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Sex Doll - S01 E43

Story 1 year ago

Sex Doll - S01 E43

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 43


This is surprising, what’s Jayden planning this time.

“Rivera.” He called and I kept my silence. “I know I was wrong, my actions were wrong but, what if we get married, be my wife.”

Now, that’s way over the line.

Marriage? His wife? I should have known this is more than a deal.

And it’s definitely a NO!.


What did you just say?” She asked and quickly disengaged from the hug.

“I said be my wife, let’s get married.” I replied in a serious tone.

“Are you kidding me?” She said burning in fury. “You want me to be your wife? Well, let me tell you that’s the last thing on earth I wanna be.” She replied and walks out of the room.

Yes, I was expecting that, but it won’t stop me.

Why does she thinks I suggested that deal in the first place.

Of course she’s mine and she has no choice but to take the deal.

The real plan is to make her mine forever and it’s only possible if she agrees to be my wife.

“Vera!” I called her in the hallway which stopped her.

“What?” She spatted angrily.

“Why don’t you just think about it? Am serious” I said hoping she would succumb to my demands.

“fu-ck you!” She gnarled.

Why is she being so difficult, why is she talking to me that way.

“RIVERA, will you lower your voice? you are talking to me.” I shouted at her and she flinched.

“I can agree to be your s*x doll but I can never be your wife, never, you this mad beast.” She said infuriated.

She’s really getting on my nerves, I felt this urge to slap her but I controlled myself keeping my calm.

She hissed at me and left for her room.

This is going to be hard guess I’ll need a plan.

She’s my s*x slave, yes, but we can be so much more.

The next day I got dressed heading out as I have cooked up a perfect plan.

“Master!” Ray called from behind me.

“I said adjusting my collar.

“Am done with the investigation” He mumbled.

“So what did you discover about the bitc.h?” I retörted.

“I’ve forwarded it to your system Sir” He bow.

“Alright.” I growled heading outside.



BETTY’S ????

Today is Sunday

Aunt Rivera promised to take me to church….


Am so excited to be in church after several years of wallowing at home.

Today am gonna pray for God to bless my aunt Rivera.

I want aunt Rivera for my daddy!!


I know it doesn’t sound right,, after all dad has done to her.


Dad is changing slowly…

He don’t punish me like he use to anymore.

Some days he will send lots of present to my room..

He started showing up for my PTA meeting in school.

This wasn’t what he had ever done since I grow up to be.

I’m happy aunt Rivera came along.. to melt his icy heart.

I dressed up in a white flower gown.

Took my bag and headed for aunt Rivera’s room.


RIVERA’S ????️

After a hectic day at the hospital…

I freshen up..

I sat in the living room.
Going through some medical reports,, I’ve to work on the next day..

Pon, pon’ the hoot from the car quelled my roaming mind That should be Jayden’s car, why is he here so soon.

I looked back as he comes into the room with an unidentified man who looks wretched.

I glanced up and concentrate on the the files.

“You would want to say hi.” Jayden said pointing to the man’s direction.

He looks dirty and wretched but I could recognize who it was in a glance.

It was my uncle, my own Uncle Mario.

“UNCLE?!” I exclaimed surprised and JAYDEN smiled mischievously.

What exactly is he planning this time.

“Rivera, Vers, it’s you, it’s really you.” My uncle called me tears streaming down his eyes.

Each of her steps towards me reminded me of my past.

How poor I was, how I ended up being a s*x doll because my uncle didn’t have enough.

And importantly, it made me realize how much have despised my uncle, how much I need Jayden’s.

This was it, this is the message he was trying to pass across.

No matter what I will always need him in my life.

I hate him but I need him.

His dirty and weak hands touched my skin, it felt so cold.

It was so clear how much he has suffered.

“Who are you?” I asked with bitter eyes, her whole face dry and unhealthy.

His Beard bushy and tangled..

“Rivera, it’s me, it’s me your uncle.” He said with tears dripping down his face.

After all these months he’s back claiming to be my uncle.

We were given some time alone to talk.

I hate him for what he did but, he’s the only family I’ve got, I can’t hate him forever.

“You have become Chubby and motr beautiful” He said holding onto my hands tight.

“I have.” I replied and wiped his tears off.

“I can see he really took care of you.” he said which made me feel a sharp pain in my heart.

He doesn’t know what have been through for the past few months.

Should I despise Jayden’s or praise him for bringing him back.

“Why are you here?” I asked curiously, the atmosphere changed cause of my question, his face became serious as if have asked him an impossible question.

“Rivera, I know I wasn’t a good uncle to you, I know I wasn’t there for you, and am ready to be better to you.” He responded which makes me glad.

“Rivera, please marry Mr Robert.” He added and the bright smile on my face disappeared.

Was is here because of that? He wants to sell me again.

“Why did you say that?” I asked trying to quell my anger.

“He asked me to talk to you, he promised he would make us rich forever if you agreed to be his wi….”

“Stop!!!” I shouted stopping him from talking. “I thought you were actually here for me, for once I had to lie to myself that you cared but you don’t, you never did, please leave!” I shouted pointing towards the door.

“Rivera, think about this it will change our lifes for good.” He replied with no ounce of dignity.

“I hate you.” I spat angrily and pushed him down.

“I hate everything about you, do you even care about how I have lived up to this moment, you are the worst, because of you every night I have never had a good sleep and now you want to torment my life forever? You want me to marry him?”

I said angrily and stood him up, I gripped him by the hand and pushed him out of my room with enough force but not enough to hurt him

I can’t believe this, I thought he has changed.

I plopped down on my bed and buried my face on my pillow with my face all teary.

That bastard what else does he want from me?

He took my pride, f*cks me every day and now he wants to have me forever.

I won’t take this, I need to come up with a plan.

He didn’t even apologize for once.

Who dose he thinks he’s..

I remained on my bed sobbing as my eyeballs were all red due to the effect of my cries.





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