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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E13

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13

Writer’s POV

Pink swallowed nothing down her throat as she proceeded into the room to sit down. The shape of the table was round, so when she sat, she was facing Veronica slightly.

She took her eyes to stare at Veronica who had a cunning smile on, she took her eyes away from Veronica to Reagan. She pu-ll-ed a smile to her face before greeting him warmly.

Reagan nodded once at her greetings before turning his attention back to Veronica.

“You said you have something to tell me” Reagan said.

Veronica smiled more broadly as she stares at Pink.

“I don’t know if it is appropriate for me to say it now that Pink is here. But you know me, I always treat you more than a customer should, that’s because you are a prince, I respect you a lot, so I’m still considering, considering the fact that she is still a novice” Veronica replied Reagan emphasizing the word ‘she.’
At the mention, Pink wondered what Veronica was up to.

“Excuse me?” Pink simply asks.
“What is it about me you want to tell him?” Pink couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m thinking I should just forget it, since you are still a novice” Veronica said to Pink. She turned back to Reagan.

“And speaking about novice. I bet she is not up to your standard yet, let me do it, let me be at your service, I’m willing. Not for the money tho, I can even do it free as long as you allow it” Veronica says taking her hand slowly towards Reagan’s hand on the table.

Reagan’s phone starts ringing almost immediately. He picks it and started speaking with the caller.

Veronica stood up,she walked gently towards Reagan, she stood behind him, she took her hands to his shoulder, she was careful as she did it as not to infuriate him, or not to do it so ha-rd and make the prince glare at her. She placed her hands on him and started messaging his shoulders, slowly.

She kept watching his actions, she was taking her chances and she doesn’t wanna embarras-s herself in front of Pink she considers junior worker.

When Reagan didn’t react negatively to her t©uçh, she exhaled out softly, happy that the worse didn’t happen.

Her big smiles returned to her face. She took her eyes to look at Pink who has been staring at what she is doing.

“Tell him you won’t be able to serve him right, tell him to allow me serve him instead” Veronica said to Pink. She didn’t have to say the words out, and just had to move herl-ips.

Pink re-ad herl-ips, she un-derstood what Veronica said but did as if she hadn’t seen her move herl-ips.

She took her eyes away to another direction. The act annoyed Veronica to the bone.
She expected Pink to do exactly what she says, and expected Pink to bow to her, after confronting Pink the other day, she expected Pink to bend to her will.

When Reagan ended the call. Veronica st©pped messaging him.

She walked back to her sit and sat.

“So, if you know you aren’t willing to spill it out, I’ll get going now” Reagan announced about to stand up.

“No! I’m re-ady now, I’ll say it” Veronica replied with smiles on her face.

That very day Reagan stepped into the club house and was about ma-king a pick, she believed he was gonna pick her. No! Reagan has alre-ady told her the last time she plea-sured him that she was gonna be the one he was gonna pick again if he was to come back to the country.

That was the very reason she stood at the front line but Pink had to spoil the whole $h!t by attra-cting his attention. Veronica serving him twice noticed the p@rticular things he likes in a woman mostly. Firstly, he likes one that is really beautiful, smart, talented in what you are doing, not to bit-chy, he probably also likes girls that smiles a lot but she isn’t sure of that one, all she knows is that he acts nice whenever she is always with smiles on her face, but above all, Reagan likes obe-dient people,

probably because he is a prince. He likes his orders been carried out effectively, the way he wants it, he doesn’t entertain refusal of some sort and Pink has just managed to go against him.

Veronica turned to look at Pink with a scornful and pitiful look.

She isn’t smart at all, she doesn’t know how to cover her tail. She has seen her yesterday with one of their regular customer Mr Williamson, she has plea-sured Mr Williamson countless times alre-ady, she knows his taste.

Well, about disobeying Reagan, she has also done it, but was smart enough not to return to the club the same day but three days later, she also disguised herself very well by changing her looks.

But Pink didn’t do any of those. Poor girl, she doesn’t un-derstand a thing.

Mama Cas-sy is also after money. You nee-d to have a way of also controlling things when it comes to mama Cas-sy. She is also another case,you can’t just refuse her without some really valid $h!t.

“Pink here, I saw her walking into a h0tel room with one Mr Williamson. I heard that she promised him to always be at his service whenever he nee-ded her, so she couldn’t refuse him, she went running to plea-sure him yesterday” Veronica spills.

At the mention of ‘she went running to plea-sure him yesterday’ Reagan’s eyes snapped to look at Pink who alre-ady got the thing Veronica was doing.

“She is still a novice, I bet she doesn’t know the rule here. What if…what if she contracted a…” Veronica pauses to look at Pink again.

“The man she went to plea-sure doesn’t stay a day without having someone plea-sure him, our club always ensures that all men that comes in and out are always clean. That is the very reason we are always clean too. But Mr Williamson goes to other S-x clubs too, lower rank to ours. He picks up random girl by the street, who knows what disease he is carrying inside of him? He might have pas-sed it on to poor Pink and oh…. unknowingly might pas-s it unto you after tonight or….”

Reagan stood up on his feet, interrupting what Veronica was saying.

“Let’s go” he ordered Pink as he walked out from the room.

Fear suddenly gr!pp£dPink at the tone and the eyes he used in looking at her.

Immediately Reagan disappeared out from the room Veronica broke out into a hilarious laughter.

“You should have agreed to let him go baby girl. Now, let’s see how he deals with you, it has never really happened before, I’m curious, what is he really gonna do to you” she laughed ha-rd at the end.

“This has been your plan all along?” Pink asks getting angry at the way veronica was laughing at her problem.

“Yes baby girl. You should have just known your queen from the start, I told you right? But you still went ahead to prove stubborn.”

“You are no queen, you are just a desperate who-re” Pink snaps at her.

Before you know it, Veronica was at her. She pushed Pink ha-rd to the wall, Pink f0rç£fully hit her head ha-rd on the wall.

“You don’t tell me $h!t again baby girl. Now go to him and receive whatever punishment you ought to receive from him while I plan mine” Veronica sm-irks at the end before picking her purse. She walked out from the room with smiles on her face.

Pink winced in agony at the pain she felt at the back of her head.

She slowly steps out from the room, the pain driving her nut.

She saw Simon there and it looks as if he was waiting for her. He esc-rted her up to Reagan’s room without uttering a word.

Simon is just like a shadow. He never talks much. Only does what Reagan orders.

They got to Reagan’s door, Pink opened the door to see Reagan walking towards the door with a coat hanging on his arms.

“I…I can explain” Pink comported herself to say.

“Stay in and don’t leave” Reagan instructs as he made to walk pas-s her.

Pink t©uçhed him a bit, so she could at least plead now that the matter was h0t.

But Reagan snapped.

His hand found her n£¢k as he pushes her f0rç£fully to the wall.

“Do not disobey me!” He sounded his warnings before letting her go.

He left the room afterwards but Pink alre-ady lost it, she felt blood oozing out from the back of her head, she t©uçhed the back of her head to see her hand soa-ked with her blood.
She g@sped out as she falls to the floor.

With her blood everywhere on the wall and floor, she fainted.

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