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The devil's pact - S01 E39

Story 3 days ago

The devil's pact - S01 E39

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 39

He took Mary's hand and raised it up and kissed the back of her hand, like an old-fashioned gentlemen. Then he shook my hand, "Good to see you again, Mark Glassner. The boys and I downstairs love what you're doing"

"T-thanks," I stammered.

"What can I do for you, Mary Sullivan?" the Devil asked.

Mary swallowed, and, with more confidence than I had two nights ago, said, "I want three wishes in exchange for my soul."

"Of course, I would be more than happy too," the Devil replied in his friendly, relaxing manner.

"My first wish is for Mark and I to stay young, healthy, and beautiful for as long as Mark lives." I blinked in surprise. My first wish had been for a long a healthy life. Mary was smart enough to get the same thing, plus she would get to stay young and beautiful as well. Actually, we both would. I smiled at her, she was a smart cookie.

The devil chuckled. "Very well. All though Mark isn't that beautiful."

Mary giggled. "Oh, I don't know. He has a certain charm about him." Mary hugged me a little tighter. "For my second wish, I want Mark and I to love each other unconditionally for eternity." Mary looked hesitantly at me, afraid would object. I didn't. I had made her love me originally. It was only fair that she made sure that I would never leave her. This must be why she wanted to make a deal. "For my final wish, I..." Mary paused, blushing beet red, "... I want other women to desire me and, um, not to resist my sexual advances."

"All right," the devil said. There was understanding in the Devil's eyes, not judgment.

"Naughty filly," I whispered and kissed her forehead.

There was a flash of scarlet light and yellow smoke and a contract appeared in the Devil's hand. An acrid reek of brimstone filled the air. "Look it over," he sald, handing the contract to Mary.

Mary read the contract then nodded her head. The Devil pricked her finger with an old fashioned, black fountain pen. She signed in her own blood, then the Devil signed in his blood. He rolled up the contract. "Any questions, Mary?" She shook her head.

There was an awkward pause, and then the Devil looked over at me, a considering look on his face. I felt like a hunk of meat and I tightened my arms about Mary. Finally, the Devil pulled a small, red crystal out of his pocket and held it up. The gem glinted with its own fire, bathing all three of us in scarlet light.

"If you are ever in trouble, hold this crystal and say 'Lilith, appear before me, the Devil instructed.

I gingerly held out my hand and he dropped it in. "Why would I ..." I started to ask, but the Devil was gone, vanishing into the shadows. I stared at the gem and looked at Mary, worried. "Why would I need this?"

Mary closed my hand about the gem, her hand warm on mine, and smiled reassuringly at me. "I don't know, but we'll face it together."

I watched the mortals drive off from the shadows and glared at Lucifer. "Why did you give him my name!"

"I like him, Lilith," Lucifer answered. He was still wearing that ridiculous, black suit.

"But why my name!" I demanded. "If you want to give gifts to your pets, leave me out! Why not Asherah! She loves slutting around with mortals, with men. Or Chemosh. It's been centuries since he's rampaged about the world."

The Opposition already has his scent," Lucifer answered. "A Magdalenite Nun is on her way."

"So?" I asked, what did I care if some Warlock was stupid enough to attract the Oppositioni's attention.

Lucifer grinned at me. "Like I said, I like him."

To be continued....

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E38

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