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Sex Doll - S01 E34

Story 1 year ago

Sex Doll - S01 E34

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 34


DAMON’S ????

“That’s all that happened Damon.” Rivera sobbed.

“What do you mean to say?” I questioned in bewilderment.

“For the past months, I’ve been a s*x doll…. He held me captive in exchange of the month money uncle Mario owe him..” she hiccups repeatedly.

“Dos..e tha.t mea.n you’re n..ot a virg.in anym..ore?” I stuttered feeling heartbroken.

“Yes, I’m not, am sorry Damon am really sorry.” She cried trying to get hold of me… But I slept off her hands.

“Don’t you dare touch me with that sl*uty hands of yours.” I yelled in fury standing up to my feet.

“Mom was right all along, you’re nothing but a b*tch.” I gritted my teeth in rage.

“Stop please, you’re hurting me… You should know Me so well I ain’t a b*tch” she cried uncontrollably.

“Am breaking up with you, I don’t want to have anything doing with a bitch as you, after all I was keeping just to have your virginity but now,, there’s nothing left.” I mumbled.

“Am sorry Damon, don’t break up with me please, I can’t imagine a life without you… you’ve been my best friend all along..don’t leave now please. I need you more than ever.” She cried falling on her knees..

People were beginning to stair at us.. while some were taking pictures already.

“I cherish my reputation Rivera, am putter here.” I yelled about heading out of the cafe.. but she crawled grabbing my legs.

“Let go of me you sl*ut.” I screeched loudly kicking her stomach.

Striding out of the cafe.


RIVERA’S ????️

I laid down on the floor whimpering like a child…. Neglecting the divers camera lights that was flashing on me..

I lost my one best friend.. my first love.

I lost him…all because of uncle Mario and master Jayden.

He was just like my world…but now. What the heck am I supposed to do.

I’ve lost him…

I’m worthless.

After all he’s done for me. I ended up hurting him badly.

Am a bad bunny.

I stood up from the floor.. and sat on the chair. Drinking directly from the bottles of alcohol..

Under some sec, I emptied so many bottles of alcohol..

As I ordered for more.


I watched my system in frustration…as I watched Rivera wallowing in grieve because of that freak.

This is the tenth bottles of alcohol she’s drinking..

I kept my system asides putting on my clothes.

As I stored downstairs.

I met Betty playing with some stupid toys.

Instantly, she saw me. She hurriedly stood up about heading to her room.

“Come with me Betty.” I Said startling her.

She swallowed nervously.

Without saying much she walked out on me.

I clinched my fist…

As I watched her climbing up the stairs to her room.

“Did she just walked out on me?” I whispered.



I watched from the window, as master Jayden’s drove out of the compound with his men.

I smirked deviously.

It’s high time I Carry out my intention.

BETTY’S ????

I was in my room, playing some games with my laptop..

When the door busted open.

Two huge men stepped into my room.

I was Goosebumps taken..

As I felt a cold chill run through my body.

“Who are you men? Get away from me.” I busted into tears.

“Bring her fast.” One of the man instructed.

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Sex Doll - S01 E33

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Sex Doll - S01 E35

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