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Sold to the ruthless sex master - S01 E28

Story 7 months ago

Sold to the ruthless sex master - S01 E28

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28

Lucian Pov

She turned to the window side immediately we entered the car, there’s something off about her, she look so dull and maybe sad.

“Lily, are you okay?” I asked tou-ching her w@!st and she turn to me.

“I’m fine sir” She replied mopping her eyes and I sighed.
Soon, we got home, the driver opened the door for her and she walk inside without waiting for me.

“Wait”I said in a cold tone immediately I got to the room and she st©pped on her tracks.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked gr-abbing her hands,she turn to me and I was quite surprised to see her face so red and swollen.


“You can’t tell me you’re fine when your face is like this?” I cut her off and she sniffed.

“I met my mom today”

“What’s up about her”

Lily Pov

I took time explaining everything to him and ended up bur-sting into tears,he sighed and clean my eyes slowly.

“It’s fine,st©p crying” She pacified me and I nodded.

He lift my chin up and slowly,he press hisl-ips into mine and I g@sp in shock.

He k!ssme so pas-sionately ru-bbing my ba-re back slowly.

I m0@n into the k!ssand di-p my hand into his hair, after a while,he unlock from the k!ssand I drop my head shyly.

“Feeling good now?” He asked with a smile and I nodded.

I can’t believe he k!$$£d me again,


The crazy feeling I felt the first time we k!$$£d c@m£ alive again.

I wish he can repeat it every time.

“Y….Yes,thank you sir” I stuttered and he nodded.

He left the room to the bathrooms and after a while,I heard the running of the shower.

I used that opportunity to put off my dress leaving me in the short transparent white go-wn I wore un-der it.

I couldn’t take his dress because he didn’t give me the permission yet.

I climb the be-d and use the duvet to cover my b©dy and shortly, he c@m£ out of the bathroom, I close my eyes pretentiously and I felt him climb the be-d.

He pu-ll the duvet down my b©dy and I shiver.

He brush his hand softly on my bu-tts and squee-ze it softly.

“You’re not taking a shower?” He asked and I shook my head.

“No sir, it’s cold”

He lift my dress slowly and I trembled, I feel like holding his hand begging him to let me be for tonight but I’m not bold yet to say that.

He pu-ll my p@n-ts down and raise my leg slowly a bit.

What’s he trying to do?

He move closer to me and raise my leg more higher then I felt his pene-tration.

“Lu…..cian” I stuttered and he k!ssmy ba-re back and start sli-pping in and out of me.

I don’t know what he’s doing but it’s so painful.

I clean my tears continuously as he drill the hell outta me.

He made a slight movement with his organ ma-king me scream so loud.


When will this ever st©p?

After what seems like forever, He pu-ll out of me and drop my leg carefully.

I use the duvet to cover my b©dy, I move my hands slowly to my legs and t©uçh my l@ps, my heart fell when I realized I’m bleeding.

He tried to t©uçh me but I yanked his hands away r0ûghly, I don’t know where the boldness c@m£ from but I have to do it.

He’s hurting me too much.
After the subsided, I sle-pt off.

The next morning…….

“Good morning sir”I greeted limping to the dinning and he nodded.

I place the tray on the table and dish his food.

“Dish yours, we are eating together” He said straightening his collars and I nodded.

“O….okay sir” I stuttered and dish mine as well, after dishing it, he c@m£ to the dinning and we started eating together.

My mouth felt so bitter so I was just picking on the food not knowing he noticed.

He st©pped eating for a while and stare at me intently.

“You’re picking on your food, why?” He asked and I press myl-ips together.

“I’m sorry I……”

The strong urge to puke cut me off and I limp to the bathroom to vomit.

God!, what’s wrong with me.
After vomiting, I wash my mouth and turned to leave but I met Lucian standing at the entrance.

“Sir” I called in surprise and he scoff.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked suspiciously.

“I’m fine sir, maybe it’s malaria”
“Okay, I’ll call the doctor now” He said bringing out his phone but I st©pped him.

“Don’t worry sir, I’ll be fine”
“You don’t tell me what to do”
“How many times have you vomited?” The young woman asked with a small smile.

“Just once”

“When did you have your period last?”


“Don’t worry dear, I’ll just use the PT for you, if it didn’t bring out positive results, I’ll just refer you to our hospital for proper check up”

“What’s is…….”

“Go into he bathroom and esse yourself inside a bowl, when you’re done, plea-se tell me”
“Okay” I nodded in confusion and I walk to the bathroom, my eyes met with Lucian and he had this unusual expression on his face which I don’t un-derstand.

After easing myself, I called the woman that I’m don’t, she entered the bathroom and told me to return to the room which I did.

After a while, she c@m£ out beaming with smiles and I got confused.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in confusion and she smiled.

“Congratulations dear, you’re a week pregnant”

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Sold To The Ruthless Sex Master - S01 E27

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Sold To The Ruthless Sex Master - S01 E29

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