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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E56

Story 7 months ago 3

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E56

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 56

Four years later.
Things moved pretty fast for Reagan and Pink. They got married three years ago and they alre-ady have two kids, twins, a boy and a girl.
Pink is currently pregnant with another boy. Let’s say 4 months pregnant.
Prince Reagan ascended the throne after much urging and convincing from Pink and King Steven last year.
King Steven had fallen seriously ill and was afraid of people noticing it so he begged Reagan to take over.
Being the king was entirely different from being a prince. Being a prince was much more easier as he got to explore the world, travel at most times and go into public places more but being a king kept him tied up at the palace.
Although King Reagan is happy, well, mostly because he is with his lovely family who he can’t spend more that 20 hours without seeing them.
Pink of course had to abandon working as a lawyer to be a queen. But Derek is still at America modeling for the t©p fashion companies.
King Reagan even made him the face of all their family companies. Although staying ap@rt from his sister was ha-rd for Derek considering the fact that they always stick together but he had to let Pink go when she gave birth to his niece and nephew.
And about his love life, let’s say another Tess is trying ha-rd to make him fall for her but it seems pretty difficult.
Simon and Lilian are now married with a girl child while Ethan is currently d@t!nga lady at his working place.
Letting go of Pink was of course ha-rd for him, he made it look pretty simple but it was extremely difficult for him. But over the years, his feelings for her melted away.
Now formal king Steven is currently away in an island. Turns out he faked his sickness to make Reagan take the throne by f0rç£. The years he ruled were pretty ha-rd on him, he kept cussing and blaming both Reagan and Michael for running away so he took it out on Reagan when he returned back to Thailand.
As for Prince Micheal, he remained far away from Thailand with his wife. Although he constantly contacts his siblings some times, he was happy being a free man. Something he craved since he c@m£ into the world.
Everytime Pink stares at her lovely husband, the king. She couldn’t help but count herself so blessed, so lucky.
She was nothing but a mere S-x worker. But he picked her up and turned her into a queen.
So unfortunately guys, this will be my last story on facebook.
I have a whole lot of reasons why I am st©pping here. The basic one is my health condition. I was told to reduce the number of stories I write, because writing stories deals with a lot of br@in work and I’ve been having this health issues relating to too much br@in work since last year. I don’t wanna go into full details.
The second reason is because of those idiotic bloggers that steals my stories. They steal it and post it in their blogs to make money.
You can check out Narialand, clvstergist and so on.
When you ask them to bring down your story, they won’t listen to you. They will just keep stealing your story and ma-king money out of them.
I can’t take that $h!t anymore. My ha-rd work being stolen by someone who I don’t even know. Stealing and ma-king money out of it.
One of the lesser reasons remains those disobe-dient ghost re-aders but I’m not even bothered about them at all.
Facebook story stealers are more of the reasons too.
At the junction tho, I will love to thank and thank all my active fans. All those fans that has been ma-king me happy whenever I wanna start writing any chapter of my story.
I’m so grateful to y’all. The good Lord will keep on blessing you all. I know you don’t pay me to write stories for you but the mere encouragement I get is one of the reasons I lasted this long on Facebook dispite all the frustration from story stealers.
Note; I didn’t say I will st©p write stories, I’m only reducing my work load so I will last long on earth.
Thanks once again to all my faithful fans. You can keep on following me up on my personal facebook account. Who knows, I might just come back to facebook tomorrow?
I’ll post my Facebook link above this post immediately.
Thanks and thanks once again. And plea-se the new person taking over this page will start writing her story tomorrow, plea-se follow her up, re-ad her story. Don’t disappear on her plea-se. re-ad and encourage her to do more.
Thanks for the last time. Love you.❤❤

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