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Sex Doll - S01 E64

Story 1 year ago

Sex Doll - S01 E64

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 64

Sweet S3x.

A week later


Sitted in a chair in one of the fanciest restaurant in town, I held Rivera’s hand and she smiled as her eyes brightened with joy.

“So this is the date you talked about.” She said and I smiled.

“Yes, do you like it?” I aked and she nodded in agreement.

“It’s cool.” She replied.

“The waiter will be here soon, I just want us to have all the fun you want.” I said and she smiled brightly.

“It’s alright.” She replied.

“Excuse me please… Are you not that pretty girl, I saw at that party.” A guy with a familiar face intruded us.

“Hmm… I think have met you somewhere before.” She gazed into space trying to remember something and suddenly she snapped her fingers, indicating she remembered something.

“yes you are that guy at the party.” She added.

“How are you doing?” He stretched an open hand with a smile and it kinda pissed me off..

“Am fine.” She replied smiling.

My, why am I suddenly infuriated by what’s going on now.

I took a closer look at him and it was the guy from that party some months back, the night I decided to attend a ball function with Vera.

“If you don’t mind can we talk outside.” He asked ignoring me, he’s quite rude.

“Hmm…. As you can see my man is right here with me and he wouldn’t want that.”

Vera replied which made my heart leap with joy.

She gave him exactly the words he needs..

“Ohh…. Am sorry.” He said and left.

“I love you Vera.” I said and she leaned in to kizz me.

“I love you more.” She replied.

DAMON’S ????

I sat at an extreme end of the restaurant,as I the colourful multipurpose light flashes on me.

I puff on my cigarettes annoyingly, while continuously choking on it. Watching how happy Rivera seems happy.
She looks so elgant and more curvy and beautiful than the Vera I use to know.

I regretted ever letting her go.

I lost a diamond while chasing after a stone Calle Lana.


I peeked more at them,, feeling more jealous and envious of Maxwell..

I have lost the game for Life ????

3 months later


The church was filled with beautiful people in different attires.

Beautiful notes being played from the keyboard.

I stood at the alter with my heart racing in anxiety.

It’s today, it’s finally today.

I looked across the church and I saw Rivera walking towards the alter beautiful like a queen in her wedding gown.

while Betty was ahead of her throwing some rose petals.

Today actually marks the happiest day of my life.

She took her final steps on the alter facing me.

I can’t wait no more.

Every eyes were on us as the pastor called out the oaths.

“Do you Jayden’s Maxwell consider to take Rivera GUNGU as your legally wedded wife and promise to do right by her till the rest of your lifes.” He said awaiting my reply.

I smiled broadly and said….

“I do.” I replied.

“And do you Rivera GUNGU promise to do same.” He asked but no response came from Gloria as she remained in silence.

I looked at her anticipating her reply but none came.

“Do you Rivera GUNGU promise to do same.” He asked again and this time Gloria smirked at me.

“I….” She said and stopped for a while.

What is she going to say.

I do or I don’t.

VERA’S ????

slowly smirked at Jayden, my heart skipped a thousand beats, the joy was too much and I can’t believe am actually getting married.

Once again the pastor called the oath and I kept my silence trying to get my thoughts into reality it felt as if I was in my dreams.

“I… Do.” I said in absolute joy.

“If so, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” The pastor said and they all applauded us.

Jayden pulled me closer to him and we both kizzed affectionately.



BETTY’S ????

I sat at the little playing ground, just beside our mansion as I played the skipping ropes with my friends.

Wow! Am super excited this days.

I’m now a happy child.
Not the old Betty with sore dad
But a happy unicorn with two lovely and caring parents.

I thrilled that aunt Vera forgive and accept dad.

“Hand off Karen, and stand off you failed already.” Cheery {my playmate} yelled loudly breaking my thoughts.

“Betty it’s your turn to skip.” She said while Karen hand me the ropes sitting on the bench.

“You go, while we do the counting,, and mind ya, we got our eyes on yah any little fault you will hand off.” Cheery said seriously.

“Stop being so bossy cherry, it’s just a game.” Karen hissed.

“Don’t talk to me you loser.” Cheery barked angrily.

“Oh please, can you both stop it already.” I yelled.

“Fine.” Karen said with an eye roll. While Cherry cast her a disdain look.


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Sex Doll - S01 E63

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Sex Doll - S01 E65

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