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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E21

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E21

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21


Writer’s POV

Pink sat uncomfortably in the room Simon showed to her. She was inching to go see the prince but she doesn’t know what to do, to go or to stay back.

She hasn’t really been speaking to him because of Derek’s pres£nce and now Derek is nowhere to be found. Probably just walking around the area which looked like an estate.

After contemplating for minutes, she decided to go to him.

With that, she stood up and her legs started leading her to his room. She had seen a door with his name on it, so she figured out the room to be his.

After walking slowly for few minutes, she got to his door and stood. She brou-ght up her hand to knock on the door but took it down again.

She turned to back the door, feeling really uneasy. She doesn’t un-derstand the reason for her nervousness.

What will I say once he ushers me in? Pink wondered folding her hands into ti-ght ba-lls.
Oh $h!t! She hit her head after thinking for a while and not coming up with any reasonable thing, she started walking away but st©pped midway. She went back to his door and stood, she placed her ears on the door to listen to his movement from the other side.
Suddenly she heard someone coughing right behind her.

She flin-ched and turned to see Prince Reagan standing behind her. He wasn’t wearing a shi-t, his f!ngerswere tucked into his p@n-t pocket and ba-lls of sweat fell from his forehead.

Is he coming back from a run? Pink wondered as she stared at him from head to toe.

He coughed again and Pink immediately remembered herself.

$h!t! He caught me, she thought and bec@m£ embarras-sed.

She took her face elsewhere.
“Um..I was…” she stuttered blinking fast.

“So? You are looking for me?” Prince Reagan asked taking a step towards Pink. Pink took a step backwards still trying to hide her embarras-sed face which has turned really red by now.

“I…I..I was just coming to check up on you” Pink blurted without thinking too much. She is now regretting ever coming.

“For what?” He took another step towards her and Pink took a step backwards again.
She is also wondering why the tone of his voice totally changed.

“I..I was just coming.. coming to thank you” Pink blurted out again, regretting not planning herself first.

“For what?” He asked for the third time. Pink f0rç£d herself to look at him in the face.

He has a sm-irk on, a sm-irk that made her realize how stupid she had been acting.

“I…” she bec@m£ ton-gue tied taking her eyes away. She is mentally cussing herself for being so stupid.

The prince took another step towards her, he placed his hand on the door behind Pink, caging her.

“If you nee-d me for something, you should really say it” the prince looked into her eyes and said. The grin and the knowing sm-irk on his face weren’t leaving at all.

“Amanda?” Prince Reagan called, his husky voice s£nding waves of plea-sure cussing throu-gh Pink’s b©dy.

Pink swallowed down her saliva at his clos£ness and the way he is acting with her. She stared up above his head, her b©dy suddenly becoming h0t and her pri-vate p@rts started behaving weirdly.

She continued staring above the prince’s head while the prince stared at her eyes.
Pink prayed and hoped in her mind that he wasn’t hearing the loud sound of her heart beat.

She blinked when she felt his hand tilt her chin, forcing her to look at him in the eyes.

The weird feeling she was feeling in between her legs heated up. She felt her p@n-ts getting soa-ked just by his t©uçh.

“I’m listening” Prince Reagan added, adding more heat to Pink.

“It’s nothing. I was just wandering around the house” Pink said, taking her eyes down to his che-st, to stare at his abs. Sweat continued dripping down his che-st, her eyes following the sweats as they got lost inside Prince Reagan’s p@n-ts.

I wish I can really see where those ba-lls of sweat ended up at, she li-cked her dryl-ips as she thought.

“Hey!” She heard the prince’s loud voice yell at her.

She lifted her eyes up to stare at him.

Twice! He caught me misbehaving twice.

“You can follow me to the office, I as-sume you are probably bored” the prince took a step away from her.
“Yes, yes” Pink replied him sharply, her heart pounding.
“Yeah” his baritone voice c@m£ out this time.

His f!ngerswere back into his trou-ser pocket and he was staring at her. Pink wondered why but didn’t ask. She kept standing where she stood.
“I nee-d you to move, Amanda” his voice c@m£ out in a low gro-an .

Ah fv¢k! He was staring at me for that reason, Pink cried out silently.

“Yes sure” she stepped out of the way for him and he entered into his room, then shut the door.

“Go get re-ady, waste two minutes of my time and you are out!” He commanded from his room.

Pink took off in a run, she got to her room p@n-ting. She immediately rushed into the bathroom, she pu-ll-ed off her p@n-t to see her we-tness.
She facepalmed herself feeling so stupid.

“Gosh! I can’t believe this. How could you Pink? How could you be so stupid? He wasn’t even tou-ching you and you alre-ady got we-t for him.”
“What nons-en-se? What nons-en-se?? And to think that he caught you placing your ear on his door.”

“fv¢k! Everything is scre-wed up. I won’t be able to look him in the eye anymore.”
“I’m scre-wed!”
“Not only that. You started drooling at his abs, Pink. How could you disappoint yourself this way?”
“You acted so stupid. So stupid” she kept yelling at herself in front of the mirror.

“How could you do this to yourself, Pink? How?? You are a girl of high standard. How could you get we-t just by staring and hearing his voice.”
“But, I don’t really blame you. It’s his cuteness that should be blamed. Why is he so handsome?” She yelled and started ma-king fake cries.
“This nons-en-se won’t repeat itself again, Pink. You have to promise yourself” she folded her hands into ti-ght ba-lls in determination.

“Sis?” Derek’s voice suddenly pu-ll-ed Pink out out of her own trance.

“Are you probably sick? I think your br@in is no longer functioning correctly. I should probably inform the doctors that treated you, they didn’t mention anything about exhib!tt!g weird behavior later on. Oh geez! This is bad” Derek rushed his word, really worried for his sister. He has been watching her talk to herself and he wasn’t un-derstanding the show one bit.

“Huh” Pink’s eyes wi-de-ned in shock,as she tried hiding her p@n-t behind her.

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