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The Love Of Money - S01 E136

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The Love Of Money - S01 E136

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 136

"I didn't," she said. "Vikram arranged it. You told me to ask him...

I wracked my brain, going back over the conversation I had with my sister, and remembered saying something about Vikram arranging it. I'd meant access to the apartment, but now that I thought about it, Erin and Helen had been fooling around while I was on the phone with Emily, and I might have missed some of what she had been saying. This was on me.

I shook my head and said, "Hey, you know what? I'm glad you're here. This is going to be great."

Emily didn't look convinced. "Are you sure? I feel really bad! I'm going to ruin your trip!"

"Absolutely not! Chloe," said, turning to my bodyguard, "If my sister tries to leave the plane, shoot her."

That got a rare chuckle out of the ex-CIA agent. "No problem, Mr. Upton," she said as she moved past me toward the back of the plane.

"Really?" Emily said, joy replacing some of her distress.

"Of course!"

"Oh good!" Erin exclaimed, circling me to hug Emily. "Girl, this is going to be so much fun! Here... come with me. I want to talk to you real quick and then I've got a surprise for you."

She grabbed Emily by the hand and dragged her out of her chair.

"Um... okay," Emily said with a laugh. She paused beside me and gave me a peck on the cheek. Thanks, M. I'm grateful for letting me tag along. She glanced at Natashya and back at me. "Have fun!" Then she disappeared.

I plopped down in Emily's seat, placed a hand over my eyes and let out a long sigh. This was perfect. The only thing that made me okay with bringing Ashley to Las Vegas was Erin's assurance that Natashya would be completely happy with the arrangement. Erin even suggested getting Natashya to help. However, Emily being here complicated things even further.

I'd wanted to get away and spend the week with two of the most beautiful women in my life. Doing that with Ashlee around was going to be hard enough, but the last thing I wanted was to have my sister catch me slutting around with a small harem. I wanted to keep that part of my life separate from my family. Now that I thought about it, letting her use my apartment while Bobbi was there wasn't the best idea. Still... this was going to be a balancing act that would turn this entire trip into a stressful eighties rom- com.

"Something the matter?" Natashya asked.

"You could say that," I said as looked up at her from between my fingers. I dropped my hand and gave her a weak smile.

Natashya looked at me with concern. "Don't you like your sister? She seems sweet."

"Oh, she is," said. "It's just a little weird bringing her along, considering what this is."

"And what is this?" Natashya asked, teasing me with a coy smile.

"You know exactly what this is," I said, giving her a faux- threatening look.

"Nights out on the town with a beautiful woman on each arm? Dancing, drinks, gambling, and filthy threesomes after we're all tired of the nightlife?"

"Something like that," I said. "Unfortunately, there's a complication."

I spent the next few minutes explaining the situation with Ashlee. I told her about Cartwright confronting me in the restroom of the Strange Mudd, and how Ashlee had been caught meeting with him the day I had been robbed. Natashya started off listening while reclining in her seat, but by the time I had finished, she was leaning forward with disbelief painted all over her face.

"And you invited Ashlee along because you want to use your wiles to get information out of her," she said, guessing where I was going with this. She was a smart girl.

I nodded. "That's basically it."

She glanced out the window and asked, "What does she look like?"

"It's strange, "I said. "She's actually hot, but she also has this cute girl-next-door thing going, and the way she talks... she has a princess complex."

"Does she have brown hair and light skin?"

"Yeah," I said.

Natashya looked back at me. "Then she's outside watching a man get her bags out of a car right now."

"Shit! She's here?" I said.

I should make myself scarce," Natashya said, standing up. "If she's as jealous as you say, she may not like seeing me as soon as she walks on the plane."

"Fuck," I said, standing up with her, "I'm sorry Natashya. I didn't mean-"

Natashya placed a finger on my lips, cutting me off. She Immediately followed it up by leaning into me to give me a quick kiss.

"No need for an apology," she said with a bright smile. "Playing spy with you will be fun. But... I don't come cheap. She reached down and caressed my cock through my pants. "Just because your little princess and sister are on this trip doesn't mean you're excused from putting this in me."

"Believe me," I said, "the first chance I get."

"Good. Now, I'm going to go before she catches me. You should meet her at the door."

Natasha and I parted ways and I headed back to the plane entrance just in time to catch Ashlee as she ascended the stairs. Despite my reservations about Ashlee, she looked magnificent in a short cream skirt and matching loose blouse that hung gracefully off her shoulders. Her dark brown hair was layered and blowing in the gentle breeze as she ascended the stairs. She looked up as she reached the last few and her green eyes immediately found mine, and her face lit up.

"Marcus!" she squealed and threw her coat down on the floor next to me as she threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and plastering her body on mine. I stumbled back a couple of steps then caught myself, wrapping my arms around her and giving her a tight hug. Over my shoulder I saw Chloe step past the newcomer and back into the room, smirking at me as we exchanged looks. I was starting to get a little annoyed at how amused Chloe was at everything happening to me. I know a lot of it was my own doing but goddamn... as much as I paid her, you would think she would show a little more discretion in the looks she threw me.

To Be Continued...

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