Accidental Sex with Mr control freak - S01 E10

Accidental Sex with Mr control freak - S01 E10
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 10
Hazel’s POV
I wonder why James is laughing. I dare not laugh too even if I wanted to, I’m scared of what Kurt would do.
“Oh my gosh! You’re too short, the jacket look funny on you. Come on, take it off” he said.
I look down at it and he’s right. The jacket is a bit too long.
” I’m not short, you’re just too tall” I defend my height dignity.
“Yeah, right. Anyway, take the jacket off or people might laugh at you outside” he said.
I wanted to re-move it, when I hear a loud ban-g on the table. I flin-ch back, and raise my head to face Kurt.
“If you don’t want people to laugh at you, you wouldn’t have wear that piece of cloth you call clothes!” He turns to James. “And you James, out of my office now!”
James laugh and mocks him, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Fine, fine. I’m leaving” then he dash off.
Now it’s just me and the vampire, I pray he doesn’t svçkmy blood. And drain the life out of me.
Kurt’s harsh gaze focus on me, I begin to shift from one foot to the other. Nervously pla-ying with my f!ngers.
He carries the flask and goes to a sofa in his office.
Well he has a small area that looks like a sitting room. He sits on the sofa and gestures for me to come over.
I slowly and nervously walk towards him. He gestures for me to sit down and I did.
Then he gives me a spoon, I look at him, confused.
“Let’s eat” he said.
My eyes grow wi-de. Eat with him? No way!
“No, sir. I’m full” I said.
He narrows his eyes at me.
“Eat!” He commands.
I scoff mentally, can’t he ask me nicely. I just pray I find his secret quic-kly and leave.
He looks at me, as if waiting for me to start eating. Immediately I start eating, he does too.
After we finish eating, I pack up the flask and stand up.
“Thanks, sir. But I think I should be going back now”
” No” he said.
” No? ”
” No, stay” he said.
What’s wrong with him. Why is he using short words?
“But sir, I have a lot of chores waiting for me”
“I said, stay. We’ll go home together” he said and walks to his chair.
He sits down and begin to type on his l@pt©p…
“Then what am I supposed to be doing here?” I asked.
He pause and raise his head to look at me. He sm-irk and points towards my pocket.
“Pl@ygames on your phone” then he turn back to his l@pt©p.
I sit back on the sofa, I bring out my phone and decide to watch some cat videos, since I don’t have games on my phone.
After watching the videos for three whole hours I become bored.
I stand and decides to take a stroll round the building, I’m almost at the door when Kurt’s voice st©p me.
“Going somewhere?”
“Nope. Just wanna stroll round the building” I said.
He looks at his watch and pack up his l@pt©p. Then he stands up.
“Let’s go home” he said.
“Are you sure? Cause you still have a lot of work to do”
” Let’s. Go. Home” he said.
” Okay” I said.
I re-move his jacket and hands it to me. He glares at me and I look at him confused, what have I done wrong.
“Put the damn jacket on. And next time don’t wear these pieces of cloth you call clothing!!” He said angrily.
Why is he getting angry now? His mood swings are really interesting.
I put on the jacket and I hear him whispers.
I pretend as if I didn’t hear him. I don’t want to provoke him more.
He takes my hand and leads me out of the office.
Stepping out of the elevator, we saw James talking with the receptionist, actually flir-ting with her.
“Woah, boss. Going somewhere?” He asks Kurt.
“I’m heading home” Kurt reply.
James turn to me.
” I know this guy almost killed you with boredom, right” I nod. He smiles. “Then I know just how to save you. How about I take you to a nice place, where you’ll see other cool guys”
Kurt turns to James in a flash at the mention of guys, I think I heard his n£¢k crack.
“Or other cool girls” James quic-kly say.
“James, we’re going home. I wanna see my office in a good shape tomorrow” Kurt said and without another word, he pu-lls me along with him.
The ride from his company back to the mansion, was a long, quiet and torturing one.
Finally, we made it to the mansion. I open his car door and step out. Then we head to the main door.
There at the door post, a bouquet of flowers l@yon the ground. I pick it up and look at the card to know who the flowers are for.
They might be for Kurt, you girls are crazy when it comes to who they love.
But the card has my name on it, I smile when I know the flowers are for me.
“At least someone appreciate my charms for once” I said.
I perceive it and breath in the fresh scent, then I smile in contentment.
Just then my phone starts ringing, I know it’s must be Tyler calling to ask about the flowers.
I get h out my phone and I was right with my guess.
Me:- hey Tyler, how are you doing?
Tyler:- I’m good. Do you like the flowers?
Me:- yes! I love them.
Tyler:- good. Then I know what to do more often. Tomorrow we’ll have dinner, ok?
Me:- yeah, no problem. Dinner sounds great.
Then I hang up, at that instant Kurt takes the flowers from me and throws them out the gate, across the street.
“Hey, does were mine!” I protest but it’s alre-ady too late.
“Well, not anymore. After all you don’t nee-d them”
“Who said I don’t nee-d them, they remind me that I at least have an admirer” I said.
“I said you don’t nee-d them, and you alre-ady have an admirer!” He said.
A smile grows on my face when he said that, is it who I’m thinking?.
“I have? Who? Is it James?” I asked.
James is handsome and funny, I like him. Kurt growled lowly, and frowns at me.
“Not him!. New rule, don’t accept gifts from others. Especially guys!” He said and walks into the living room.
I follow behind.
“Wait…what? Is that even supposed to be a rule?” I asked.
“I just made it a rule” he look at his watch. “it’s alre-ady 4:50pm, just make me salad and bring it to my room” he said and marches upstairs to his room.
God this guy is so damn ha-rd . And does he keeps adding new rules? Who does that?.
I sigh and start on with his salad.
Halfway throu-gh, I hear the doorbell rings. I wipe my hand and rush there.
I open the door expecting to see someone, but I saw a lot of rose bouquet outside, Jeff stands next to them.
He hands me a card.
“Jeff, what are all this?” I asked.
“A hundred roses bouquets, it contains roses of different colors” he answered.
I jump happily and start to perceive as many as I can, taking in their fresh scent.
This so much better than that bouquet of flowers I received earlier.
I guess this is from Tyler too. I check the card, and my mouth falls open.
How could this be? Him?
To Be Continued
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