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Potential - S01 E79

Story 6 days ago

Potential - S01 E79

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 79

Evan wasn't happy to see Deana's room empty. He had come home prepared to tell her they had to stop, had to make things right between them, again. Thanks to Miss Tonya, he'd be able to think with his head, the right one. After what happened the night before, how could Deana not be home waiting for him? Where was she?

He'd have to ask Gloria because he wasn't ready to see his mother. She might not know he fucked Miss Tonya, but she would see something on his face, she always knew when something was up. He went to Gloria's room. When he opened the door, Gloria's head spun toward him. "Hey, you're supposed to knock." She flipped her sketch pad shut and turned it over, then she got up from her desk. "I could have been naked or something!"

Of all the things she could have said, that was the last thing he wanted to hear. Thanks, Jayda. "Sorry."

"Don't let it happen again."

He rarely knocked, so why was she suddenly making a big deal about it? He pictured Jayda in her room, sitting on some girl's face. His sister was right, he needed to knock, even though he knew Gloria wasn't worried about him seeing her sitting on a girl's face. What was she hiding? "Knock-knock, can I come it?"


"Where's Deana?"

"She's at Rebecca's," Gloria said. "She's spending the night."

That sucked. Tomorrow he'd be with Cindy at the race track and Thursday he'd have to go back to Miss Tonya's. That was going to be weird. "What are you drawing?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said.

"It's something and it's something you don't want me to see."

"It's not finished."

"So, I'm your biggest fan," he said. "Give me a sneak preview."

"I don't think you'll like it."

"How will I know without seeing it?"

"I'd rather not show anybody."

"I'm not anybody, and now I really want to see it."

Gloria sat on the desk, on top of her pad. "No, you can't," she said. "It's a secret."

"It's a secret, I won't like it, it's not done, which is it?"

She crossed her arms over her chest. "If I do, what are you gonna give me?"

"Anything you want," he said.


"Yup, if it's possible. I can't give you a million dollars or anything like that."

"Okay, you promise?" she said, and held out her pinky finger.

They locked fingers. "I promise. What do you want?"

"I'm not sure now, I'll tell you later. If I show you, you can't laugh and you can't tell anybody, not even Deana. Promise?"

This had to be something good if Deana couldn't see it. "Yeah, yeah, just get your butt up and let me see."

Gloria sat in her chair and Evan got on one knee beside her with his elbow on the desk. She lifted the cover half an inch, then closed it. "Don't laugh."

Evan didn't laugh or say anything. The drawing was of a female warrior with her feet widely planted and her arms above her head, wielding a large club. She was wearing boots that went up to her knees, and nothing else.

"Don't you like it," Gloria said.

Huge tits hung over six pack abs. A mat of hair formed a neat triangle above pussy lips that bulged between her legs. The definition was incredible and arousing. He loved it, but didn't want to admit it. "Ah, she's nude," he said.


Your imagination is incredible. Is that you when you grow up?"

"Fat chance.

If he could draw, and he was drawing what he imagined his mother looked like naked, that would be it. "You might be surprised. Got anymore? Did asking make him sound like a pervert?


"Right" He grabbed the pad.

Gloria's cheeks flushed as he turned the page. The next page had the same woman again, except now she was wearing a spiked bikini top that formed her tits into pointy cones. The club was at her side. Still naked below the waist, her legs were cut with bulging muscles. He was afraid to turned the page again, but he did anyway. His breath caught in his throat. The woman was naked again except now she was on her hands and knees. A large musclebound guy was standing behind her with a massive erection jutting out from his groin. The detail suggested Gloria had studied the real thing very carefully. "Gloria, jeez- What the hell was he supposed to say? "I hope you have a good hiding spot for this pad. If dad ever sees it-"

"I'm not stupid, Gloria said.

"Good," he said. "How, um, how do you Oh never mind." He didn't want to know anymore than he already knew. "You're incredibly talented. You should consider a career in graphic design for video games, but I think you'll have to learn to draw more clothes."

"I know how to draw clothes, but-"

"Never mind, I gotta take a shower."

"Yeah, you do," she said. "You smell weird, kinda like nuts or something."

Almonds and sex, he thought, and headed for the bathroom.

Darlene wasn't a normal high school girl. Her tits pressed against Jasori's chest. He stared at her luscious lips. Her pink tongue wet them as they moved towards his. He put his arms around her lower back and she pressed her mouth to his.

Jason never knew kissing could be so erotic, but Darlene was showing him. If she could make him want to cum with a kiss, what the hell would happen if she got those lips around his cock?

Darlene's fingernails dragged from his shoulders down to the towel. He shivered when a coolness swept his freshly shaved balls. His freed dick lifted and brushed silky smooth skin. "Oh, my, is that what think it is?" She stepped back. "Ooh, it is and it looks happy to see me."

Was it all scripted from her dream or was she ad-libbing? Darlene grabbed his cock with both hands and tugged on it, then stepped in and started kissing him again, still pulling on his dick. "It's growing, she said.

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