Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 11
Avery ✓
It was said, no one sees The Master. One one dears to see what kind of person he is, and I keep wondering what’s so special about him?
The way everyone adores him, pissed me off. I really want to see what’s in him that makes him so special. Is he in anyway related to Jesus Christ, or was he the second brother the bible never mentioned about?
It was also said that his return was always late at night, that’s because he hated to be seen. And that’s one major reason why everyone fears him than they do fear Madam Dacia.
Madam Dacia is only feared due to her Heartless judgement, and not that The Master was a good guy, he’s just a pure definition of a Monster.
There are so many stories to tell about this Master, so many I can not mention about. And they are all scaring the $h!t out of me.
Each time you try to avoid gossiped stories, when every bit of it tend to get Interesting, you loose focus and end up listening to the full story.
The next thing we all heard was… The Master has finally returned.
So, it wasn’t ” will return” anymore but, “he has finally returned.”
Duties were over, and we were all s£nt to our rooms. Jennifer turned on the light, and a new version on story has just begun. ” I think The Master is a demon. ”
” Shut that fv¢king mouth of yours, or madam Dacia does that for you. ” Sandra threw her a stern look. ” The walls have ears, you better act like you never notice the Master’s return. ” She warned.
” Just saying, ” Jennifer defended. ” If he isn’t a demon, why then are they preventing us from leaving our rooms. ”
” Maybe he just prefers keeping a low profile just to avoid people like you. So, if you really want to see him, then you’re free to go. But just remember, no one is covering you up. ”
” Who said I wanted to see him, huh? Besides, I wasn’t talking to you. ”
” Hey, sweetheart, just in case you don’t know, you’re just a maid and definitely not his spec. ”
Jennifer bur-sted out laughing, ” Look at you, tell me, who talked about being his spec? Sweetheart, don’t tell me you’re jealous alre-ady. Look, if you really want him, you’re free to have him.
Besides, he isn’t married to madam Dacia yet, so I’d say that’s a good luck for you. Like you said, I ain’t his type and to me, he isn’t Interesting. So st©p talking the trash and just admit you love The Master alre-ady. ” She laughed again.
Looking at the rest of us, she asked. ” Is there anyone who wishes to tell us about herself? Mine is as good as interesting. ” She looked at Sandra again, laughing at her.
Writer ✓
Madam Dacia’s face beamed a smile, and it has been this way since he returned. Sitting on the long table of the dinning hall, Dacia still haven’t st©pped from smiling.
It’s always like that everytime he returns from a long trip. She was re-ady to take the smile along with her till the next day.
” I am so delighted to see you again, My Love. How was your trip? ” She asked.
” It was good. ”
” And your business, did it go so… well? ” She asked again.
” Sure, it did. Thanks for asking. ”
” A plea-sure. ” She noticed he hasn’t t©uçhed his food yet. ” You haven’t t©uçhed your food yet, aren’t you hungry? ”
He smiled, scoffing. ” Of course not. ” He took the table knife, slicing the sandwich into halves. He put a slice of it into his mouth, slowly grinding on the sandwich. ” It’s been long since I had a taste of this. ” He smiled.
” Thank you. I made this special myself. ” She sighed. ” I never thought I would walk into that kitchen. I’m happy you are enjoying it. ” She took a slice of her sandwich, also grinding on it.
” Are you still planning for another trip? ” She asked.
” I haven’t thought about it yet, but guess I’ll have to extend it to some other time if there will be any. ”
” You’ve never extended your trip before. ”
” Don’t you think we nee-d to spend a little time together before we get married? Sometimes it’s not all about business, it’s about you and me. ”
She smiled wi-dely. ” Yes, you are right. It’s been long we had a quiet moment together. Eat up, or it gets too cold. ”
They spent the rest of their dinner happily discussing with themselves. When dinner was over, they both left to his room.
She la-id on the be-d while he went into the bathroom to have a shower. The sandwich had been ma-king grumbling sounds in his stomach, and immediately he stepped into the bathroom, he vomited them all in the sink.
Sitting on the bathtub, he breathed in as much air to get himself together. He felt hungry again, and this time he never wanted human food. He wanted something different from it.
He wanted something sweet and tasty. Something liquid to quench his thirst and hunger. He drank as much water to subside the hunger but, it never worked.
He li-cked hisl-ips, but then felt a pain on it. Staring at hisl-ips on the mirror, he could see rolls of blood dripping out of it.
He was shocked. How possible was that?
He opened his teeth, Lo and behold, his canine teeth was growing gradually. ” Damn! ” He cursed. This was serious than he thought.
” Honey, what’s taking you so long in there? ” Dacia said from the room.
” Give me a sec. ” Somehow he didn’t know, the teeth slowly returned back to normal.
After he had finished bathing, he left the bathroom with a towel tied around his w@!st. Dacia smiled, loving his new look.
” I brou-ght you a new cloth. ” She pointed at the couch. ” Hope you love it? ”
He went to check the cloth. ” Thanks. ”
She watched him wear his cloth. ” Honey,” she called.
” Mm-hmm. ”
” What happened to your skin? ” She asked, noticing the whiteness of it. ” What kind of cream did you ru-b? ”
” I haven’t ru-b any cream yet. Why? ”
” You weren’t like this when you returned. You never told me you are allergic to the weather. ”
But the question is… Is He??
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