Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21
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Th£y all stood at th£ execution ground, await!ng for both th£ executor and Avery wh£n Stella c@m£ to announce th£ death of Avery to every one.
Becca couldn’t believe h*r ears, how impossible it was that Avery couldn’t survive th£ terror of th£ dungeon. $h£ thought maybe Avery’s punishment was greater than that of Eve.
But Madam Dacia had said it h*rself, $h£ might tolerate any one mess!ng with th£ rules but not with h*r meals.
And with Avery’s death case, it doesn’t look as if $h£ had spoken th£ truth. Tamper!ng with h*r favorite dress seems to be th£ tough£st among all oth*r rules.
$h£ went to Stella who was now leav!ng. ” Tell me th*s isn’t th£ truth. Tell me Avery is not dead yet.”
” I’m sorry, Becca, $h£ is. ” $h£ said pitifvlly.
Becca shook h*r h£ad twice, ” No, $h£’s alive. Avery can’t die, no, Eve didn’t why h*r?.” $h£ threw h*m a ha-rd gave, ” You knew Avery didn’t do it, right? ”
” Becca, th*s isn’t th£ time to talk ab©vt th*s. I have some th!ng else do!ng. ”
” Tell me, what is it that you are hid!ng from me? ”
” Becca, you know if th*re is I would tell you. And besides, I don’t know what happened after $h£ was thrown !nto th£ cage. ”
” Becca? ” Mariam called.
Becca turned to see Mariam and Victoria approach!ng towards h*r. ” Any news yet? ” Asked Mariam.
$h£ shook h*r h£ad. ” Avery is dead for real. ”
” If Avery is dead, who-re th£n is h*r b©dy? At least we could have seen it? ” Mariam queried.
” h*r b©dy was disposed as soon as $h£ was discovered dead. Look, I might be th£ chief maid doesn’t mean I know every th!ng that happens with!n th£ mansion.
I don’t know why you th!nk wrong of me, but what ever it is, I bet you’re over th!nk!ng. Have a nice day, girls. ”
$h£ left th£ three of th£m alone.
” Becca, Avery is dead and it’s time we accept h*r fate. All we’ve got to do for h*r as h*r friend is to avenge h*r dead and br!ng a st©p to those who wanted h*r dead. ” Mariam said.
” Girls, I’ve got some th!ng to say. ” Mariam and Becca focused th£ir taxes at h*r, ” you see those girls, ” $h£ po!nted at th£ direction of three girls who stood at a corner.
” Th£y’ve been togeth*r s!nce we gath*red h*re and th£y’ve been wh*sper!ng among th£mselves. You remember Avery once mention!ng h£ar!ng three girls talk!ng !n th£ toilet? ”
Mariam nodded h*r h£ad, ” Don’t you th!nk it might be th£m? I don’t have good feel!ng ab©vt th£m, and with th£ look on th£ir faces, I guess th£y are up to someth!ng else. ”
” F!nally, th£ Cat’s !n th£ bag. ” Becca said, sm-irk!ng evilly. ” Th£y j√$t don’t know th£ir days are numbered. We nee-d to f!nd what section th£y work !n and know what plan th£y are up to.
We will meet at th£ garden by tonight, but before th£n, I must have come up with a plan. I don’t know what th£y are up to, and we don’t ¢ar£ eith*r. Avery’s death must be revenged.
$h£ said $h£’s !n love with Th£ Master, right? Soon, $h£ will f@|| !n love with our plan. ” $h£ sm-irked aga!n.
Later that night, Becca, Victoria and Mariam met at th£ garden at th£ exact time Becca said. Th£y first !nspected th£ area before th£y could commence with th£ new plan.
” You two will keep an eye on Sarah and Maryam while I keep an eye on Christ!na. I j√$t discovered $h£ is th£ master m!nd of every th!ng th£y do. Wh£never we get an !nformation ab©vt th£m, we will meet h*re. un-derstood? ”
Th£y both nodded.
” Christ!na works !n th£ kitch£n section, any th!ng ab©vt th£ oth*r girls? ” $h£ asked.
” Sarah and Maryam works at th£ garden. I th!nk that’s how th£y got to know ab©vt th£ dress. Eith*r of th£m must have seen Madam Dacia talk!ng to Avery so, th£y had used it to implicate h*r. ” Victoria expla!ned.
So, what do you th!nk we should do?” Mariam asked.
” Those bit-ch£s feels like th£y are th£ smartest, well we’ll j√$t show th£m how smart we are. We will all keep an eye on th£ three of th£m, I take Christ!na. We nee-d to have a fvll !nfo ab©vt what th£y do, who-re th£y always stay and how th£ h£ck th£y know what goes on.
Th£n after that, we come up with a better idea. Let’s see how th£ story ends with th£ three of th£m dead. Let th£ game beg!n. ”
Avery had set ©vt to Th£ Master’s room to take h*s plates away. As $h£ entered !nto th£ b£droom, it was still as dark as night.
$h£ had gotten th£ chance to enter because $h£ had h£ was ©vt for a walk with th£ Mistress. So, $h£ walked !n with©vt m!nd!ng knock!ng on th£ door.
$h£ decided to shift th£ curta!ns open and get th£ room tidied up even though it was well cleaned. $h£ also noticed th£ tray was still !n th£ same position $h£ had kept it.
And wh£n $h£ went to ch£ck if h£ t©uçh£d h*s food, $h£ saw h£ didn’t even had a spoon from it. $h£ th£n remembered wh£n Becca once talked ab©vt some th!ng similar to th*s.
$h£ said that Th£ Master hasn’t been eat!ng h*s meal s!nce h£ returned. Th£y had believed it could be as a result of h*m still gett!ng adapted to th£ white foods.
But now, with h*r experienc!ng it h*rself. Th*s was !ndeed gett!ng way too weird than $h£ thought.
$h£ went !nto h*s bathroom to search for any dirty cloth£s, but th*re wasn’t. $h£ j√$t had to sweep th£ floor as every who-re still looked neat.
took th£ tray of food to Stella who th£n returned it to th£ kitch£n. On reach!ng to h*r room, $h£ remembered $h£ had forgotten to close th£ curta!ns after $h£ was done.
$h£ h£aded b@¢k to h*s room, only to f!nd it locked. And $h£ didn’t remember lock!ng it while leav!ng, or was Th£ Master b@¢k?
$h£ knocked twice and !n th£ third knock, th£ door opened by itself. If not of th£ curta!ns be!ng opened, $h£ won’t m!nd turn!ng b@¢k to leave.
But $h£ didn’t want to curse any m©r£ problem to h*rself. Stella also warned h*r not to do any th!ng wrong to Th£ Master’s possessions, seems h£ was way too aggressive at judgments compared to madam Dacia.
$h£ entered, and th£ door ban-ged beh!nd h*r caus!ng h*r to fl!nch. h*r h£art has alre-ady started b**t!ng like $h£ was asked to give a speech at th£ World Conference Hall.
h*r eyes search£d @r0vnd th£ room, why is th*s room so weird? $h£ thought to h*rself. Th£ w!ndows closed, and so did th£ curta!ns too.
h*r h£art b**t !ncrea-sed from 200° to five hundred°. $h£ felt someth!ng pas-s h*r !n a speed, with air accompanied.
” Who’s that? ” $h£ asked !n a frightened tune.
$h£ rush to turn on th£ lights, but it was so difficult to. $h£ c|¡¢ked on it triple times but it didn’t want to work. ” $h!t! ” $h£ cursed, runn!ng to th£ door.
But what makes h*r th!nk th£ room was safe at th£ moment??
It was stucked. ” Someone h£lp me! Someb©dy h£lp! Get me ©vt of h*re! Stella..!! Stella open th£ d…!! ” $h£ cried.
$h£ felt th£ breeze st©p beh!nd h*r, and $h£ knew someone was stand!ng right at h*r b@¢k. $h£ loos£ned h*r grip from th£ door, stand!ng like $h£ was re-ady to give up.
But th£ truth is… Was $h£?
” who-re do you th!nk you are go!ng to? ” Asked th£ voice.
$h£ was wonder!ng if it was Th£ Master talk!ng, but on a second thought, h*s voice was dee-per and frighten!ng like that of Th£ Master.
So, who could it be th£n…
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