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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E37

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E37

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 37

(Royal adviser)

Writer’s P O V

“So I heard you c@m£ back with a mistress.” The king said surprising Prince Reagan.
“Um…kinda of,” Prince Reagan shrugged wearily of what he is going to say next.

“Why did you get a mistress? Isn’t your wife enough for you?” The king asked.

The question brou-ght another question into prince Reagan’s head.

Why did you marry my mom after having a queen? The question was at the ti-p of his ton-gue to ask but he withheld himself.

“So, where did you pick her up from?” The king asked, his tone screaming knowledge.

It was as if he alre-ady knew the answer to that but just decided to ask.

“From London,” Prince Reagan answered and the king shook his head.

Prince Reagan kept staring at him, expecting to ask his next question but the king didn’t ask about pink again.

Something is wrong, prince Reagan thought feeling uneasy.

“So, I got this info that your flir-ty pictures are all over the net. Why aren’t you taking those pictures down yet?” The king asked, jumping into another t©pic.

“I…I haven’t seen those pictures,” prince Reagan lied.
The king nodded his head, not adding another word to the t©pic. It got prince Reagan feeling more uneasy.

He knows his father, even tho he doesn’t know him to the core. He knows that the king might have investigated the situation first and found out something that doesn’t nee-d to get out.

Prince Reagan walked out from the room, bu-mping into the king’s adviser who was rushing in to see the king.

“Oh, so sorry my prince,” the old man apologized for not seeing prince Reagan earlier and almost bu-mping into him. Prince Reagan just nodded at him.

He started walking out from the palace but bu-mped into the last person he wanted to see, his elder brother Marcus. The crown prince.

‘Oh, look at who we have here.” The crown prince chuckled st©pping to stare at his youngest brother.

“So long Reagan, isn’t it?” Crown prince Marcus chuckled again.

Prince Reagan just remained muted.

“So, what brings you here little brother?” Prince Marcus asked.
“The king called,” Prince Reagan mouthed.

“I nee-d to leave,” he added and made to walk past him but Marcus’s voice halted his steps.
“So, I didn’t see you at my wedding anniversary. Why are you still avoiding me even up till now?” Prince Marcus asked, his tone sounding more serious.

“I c@m£. I just explained to father the reasons you didn’t see me,” Prince Reagan answered.

“Oh, but you didn’t care to come see me the next day, or even call. You just treated me like I was a nob©dy right?” Prince Marcus asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

As much as Prince Reagan hated apologizing to him, it seems like only an apology will bring him out of the situation.
He turned to fully face Prince Marcus.

“I’m sorry, I won’t disappoint you again,” Prince Reagan apologized.

“I nee-d to leave now,” he added before exiting prince Marcus pres£nce.

Crown prince Marcus watched him as he got into his car and drove off. He turned back and continued heading to the king’s room.

He was just at the door, about to go in when he heard the king ask a question to someone.
“Who do you really think should ascend the throne after I’m gone?” The question made crown Prince Steven become rigid where he stood.

He heard the voice of the king’s royal adviser reply him.

“Um…my king, I don’t really think I should be giving you this advise,” the adviser replied.
“Come on, go on. That is the reason you have that title, you are my royal adviser, who do you is fit for my throne?” The king asked him.

Inside the room the royal adviser shifted on one feet uncomfortably not un-derstanding the reason why the king is asking him such things. He has chos£n his successor alre-ady, hasn’t he?
“Um…my king. From my observation amongst your four sons, the second prince is not fit at all for the throne. He has shown it in different ways that he is not interested, he is always travelling from one country to the other with his wife so I think he is off the list.”
“Your third son which is prince Steven I think is too soft hearted and carefree, un-der his reign people of course will enjoy a lot but others will take it as a chance to manipulate him. And when that happens, catastrophic situation will arise.”

‘Ok, that leaves us with the first and the last. Go on,” the king nodded in un-derstanding to him.

“Yes my king. Your first son which is the crown prince, I feel he is too desperate for the throne. Of course he behaves like a future king, no doubt will rule well, but un-der his reign I think people might likely also have it ha-rd as he won’t easily show mercy to offenders. He doesn’t look into matters well before pronouncing judgement, this will likely affect him. The people might also hate him for that.”

“And lastly, your last son. Well to me, from all my observation I think your last son is best fit for the throne, he handles difficult situations well. He is a combination of kind and cold, although he doesn’t also behave like he wants the throne. But I know he is very brilliant and will handle your throne well after you because you will never know his real thought until he reveals it, he always has this unre-adable look on his face which you always have on,” the royal adviser concluded.

“Hmm….” the king heaved a long sigh after that.

Right outside the door, the crown prince Marcus fisted his hands ti-ght in anger.

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