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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E15

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E15

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15


Writer’s POV

Derek kept tapping his feet on the floor repeatedly as he waited for the doctor. His eyes were fixed on Reagan. He continued glaring dangerously at him in annoyance, different ideas of things to do to him for preventing him from getting into his sister’s ward flowing like river inside his head.

He can’t simply un-derstand why, the mean reason why he isn’t allowed in to see his own sister.

Soon the doctor showed up, accompanied by Simon. The doctor walked into Pink’s ward after greeting Reagan.

He checked Pink’s vitals and the others before coming out.
“Ok, you can go in since you are her brother. She might probably nee-d you beside her, but, don’t make noise, don’t squee-ze her hand ti-ght too” the doctor instructs.

“Yes” Derek immediately agreed before rushing into the ward. He turned back to glare at Simon and Reagan, a victorious look on his face ma-king him look so childish.

Reagan shook his head at Derek’s attitude.

“He is still a kid” he mumbled to himself.

Simon glared back at Derek, he has been so angry at Derek for disrespecting Reagan. He wished that Reagan will allow it, for him to really teach Derek a lesson, but he also knows the prince.

Having been taken to the royal palace since he was fourteen to guard the prince, he has come to know how Reagan tre-ad, he tre-ad with caution. Doesn’t really enjoy attra-cting much attention to himself unlike most prince could do.

He turned to fully face Reagan when he was sure that Derek wasn’t listening to them.

“My prince” he called, bowing slightly to show his respect.

“Have you cleared the bill?” Reagan simply asked, his eyes fixed on Pink.

“Yes of course. I..I also got her DNA sample, I don’t know if you will nee-d it” Simon says.

Reagan sighs. Something he likes doing when he is really tensed.

“Call Victor, tell him go search my room, inside a small white nylon, on the floor of my closet, he’ll find a comb inside the nylon, ask him to bring it down here, then match the hair from the comb and the DNA sample with you, that will do” Reagan instructs.

“On it” Simon obeys taking steps away from Reagan to make a call.

Reagan continued staring at both Derek and Pink, Pink in p@rticular.

Are you guys who I think you are? AwHe thought.


Derek felt really weak watching his sister sleep all day without moving her b©dy. He was scared, scared that she might really not wake up from her sleep.

The only thing that calmed him down a bit was the fact that they were still in the hospital and that the doctor has alre-ady confirmed that she is okay.

He was getting too tired of waiting. He nee-ded a fas-ter way of ma-king her wake up.

He got up from the hospital be-d to go look for a doctor and to make his complaint. He doesn’t like seeing his sister so quite.

In the process of looking for the doctor he bu-mped into Tessy.

He paused on seeing her, Tessy hasn’t seen him. She was looking all over, probably looking for someone or a ward.

Her eyes finally landed Derek after a long while. She breathed out in relief as she ran to him.

“How is she?” Tessy immediately asks.

“How do you know?” Derek answered her with a question.
“Well, someone was blabbering nons-en-se. I guess it’s true, I went to your ap@rtment, found it locked and all” Tessy breathed out her reply.
“Where is she?” Tess asked again.

“I don’t know if she’ll like to see you once she wakes up, anyways I’ll take my chances since you are alre-ady here” Derek said.

“So, she isn’t even awake? She is still unconscious?” Tess asked.

“Follow me” Derek nodded to her, he started going back to Pink’s ward. He was glad that neither simon or Reagan was there. They had both disappeared.

He was really glad.

They got into Pink’s ward to see her turning and confusingly looking around.

“Sister” Derek called rushing towards her.

“Oh Derek, what the fv¢k happened?” Pink t©uçhed her head as she asked, she felt a lot of pain emitting from her head.

Derek took her hand away from her head, he held it instead.

“Oh sister, you don’t know how scared I was. I should be asking you what happened. Who did this to you? How did you end up like this?_ Derek says and asks.

Pink winched in pain.

“I think you should go alert the doctor since she is just waking up” Tess said to Derek from behind.

“Oh yeah. That’s true” Derek replies letting go of Pink’s hands. He rushed out of the ward afterwards.

Tess took that chance to sit with Pink on the be-d.

“I warned you, didn’t I? I told you not to attend to other men while you are still on the prince. Now look at where you have landed” Tess said in a scolding tone.

Pink remained quite as she tried un-derstanding her words properly.

“When Veronica started spitting out those words, I thought she was only kidding at first, then I later realized she was saying the truth after I called you numerous times and you didn’t pick. I even went to your ap@rtment to check up on you but you weren’t there. I learnt of the h0tel Reagan louged into, I was about coming in to search the h0tel rooms for you when I heard some set of cleaners whispering about how much blood they cleaned, they were saying someone killed another here last night, I was really scared for you then I decided to come to the nearest hospital to search for you, I told myself that if I don’t find you here, I’ll move on to the next hospital and the next till I find you. I felt so relieved seeing Derek during my first search” Tess explained.
“How do you feel? Where does it hurt?” Tess asked as she tried to t©uçh Pink’s head.

Pink winched out in pain and Tess quic-kly withdrew her hand.

“I’m sorry, your head seems to be the only place hurt here. Were you hit with a bottle or something?” Tess asked again, curious laced in her voice.

The door opened and Derek c@m£ in with a doctor and a nurse.

“You two should excuse us” the doctor instructs Derek and Tessy.

Both stepped outside.

“Hey, do you know what happened to her? Who did this to her? Was it that Simon or what was his name again?” Derek ranked his br@in to think.

“The prince was here?” Tess asked when she heard his guard’s name.

“What Prince? Is it that arrogant peac0ck? No, he is no prince. Those two guys are only bunch of lunatics…”

“Hey! Shut it! You shouldn’t say those words. He is not a fake ok? He is a real prince. So he was here or was it just his personal guard?” Tess asked again for confirmation.

“Well, those two dudes were here” Derek folded his arms.

“But, you haven’t answered my question. Who did this to her? Were they the ones? I saw Pink leaving with that Simon guy yesterday, he should be the one to be blamed” Derek concluded.

“Well, I think the prince is really responsible, but, I am not sure” Tess whispered to Derek.

Derek rolled his eyes at Tess.
“Why are you so scared of him?” He frowned. He lifted his eyes when he heard approaching footsteps.

He saw Simon coming back.
Derek walked to meet him midway.

“Listen, you guys aren’t allowed anywhere near my sister again ok? She isn’t gonna work at that foolish club anymore” Derek rasped at him.

Simon exhaled out.

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