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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E18

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18

(Old friends)

Writer’s POV

Pink stared at the mute Derek for a while before sighing, she went back to the be-d to lie down since she feels slight headache.

Derek saw that Pink has given up on her question, he bec@m£ relieved. He went to sit by her be-dside.

He watched her slid her eye lid shut, but he knows that she wasn’t going back to sleep, so he decided to start up a conversation with her about the stuff happening with Prince Reagan.

“Um…sis? I wanna ask, that guy, you know him from somewhere before?” Derek asked, his voice coming out all cracked.

“What guy, Derek?” Pink reluctantly replies.

“That Prince guy” Derek replied emphasizing on the word ‘Prince.’

On hearing the word Prince, Pink immediately slid her eye lid open, she sat up right on the be-d.

Guess she has temporarily forgotten about him.

“Oh $h!t! You met him? Reagan?” Pink asks.

“Yeah, I did. I met him at the hospital, he was the one who settled your medical bills…”
“I nee-d to see him” Pink tried jumping down from the be-d but Derek held her.

“You aren’t recovered fully yet, that will be taking a great risk. The doctor instructs that you shouldn’t stress yourself for two weeks” Derek said.

“No Derek, I have to see him. It’s important, I should have just gone to him the moment I’d woken up, I still nee-d to apologise to him” Pink cooed.

“No, he doesn’t know that you are alre-ady awake. He stills thinks you to be asleep, what if you coll@pse on the way? I just got back from seeing him anyways” Derek insisted.

“You went to see him?” Pink asked calming down a bit to hear what Derek has to say.

“I’ll tell you only if you promise not to see him today. I’m scared for you, you shouldn’t be expo-sed to heavy wind, your injury is still very fresh” Derek said.

Pink finally listened to Derek after tou-ching her head slightly to feel the heavy bandage still wra-pped around her head.

She fell back to the be-d in defeat. Derek quic-kly took that chance in fixing back her drips, which she re-moved earlier.
“So, tell me, why did you go to him?” Pink asked.

“First, you have to answer my question, sis. You know him from somewhere before?” Derek questioned.

“No, I just met him. Just recently” Pink answered eager to learn more from him.

“Well, he called me and showed me the picture of my younger self. Ok, I think I nee-d to show you that p@rticular picture” Derek started. He stood up and left in search of the picture, he got to the place Tess kept the pictures for him. He picked out the exact one he is searching for, went back to show his sister.

“Sis, do you remember when this picture was taken?” Derek asked as he hands over the picture to her. Pink pu-ll-ed a puzzled look on.

“It’s been so long Derek, this is one of the pictures the sisters found on us” Pink answered.
“You sure it was this one?” Pink asked to be sure.

“Come on, the other copy is still with him. I’m confused myself because there is just a single copy for this picture. All these is so confusion” Derek gro-an ed out at the end. Pink kept staring at the picture in de-ep thoughts.

“So, what did he tell you? He told you how he c@m£ to own your pics?” Pink questioned.

“He wouldn’t tell me. That’s the problem, he says I’m still a kid” Derek mouthed so pissed at the fact prince Reagan still considers him a kid.

Pink breathed out heavily, trying to calm herself down.

“I’ll go see him tomorrow then since I can no longer see him today” Pink says after a long silence.


The bandage around Pink’s head got re-moved by the nurse who c@m£ to see how she was doing. She placed a plaster instead of a new bandage on her head before leaving.

The fact made Pink happy.

She bathed, eat her meals before taking her pills.

“Shouldn’t I esc-rt you there, sis? You sure you can go by yourself?” Derek asked, concerned.

“I’m okay, you can just head to school or something. It’s better if I go alone” Pink replied him.

She took out one of her bags, but couldn’t find her phone.

That purse she went with the other day, alongside her phone must still be in prince Reagan’s room, she concluded in her mind before heading out to board a cab.

She was on heavy clothing so the wind won’t easily get into her b©dy and affect her in anyway.

She got to the h0tel after a hour before stepping down from the cab. She went straight to the elevator amid stares from people.

They are probably wondering why she is on heavy clothing during summer.

She went to the floor the prince room is located.

She pressed the door bell on getting to the door.

She waited for few minutes but got no reply so she pressed the door bell again wondering where simon might have gone to.

She got tired from standing for long minutes outside then decided to leave. She turned to leave but the elevator opened revea-ling Prince Reagan with his personal b©dyguard.

Prince Reagan pu-ll-ed on a surprise look on seeing her. He never expected to see her back on her feet so soon.

Prince Reagan with Simon walked out of the elevator to her. Prince Reagan stood facing her.

“How are you feeling now, Amanda?” Prince Reagan asked her.

“I’m better now, I guess. I heard you wanted to see me, that’s the reason why I c@m£ over immediately” Pink said.

“Yeah” Prince Reagan breathed out in reply before heading for the door. He opened it and entered, Pink followed him in.

Immediately she entered, her eyes went to the floor and the wall but she saw no sign of her blood there.

She walked to the balcony with him but stood at the door to avoid the wind.

Prince Reagan surprisedly turns to her, he took her hoodie off her head to examine her state. The fact surprised Pink a lot, it left her speechless.

“Are you sure you are ok? I wouldn’t want to be a murderer you know” his statement made Pink’s heart drop.

There she was thinking he cared for her but he was only trying to make sure he doesn’t get counted as a murderer.

“I’m ok. So, about the picture, can you plea-se explain to me how you got hold of it?” Pink asked, her curiousity alre-ady eating her up.

Prince Reagan looked at her again.

“Amanda” he called. The tone he used s£nt zaps of electricity into Pink’s system.

“Will you believe me if I told you, we were once friends?” He asked.

“Your friend?” Pink chuckled out the question.

A sm-irk c@m£ up Prince Reagan’s face.

“See? You don’t believe me, do you?” Reagan asks.

“Its ridiculous. I’ve never met you before throu-ghout my stay here, I remember all the memories and everyone I’ve met since I was brou-ght down here, I have never met you before” Pink defended.

“Yes. This is our first time meeting here, I agree but this is not our first time actually meeting” Prince Reagan added confusing Pink the more.

She tried going down her memory lane to recall ever meeting him but all she got in reply was headache.
TBC Pink

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