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A sexy wife and mother - S01 E13

Story 9 months ago

A sexy wife and mother - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13

Especially if this wasn't a one-time thing as I had assumed it would be."

"I'll make another deal with you, Joey," said. "To reward you for keeping this secret, when you turn eighteen, I will spread my legs for you to fuck me. And I'm not talking about just once. As long as you are over eighteen, I'll let you fuck me whenever you want. I won't care who knows or who sees us. I don't care if you fuck me on this couch while my husband is sitting next to us watching TV. As long as you never tell anyone about anything happening between us before you turned eighteen, I'll be glad to be your cum slut. Do we have a deal?"

"Are you shitting me," Joey asked incredulously?

"Whenever I want? Really? And your husband won't beat the shit out of me, or you for that matter?"

"That's right, Joey. My husband is perfectly okay with me fucking anyone I want as long as they are over eighteen. I also let him fuck any plece of ass he can find. I guess people call it an open marriage. We prefer to just say that we love and trust each other. So, no, Jerome won't beat the shit out of either of us. He'd be more likely to join in and fill another one of my holes rather than being upset.

Joey suddenly realized that Ethan was there hearing all of this and suddenly felt uneasy. "What about you, Ethan. Would you be okay with all of this? mean, she's your mom, dude. I don't want you pissed off at me."

Ethan smiled, "It's cool, Joey. I'll probably be jealous because I can't be with her since she's my mom, but if it makes her happy and my dad's cool with it, it's really none of my business. But I'm telling you, if I hear one peep about this at school, I will beat the shit out of you."

"No worries, dude. You have my word as well. Like told your mom I'd be a fool to fuck this up. Having sex with your mother is like every guy's dream come true."

"Then that's set," I told them. "One more thing. As long as we are all cool with this then as far as I am concerned, we can treat this house as a clothing optional zone and you guys are welcome to be

naked anywhere around the house whenever you want. I'd enjoy seeing your cocks swinging around the house. And feel free to skinny dip in the pool or spa whenever you want."

Ethan, still doing a good job of playing along asked, "But mom, what about Sean? Won't he know what's going on foo?"

"I'll take care of Sean," I said. "It won't be a problem, I'm sure. I doubt he'd mind seeing me naked. Of course, it might mean I have to take care of one of his friends as well. We'll see, but it will be okay. I guess now you won't need to go up to your room to watch porn and jack off today, huh?"

"Mom," Ethan cried! "I told you we don't do that."

"I'm just yanking your chain, Ethan," I said. "But remember I said that I don't care if you do. Maybe sometime you'll invite me into your room to watch porn with you and we can all masturbate together. That sounds like fun."

"Geez, like this new mom. What did you do with my old mom and where did you come from," Ethan asked?

"I've been waiting to come out for years waiting for you and your brother to get old enough to handle it and not blab it all over the place," I told Ethan. Of course, he already knew that. It was some more theater for Joey.

"Damn," Joey said, "I wish my mom would be this cool. I mean, she's nowhere near as hot as you Jenny, but my mom is a good- looking wornan. I wouldn't mind seeing her walk around the house naked and letting me jack off on her."

"Well Joey," I said, "let's talk about that sometime. I might have some ideas of what you can do to see if your mom is receptive to this kind of thing. Now don't get your hopes up because most moms wouldn't go for it, even if they really want to. They'd be too scared of the consequences. I'll think about it and we can talk about it some other time."

The boys got dressed and went up to Ethan's room and I stayed naked and even put away my negligee. I wouldn't be needing it for a while. When Sean got home from football practice, I told him all that had gone on and he thought it was pretty funny. I told him we could do something similar with one of his buddies, if he wanted. Just thinking of having four naked teenagers around the house waving their cocks in my face had my pussy creaming. I needed

Joey to go home or Jerome to get home because I needed a hard

cock in my pussy so badly.

That night, I did get fucked really well by my three lovers. Between Jerome's stamina and my sons' youthfulness, I had at least two hard cocks at my disposal, and sometimes all three, most of the night.

I was loving my new life and so was Jerome and the boys. We were all naked almost all of the time at home. I slept in each boy's bed at least one night a week, most weeks, and sometimes one of the boys would come into our bedroom and spend the night with Jerome and me.

Both boys were turning into quite good lovers. Ethan was still the more adventurous of the two but Sean eventually found that licking cum out of my pussy was fun and didn't taste bad and even started giving head to Ethan and Jerome. I loved watching my guys sucking each other's cocks, taking a load of cum in their mouth's and then sharing the snowballs with me.

Sean was dating and would tell us about a new girl he liked a lot and was seeing quite often. He was taking it slowly with her sexually and thought she was about ready to go all the way. One day, I got a call from Sean after school.

"Hey, mom," Sean said. "I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be bringing Ashley home with me in a bit."

"Oh, that's great, Sean," I replied. "When you get here, bring her in and introduce me. If you don't mind, I'm going to stay naked and maybe that will get her to relax for you. Will you let me talk to her for a little bit before you guys go to your room? I'd like to just kind of let her know about our lifestyle and assure her that she'll be in a

safe environment. What do you think?"

"Well, really, mom," Sean asked? "I don't want to scare her off, though."

"It's up to you, Sean," said, "but I just want to make sure she understands that you guys will be in a safe place and not have to worry about being interrupted or anything. I want her to be able to relax when she's with you and not be worried that you guys need to be quiet and be hidden. Do you trust me, Sean?"

"Of course, trust you, mom," Sean replied. "If you really think it will help, then let's give it a try. I really like Ashley and I haven't pressured her at all for sex so want her to be relaxed."

"Okay. Just bring her to me and then go to your room so can talk privately with her for a few minutes and then I'll send her up to your room."

"All right, mom. See you in a few, Sean said.

I settled down on the couch sipping a glass of wine and waited for them to get home. About fifteen minutes later, I heard the front door opening as Sean and Ashley came in. Sean showed Ashley into the living room to make the introductions.

"Ashley, this is my mom," Sean said.

Ashley stood their dumbfounded and stared at me. "I'm sorry," she said, "but why are you naked?"

"Come here, Ashley and sit down. Let's have a little chat. There are some things I would like to tell you," I said to her.

Ashley sat down on the far end of the couch looking nervous. She was a cute girl with shoulder-length auburn hair. She had beautiful, sparkling green eyes. She was very slim with small breasts, maybe a small b-cup but they were proportionate to her slim body. She had what looked to be a runner's legs or maybe that of a gymnast They were fairly slim but had well-defined muscles. She wore a tank top and a short skirt. Because she was a bit nervous, she had her legs pressed tightly together.

"Ashley," I said, "as you can probably see, we are a very open and, perhaps, unusual family. We consider our house to be a clothing- optional zone. We rarely wear clothes around the house and we encourage our guests to feel free to be naked as well. But, as I said, it's optional. You are free to wear as much or as few clothes as you like anywhere in our home or our backyard. We also consider our home to be sexually free. That is, consensual sex is allowed anywhere in our home or backyard at any time. But what you really need to understand is that this house is a safe place. Absolutely no one here will ever touch you in a sexual manner without your specific permission regardless of your state of dress. It also means that if you and Sean wanted to get sexual right here on this couch while I was here watching television, it would be perfectly all right. Any questions so far?"

"No, I guess not," Ashley replied. "This is all very interesting. I've never been in an environment like this, so I don't really know what to think."

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A Sexy Wife And Mother - S01 E12

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A Sexy Wife And Mother - S01 E14

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