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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E28

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E28

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28


Writer’s P O V

Prince Reagan arrived the night p@rty with Celia beside him. They got down from the white limo to be welcomed by reporters and ph0togra-phers.

Some reporters struggled to ask them questions but the stationed guards there didn’t allow them. Prince Reagan wasn’t really in the mood for p@rtying, he just wanted to get in, then get out 15 minutes later.

Celia held ti-ghtly to his right hand which he tucked into his trou-ser pocket as they walked down the red carpet into the main hall.

He knew he could be seeing all his brothers but he wasn’t sure about his father and his wife, they both might not come.

They got welcomed by relatives, friends and other guests inside the hall as I moved in further.

It didn’t take time for his eyes to fall on prince Steven. He whispered to Celia, asking her to leave his hand and Celia did.

He walked up to where Steven stood with his wife, Emily and one other guy strange to him.
“Good evening my prince,” Emily was the first to greet with her charming smiles always pres£nt.

He nodded twice in acknowledgement, before shifting his gaze to the man speaking with Steven.

“Good evening my prince, I’ve been expecting you,” the guy said bringing out a book.

Prince Reagan quic-kly recognized him as a reporter.
“Not today,” he simply waved him away. The guy’s face fell and he had no choice but to leave.

Emily had left immediately after greeting Prince Reagan to speak with Celia and the other princesses pres£nt.

Steven who had been watching the reporter and Prince Reagan chuckled.

“You c@m£,” he said, it wasn’t a question.

“I had no choice, I aren’t spending time here either. Flying out in less than 10 minutes,” Prince Reagan replied.

Steven chuckled again.

“Go greet him before you leave then, don’t just leave without saying anything to him,” Steven said gesturing to the crown prince who was standing at the podium with his wife by his side speaking to countless reporters at a time.

Prince Reagan huffed finding it ha-rd to approach him.

“You have to Reggie, make him see you before leaving,” Steven pressed on.

“Is that really necessary, Steve?” Prince Reagan asked, frowning.

“Of course. It is.”
“Is the king here?” Prince Reagan asked after a while.
‘Just left few minutes ago with his wife, old age can’t allow them do much,” Steven responded with a snicker.

“Michael, is he here?” Prince Reagan asked again.

“Nope, I don’t think he is coming. He’s out of the country,” Steven replied.

Prince Reagan took his eyes back to Marcus and his wife but still found it ha-rd to go to them. Celia suddenly showed up with two glas-s drinks, she offered one to Prince Reagan after greeting prince Steven but Prince Reagan didn’t collect the drink from her. He kept contemplating whether to drink or not.

“Come on, take it,” Steve urged collecting the drink from Celia. He handed it over to Prince Reagan who reluctantly received it, he gulped the whole content down before returning the cu-p back to Celia who looked really happy.

“It’s good, the drink will give you the courage you nee-d. You are still afraid of him till now,” Steven said.

“I am not!” Prince Reagan snapped.

“Ok, then go. Go to him, he doesn’t bite and he won’t scold you too. We are in public,” Steven pushed him. A wave of dizziness hit prince Reagan causing him to pause as he made to leave.

“What is it?” Prince steven asked.

“I don’t feel alright,” Prince Reagan answered.

“Are you kidding me right now, and you say that you aren’t scared of him. Trying to save yourself, huh!?” Steven tea-sed.
“Say whatever you want, I’m not feeling good. I’m not seeing him,” Prince Reagan insisted.
He turned to see Celia still standing there.

“Come my prince, there is a room over there where you can rest your head,” Celia said gr-abbing unto prince Reagan’s hand.

Prince Reagan had no choice but to follow her because the sudden dizziness was taking a toll on him. He can’t see clearly, everything was becoming so blurry.

Celia took him to a preserved room away from noise and the people.

She sat prince Reagan down on the be-d inside the room before locking the door and coming back to look at him.

“My prince,” prince Reagan heard the distant voice of Celia before closing his eyes.


Pink kept looking out throu-gh the car’s window as Simon drove her to the ‘supposed’ river.

They arrived few minutes later. Pink c@m£ down from the car followed by Simon.

Pink started approaching the river, although it was alre-ady dark. Pink could still see the water beating against itself.

She hvgged herself when heavy breeze hit her skin. She got to the river bank then stood, she kept watching the water move but at the same time kept watching out for Simon who stood beside the car watching her like a hulk.
Pink bite herl-ips in thought.
She doesn’t know anywhere around here.

If I take my right I wonder where it will take me to, Pink thought looking at her right hand side.

She looked at her left and also wondered the same thing.

With him watching me like this, how am I to even move? He’ll get me before I even try to run.
Pink kept watching the river, de-ep in thought.

A distraction? Should I just distract him? Yes, she thought.

Slowly she turned to face Simon, a horrific look crept up her face at once.

“Simon, look,” she pointed at the car looking like she was seeing a ghost.

Simon hesitated a bit before looking at the imaginery thing she was pointing at.

When he didn’t see anything, he turned back to ask her what the matter was but didn’t find her there again. He immediately bec@m£ alarmed.

“fv¢k!” He cussed realizing she pla-yed him.

He ran to where she stood, he looked left and right but didn’t see her, the darkness made everything worst for him.

He looked down the floor, bringing out his flashlight. He started tracing her foot prints but got confused when he got to a p@rticular point where there were numerous foot prints.

He bite his lowerl-ips ha-rd in thought.

Should I inform the prince? He wondered.

No, let me continue looking for her, I’ll call him after an hour, he concluded in his mind then continued searching for her.

Pink ran and ran so fast, fas-ter than she had ever ran in her life. She bur-sted into the road after some minutes, she stood on the road wondering whether to continue running or wait for a car.

She decided on her second option, it didn’t take time before she saw an oncoming vehicle which she waved down. The vehicle didn’t st©p, it continued moving.

It didn’t take time again to see another oncoming vehicle. Pink kept waving the vehicle down until it st©pped.

Pink quic-kly ran to the window, acting on the movies she has watched.

plea-se help me, he wants to kill me, she pleaded with the stranger who allowed her in.

Pink kept looking behind her to add to her act but saw someone that looked like Simon running towards her from a distance. The car drove for a while at a high speed, until it was far away from the river. She signed placing her hand on her che-st.

“So who was the man trying to kill you?” The stranger asked looking at her.

“It’s my b©yfri£nd. He acts stupid whenever he is drun!k, thanks for your kindness,” Pink thanked.

The lady smiled at her kindly. “It’s my plea-sure, you are a lady like I am anyways,” the lady said.
Pink nodded.

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