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Accidental Sex with Mr control freak - S01 E12

Story 1 year ago

Accidental Sex with Mr control freak - S01 E12

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 12

Then he crashes hisl-ips on mine, Hisl-ips move against mine.

His k!sswasn’t soft at all, it’s aggressive, greedy and demanding.

It’s almost like he’s pouring all his emotions into the k!ss, the k!ssis full of longing.

But longing for what?

I close my eyes and savour the moment, I let him take control of the k!ss. I feel his hand go un-der my crop t©p, he cu-ps my brea-st.

Then he uses his other hand to carry me on his l@p.

He moves from my l!pto my n£¢k, su-cking on it greedily. I couldn’t help the m0@n that left my mouth.


He continues his attack on my n£¢k, untill he hits my soft sp©t and I g@sp for air. I choke on my m0@n .


His hand move to uncl!pmy br@. That’s when I come to my s-en-ses, I made a mistake once, now I’m about to make it happen again.

No I can’t, I shouldn’t.

I’m on a mission, I’m here to help my best friend not seek plea-sure. I hold his hand and stand up from his l@p quic-kly.

“I’m s-sorry” I said.

He furrows his brows.

“What happened? Was I too fast?” He asks.

I shake my head, tears forming up in my eyes.

“I can’t, so sorry” then I run out of his room.

I run straight to my room and lock the door against me. I fall on the ground and begin to cry.

What is wrong with me?. Why is my b©dy craving for his t©uçh? When I first had S-x with him, I didn’t know he was the Kurt Egan.

But now that I know who he is, I can’t bear to do this with him.

Thinking about the lives I’m helping Miranda take revenge for, I begin feeling guilty.

I can’t be selfish, I will keep my distance and uncover his secrets as fast as I could.

Kurt’s POV

I honestly don’t know why I k!$$£d Hazel. I was surprised at my action, I don’t un-derstand myself anymore.

I know I like her, I can’t be with her. But why is it that I don’t like it when she talk to other guys?

And why do I always want to have her around me?. I can’t be with her, I don’t do relationsh!ps. If I be with her I might hurt her.

But I really want her…. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do.

Should I just give in to this feelings?

Everyone that is close to me always leave me behind, except James, what if she leaves me too?

I close my eyes and rest my head back on the sofa.

I’ll just give in let me see how far I can go.

But I must protect my past, or she might leave if she finds out about it. I glance at the clock, it’s 9:00pm.

I guess it’s time for be-d. I climb into my be-d and close my eyes.

Hazel’s POV

I woke up to a loud ban-g and thud, I sit on my be-d and hear Kurt’s voice screaming.

Then it cli-cked in my head, I forgot to give him his meds!

How careless of me.

I quic-kly jump down from my be-d and run to his room, I push the door open and enter without knocking.

I see Kurt kicking and ban-ging his head on the headboard of his be-d.

“No dad! I’m sorry, it’s my fault! Dad plea-se!” He is chanting.

He is having a nightmare! And from what I’m seeing, this nightmare is what happened to him.

“Mom stay! Don’t go! Mom wake up! Wake up, I promise to be good! Mom! Dad, Mom, dad… Dad!” He continues shouting.

What should I do?

I climb into his be-d and cradled him to my che-st, gently patting his back. He grip my hand as if his life depended on it.

“Tiffany, Tiffany wake up! Mom, Tiffany. Mom!”

What can I do to help him wake up?

Now I know why he nee-ds those meds every night, it’s because of his nightmares.

I shake him to wake up, and whisper his name in his ear but he didn’t wake up.

How can I help him wake up?.

After much thought, I put myl-ips on his, and begin to move against his l-ips lowly.

Soon he st©ps shouting and he slowly open his eyes.

He looks at me surprise, I guess he’s wondering what I’m doing in his room at this hour.

“I.. I.. you were having a nightmare. I’m sorry” I said.

I stand up to leave, but he quic-kly pu-ll me back.

He rest his head on my che-st, my face warm up, because his head is resting on my brea-sts.

But I quic-kly shake that thought from my head.

“plea-se stay with me. I nee-d you” he said in a broken voice.

He sounds so vulnerable. His whole b©dy is shaking as if he just saw the most scariest thing ever.

“Don’t go plea-se. Stay by my side tonight?” He asks.

” Ok”

” You’ll sleep on this be-d, by my side?”

“Yes, I will” I said.

I feel him smile.

I can’t just leave him alone, I think whatever he saw in that nightmare is what happened to him.

Maybe this has something to do with his cold nature.

I must find out what it is…..


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