting about having someone she loved between her legs. She never wanted to have somebody she didn't love between them, again. "I'm sorry. I get confused by how strong my feelings are. I can't help thinking about what this means."

Rebecca kissed her, then said, "It means we're going to be happy and make each other feel good."

"I love you."

"I love you, too.

"Do you really, I mean the way I love you?" Deana asked. "You've had a boyfriend...boyfriends, and been in love with-

"No," Rebecca said, "I might have thought that, but I was wrong. I have never felt like this before. I like doing it with a boy, but none have ever made me feel this way. Does it bother you that I like it, like dicks?"

"It might, but I've never had one, so I can't say. I still can't believe you've never been in love."

"Have you?"

Not being able to lie to Rebecca anymore sucked. "Never mind that," Deana said. "I need to do something for you now, now that I can breathe again."

"You're good at that...diversion, but we're getting back to it later. Now, there is something you can do for me, but it might be a little, un, weird."

Deana smiled. "After what you just did to me, as long as it won't get me arrested or killed, I'll do anything if it will make you happy."

"It might make me happy, but I won't know until we try."

"Mm,' Dearna raised a brow and squinted the other eye, "mystery, I like it."

"Okay, wait here. I'll be right back." When Rebecca got to her door she turned back and said, 'Isn't it great walking around your house naked?"

"Like I would know."

"Try it, Rebecca said and walked away.

She thought about wearing a towel in her kitchen. That was the closest she'd been to walking around naked since she was a kid. She wished Evan had pulled her towel off.

When Rebecca returned, her hands were behind her back. "Stand up," she said.

"Is this going to hurt?"

'Not you," Rebecca said. "You trust me, right?"

"Of course."

"Good, tum around and relax."

Deana trusted Rebecca with her life, but she didn't like being blindfolded.

"Lift this foot," Rebecca said and touched her right foot. "Now this one, and relax, I'd never hurt you."

"I know." It was terrifying being out of control of what was happening to her, but she loved Rebecca and trusted her, so she didn't yank the blindfold off.

"Spread your feet out, Rebecca said. "You'll like this, I promise."

Whatever was going up her legs and against her crotch wasn't something she liked. "This is weird."

"It's almost ready, one more second, hold on," Rebecca sald, and something tightened around her hips and between her legs. "There, done!" Rebecca turned her around. "Just like when we played pin the tail on the donkey."

Deana felt Rebecca touch the back of her head, then the blindfold slipped from her eyes. Rebecca had that mischievous grin she was used to seeing. She looked down between them. "What the fuck!"

"I told you, I like them, Rebecca said, and reached for the dick jutting out from Deana's groin. "It's the best of both worlds, almost."

"Holy Shit, I have a cock, Deana said. "Where the hell did you get that? Shit, it's crazy, I have a dick."

"I'll explain later, Rebecca said. "I've wanted to try this ever since I found that in my mother's room. You're the only person on this planet that I'd let do this to me. I want you to fuck me, really fuck me senseless. Can you, can you do that for me?"

"Your mother's room? What the hell does your mother have a strap- on for?"

"Strap-on, ooh, you even know what it's called. Do you have experience with one?"

"Nice try," Deana said. "Why would your mother have one?"

'Got me,' Rebecca shrugged, "but I'm glad she does. How do you wanna do me first?"

"Do you? I have no idea how to do you. I've never even had sex," Deana said. "It's pretty big."

"Is it bigger than Evari's?" Rebecca asked.


The amount of time it took her to form an answer gave her away, she saw it on Rebecca's face, so she told the truth. "No, not even close.

"Really?" Rebecca's eyes widened. "How do you know? Your foot through his pants couldn't tell you that, not for sure, and you seem to know for sure.'

"Let's get back to that later. I'm getting pretty excited about fucking your brains out. If you have any."

"Hey, don't forget I can kick your ass if need to."

Rebecca was three inches shorter and twenty pounds lighter than her, but every inch of her body was toned and strong. She hoped she would never have to get her ass kicked by Rebecca. "You want to lay down or bend over?" She wanted to get behind Rebecca and reenact what happened in the shower, except she wouldn't miss.

"Doggy style," Rebecca said. "That's my fantasy, my first fantasy, that is.

"You have a bunch, don't you?" Too bad one of them isn't you helping me with Evan.

"Plenty," Rebecca sald. "We won't get to all of them in one summer.

"Be fun trying."

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