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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E35

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E35

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 35

(de-ep conversation)

Writer’s P O V

After driving for long distance in a somewhat lonely road. Prince Reagan finally pu-ll-ed up in front of a house.

He c@m£ down from the car expecting Pink to do the same.
She followed suite after a while, having no other choice.

She followed him to the entrance of the house and watched as he entered.
“Come in,” his gruff voice ordered.

Pink walked into the house, leaving the door to close by itself.

Prince Reagan walked further into the sitting room, pu-lling off his upper wear.

Pink kept standing at the door, she kept watching his every move not willing to go in to meet him.

After noticing that she wasn’t coming in for a while, he turned to the door to look at her. He c0ckhis eye brow wondering why she was still standing at the door.

Pink kept a stern look on her face as she stared back at him. She no longer fear him that much, well after discovering what his father, the king did to her family she has concluded in her mind that she wasn’t gonna get carried away by his looks or his princely aura anymore.

“Amanda, come in. We nee-d to talk!” He ordered in a firm voice.

“I don’t want to be alone with you. I don’t want to be here!” She turned her face away from him as she refused.

She heard him let out an angry gr0@nthen after a while she saw him walking towards her.

He st©pped, facing her.

“I am not eating you. Or are you afraid I’ll kill you? You have been in a room with me before, remember?” He asked.

Pink lifted her eyes to stare at him, vividly recalling those days. Those days she worked as a S-x worker.

She took her eyes away from him.

“Well, considering what your father did. I won’t be so shocked if you actually kill me,” she mumbled enough for him to hear.

Her words angered prince Reagan a lot. If it were to be someone else, he could truly be choking the life out of the individual but he clearly has no intention of killing or even harming her. All he wants to do is to talk!

“Amanda, you don’t have to insult me.” He stated ti-ght£ñing his hands.

“What? I’m not insulting you. Your father destroyed what I could call an entire clan. Should I still feel safe staying alone with his son?” Pink raised her brows in question. It was clear that she was still very angry at her findings.

“And you kept his secrets too. You didn’t even bother letting us know. You just covered up for your father’s sins,” Pink added throu-gh gritted teeth.
I apologized alre-ady, Prince Reagan stated as a matter of fact.

“What? An apology? An apology doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know who my parents are. It doesn’t change the fact that Derek and I are orphans, we grow up in a damn orphanage home. We suffered, we went so many nights without food.”

“We also got bullied for not having parents at school. Back then, Derek could always come back crying with bruises all over his b©dy.”

“He could always cry and ask for his papa and mama. Asking if they abandoned us, if they didn’t want us.”

“Whenever he asks such questions, I wouldn’t no the answer to give him because I didn’t no the answer to that question myself. How much we suffered, no amount of sorry could heal or change that. You are a prince, you probably won’t un-derstand because you were given everything on a platter of gold.” Pink lashed out. By the time she was done, tears were alre-ady brimming her eyes.

She hated it so much. She hated recalling those days when they were still living in the orphanage, then when they were still too little to defend themselves.

Prince Reagan didn’t utter a word for a long time. He just kept quiet and watched her lash out on him. Even when she kept quiet he still couldn’t utter a word.

“I want to leave. I want to leave your palace with Derek. So plea-se take me back,” Pink added after a long pause wiping the falling tears off her cheek. After her words, she turned to open the door to leave but a stronger hand closed the door before she could step out.

She turned to look at Prince Reagan, re-ady to yell at him to take her back but got the shock of her life when he pu-ll-ed her into a warm hvg.

Pink couldn’t react. She couldn’t hvg him back neither could she pu-ll out of the hvg. She just stood her like a lifeless item.

“I un-derstand your frustrations and I de-eply regret my actions too. I don’t un-derstand why father did that either but, I am not my father.” Prince Reagan said.

His last s£ntence made a lot of s-en-se. He is not his father, she knows but she can’t help it. She can’t help but feel so mad at him at each pas-sing minutes.

After recovering from the shock. She made to pu-ll out of from the hvg but he didn’t let her. His hold on her was very strong, she felt so powerless against him.

“Let me go!” She yelled, p@n-ting.

“I don’t usually do this. But I’ll only let you go once I’m sure that you have forgiven me,” Prince Reagan pointed out.

“No! Just leave me. I just wanna go back and continue my life, I want to forget everything about you. I want to pretend nothing happened between us, so let me go!” Pink cried out with a voice still filled with anger.

Prince Reagan remained muted for a while before stating.

“I am not letting you go!”
“What?” Pink scoffed.

“You want to keep me a prisoner now,” she struggled against him, forcing Prince Reagan to finally pu-ll away from her.

“I am not keeping you a prisoner, Amanda.” His gruff voice responded.

“So what does that mean? You are married. You want to make me your real mistress? I have told you I won’t be your mistress or a mistress to any fv¢kïng person on earth. I will be breaking another woman’s home ap@rt if I do that,” Pink snapped.

“I don’t know. I don’t care whether you break another woman’s home ap@rt but I want you. I simply don’t want you far from me,” Prince Reagan retorted strongly.

Pink turned towards the door again to open it but prince Reagan didn’t let her.

“Let me go. Let me go plea-se, I still have a life to live, I still have to complete my education,” Pink pleaded desperate to get away from him. Perhaps the main reason she wanted to get away from him was because she was scared of falling for de-eply for him. As it is, she doesn’t know her real feelings for him and she dre-ad finding it out.

“Why are you so eager to leave?” Prince Reagan questioned, getting annoyed all over again at her stubbornness.

“I don’t wanna be close to you. I want to leave,” she screamed in responds.

“Do I look like a murderer now? Because I am my father’s son you now hate me now. You think when you and your brother suddenly disappeared years ago I didn’t search for you guys? You think I like it that my father killed your entire family for whatever reasons?” He half yelled. “I bet I look so disgusting to you.” He added lowly.

Pink’s b©dy bec@m£ stiff at his out bur-st.

He has been searching for Derek and I? Pink thought, her eyes filled with unshed tears. She looked up at him.

“What do you mean by that? I don’t get you that much. You been searching for us?” She asked in a calm voice.

“You probably still haven’t noticed. I liked you since when we were kids. Way before all these disaster happened,” he mouthed. His reply made Pink’s mouth drop open.

To Be Continued....

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