Sold to the ruthless sex master - S01 E18
Sold to the ruthless sex master - S01 E18
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18
Lily Pov
I cleaned the tray well before placing the plates on the table, after being sure I left nothing behind, I proceeded to his room.
I got there and knock softly on the door.
“Who’s there?” Lucian asked and I scoffed.
Like he doesn’t know I’m the only one entitled to enter his room except when he s£nd for his guards.
“Lily sir”
“Okay come in” He replied and I opened the door carefully before walking into the room, I met sp©t a guy sitting on the chair at the far end of the room.
I think he’s the visitor the maids have been talking about.
He look so richly dress and handsome but not as handsome as Lucian.
“Good evening sirs” I greeted bowing my head and he smiled at me.
“Evening young lady,how are you doing?”
“I’m fine, thanks sir” I replied with a smile and he nodded.
I went ahead to drop the food and was about to go when Lucian entered the room.
He look so ethereal in his white shi-t and shorts, he had a white blue tooth connected to his ear.
“Good evening Master”I greeted and he nodded.
I pave way for him as he walk pas-s me,I was about to go but he st©pped me.
“Stay at the dinning, I’ll join you shortly” He said coldly not looking at me and I nodded.
I saunter to the dining and took my seat, The guy rush to Lucian and he whispered something to his ear.
Lucian scoffed and stare at me keenly and I quic-kly took my eyes as the guy keep talking to him.
“She’s not someone you can t©uçh Daniel or else I’d cut off your ba-lls” He threaten and the guy withdrew immediately.
What are they talking about?
Or is he referring to me?
Oh no!
Don’t feel to special Lily ,I’m just his slave,he can’t defend me like that.
“Fine, as your lordsh!pplea-se” He said dramatically and join me at the dinning but Lucian didn’t react as if he’s talking to him.
“What do we have here?”
“Rice and beef stew”
“Wow!” He mouthed as he opened the covers.
“I’m sure this will be so delicious, Dish it”
“Okay sir” I nodded and serve him, he started eating in earnest.
Lucian left the room again to the balcony and keep receiving calls while the guy keep eating.
“You’re such a good cook”He comments and I blus-h.
“Thanks sir” This guy is so nice,I wonder who he’s to Lucian,he seems so free around him.
When he’s done eating, he left the room for an online business meeting just like he said leaving me all alone in the room.
I remained standing and after what seems like a year, Lucian returned back to the room and sat on the be-d busy with his phone.
“Sir, your food……..”
“Go eat yours Lily, I’ll eat mine later” He cuts me off and I nodded.
I served a very small portion for myself and start eating in earnest.
When I’m done eating, I clear the dirty plates and returned it to the kitchen before going back to the room again.
I climb the be-d slowly and was about to lie down but he gr@bb£d me r0ûghly ma-king me g@sp in fear.
He lower his head down to the crook of my n£¢k and li-ck it slowly.
“Mas……ter” I stuttered almost in plea-sure mixed with surprise, anxiety and fear.
He place me carefully on the be-d and c@m£ on t©p of me, I thought he was moving his head to crook of my n£¢k but my li….
He k!$$£d me!
My eyes wi-den I’m shock as he slide his ton-gue in and out of me so slowly and pas-sionately.
Hisl-ips tasted so delicious like strawberry, I was so lost in the k!ssand I didn’t know he’s un-bu-ttoning my shi-t alre-ady until he have to re-move it, I raise my hand and he pu-ll it off above my head.
He move his hand slowly to my back and un-hook my br@ ma-king my br£@st bounce out fully.
I feel so shy like it’s my first time being n-ked around him.
Afterwards, He re-move my p@n-ties and resume k!ss!ngme again not knowing he is unbuckling his shorts alre-ady.
When I realized, I gr!pp£dhim more ti-ghter in fear and he sighed .
“I won’t hurt you” He as-sured me and I nodded, a tear sli-pped out of my eyes and he lean closer to me to k!ssit.
He wra-p my legs around his w@!st and pene-trateinto my so gently, a scream escape myl-ips as his hvge organ tear my v ap@rt ma-king it so wi-de so as to accommod@t£ him.
After pushing his whole length in, he start moving in and out of me slowly , I grip him more ti-ghter as his organ made slight movement in me.
“Ahhhhh….Master” I m0@n ed out and he increase his pace a little.
He rode in and out of me and after a while, he pu-ll-ed out.
I though it was over but he raised my legs up to my face ma-king my v face heaven.
He made me wra-p my hand around my legs, he held my w@!st and push himself into my again.
He rode me more r0ûghly this time around but I felt lesser pains.
Our m0@n s c@m£ in rhythm as we almost reach cli-max, after a long time, he pu-ll out of me and I re-leased my legs slowly.
“Ahhh!” I cried out in both pains and plea-sure, i turned to the other side of the be-d and he use the duvet to cover my b©dy before turning me to his side, he place my head on his che-st and k!ssmy hair.
I close my eyes pretentiously and after a while I sle-pt off.
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