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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E40

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E40

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 40

Before I knew it was time to head back home. Knox and Olivia needed to head back to get their store back open and I had to get back to finish my project for my promotion. As much as I wanted to stay I knew I couldn't.

Being back home was exactly what I needed. I needed to come back to face my fears as cheesy as it sounded. In a way this brief visit back helped me heal.

"Come back soon okay?" My mom sniffed as she pulled me into the 10th hug since we came downstairs.

"I will, I promise." I already made a promise that I would come to visit more often. I couldn't go that long again without coming home.

"Let me know when you get home. Be careful of the roads with the snow." My moms inner worry wart coming out. Pulling away I smiled.

"I will."

I let mom attached herself to Olivia next as I moved towards Jackson. I pulled my dufus of a big brother into a hug.

"Be good."

"I'm always good." He scoffed when he pulled away. I sent him a look. "You be good as well. Don't try and run Knox off...you guys are perfect together." Before I would have made some snarky remark but this time I didn't. Instead I smiled.

"I won't this time." And I meant it. "Let me know if you come to Burlington we can get something to eat, and maybe bring your boyfriend." I raised my eyebrows at him, giving him a hint.

"I will." He laughed but I caught the little twinkle in his eye that appeared at the mention of his boyfriend.

Knox and Jackson said their goodbyes, promising to stay in touch and Knox even told Jackson to let him know when the next football game was so he could come watch. When Jackson and Olivia hugged he whispered something in her ear that made her grin. I shook my head at the pair. Yep, they were now best friends.

It took everything in me not to cry as we got in Knox's truck. Even though I had told Lucas, Annie and the girls bye last night I already missed them.

I waved to my mom and brother through the front windshield until they disappeared from view. My chest ached at leaving but this time I wasn't going to be gone for almost year. I wiped a stray tear from my cheek as a hand grasped mine. I looked over at Knox who sent me a small smile.

I squeezed his hand back as we pulled into the freeway to go home.

The closer we got to Burlington the more nervous I became. As soon as Knox dropped me off at my apartment our deal was over. I didn't know if that meant Knox and Olivia would leave and I wouldn't see them again. This could very well be the last time I saw them. The thought of not seeing Knox again made my heart clench.

What happened this weekend could have just been a fleeting moment. All caught up in the Christmas spirit and now that we are back to reality things would go back to how they were. As much as it pained me to think those things I did have to be realistic.

I couldn't expect Knox to feel anything for me after a few days. If he wanted to never see me again after he dropped me off I would respect his wishes. I would give him the two grand I promised and we'd go our separate ways. I would stick to the deal if that is what he wants.

There was no part of me that wanted that. I didn't want him to disappear from my life. The last few days have been amazing. So much has changed in just a matter of days and I had Knox to thank for that.

I wanted to see if things between us could go somewhere. If this fake relationship could really be more than just that. That he wasn't just my boyfriend for christmas. But it was too damn scary to ask him. I didn't want to hear him say it was just a momentary thing and be on his way. I wasn't sure I could handle that.


When Knox pulled up to my apartment building I had a knot inside of my stomach as big as the empire state building. This was it.

I slowly got out of his truck, hoping to prologue the inventible. Knox went around to grab my bags as Olivia slid out of the backseat. I gave her a small smile and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for coming with me. I'm so happy you came." I hugged her tightly as she did the same to me.

"Thank you for the best christmas."

Before we pulled away I whispered one last thing.

"Thank you for answering the ad. You've given me more than you know."

When we pulled away we were both seconds away from crying. Even if things between Knox and I didn't go anywhere from here on I would forever be grateful that she answered my stupid ad and brought her and her brother into my life. Even for a short period of time.

"Think about what I said earlier. If going to Dartmouth isn't what you want, choose what makes you happy." She gave me a watery smile and nodded.

Knox came up to my side as Olivia went back in the car. We stood there in silence as I stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets. What do I say?



We both said at the same time. Shaking his head he gestured for me to go first.

"Thank you for coming with me. It turned out better than I thought it would." I joked.

"It did. They believed our lie." His words made me swallow thickly. Yeah...our lie. Because that is what it was...a lie. Clenching my jaw I reached into my bag and grabbed the thick envelope I stuffed in there before I left.

"Here. As promised." I extended it out. "I added a little extra for Olivia."

Knox stared down at my hand not moving a muscle. I shook the envelope when he didn't reach for it, suddenly annoyed.

"Take it."

"I don't want your money."

"You kept your end of the deal and I am keeping mine. Take it."

"Aubrey I don't want your money."

"Well I want you to take my money." I was growing frustrated. All I wanted to do was go up to my apartment and be alone. The way he said 'our lie' made it seem like that was all it was for him.

I wasn't going to make him stick around any longer than he wanted. Was best we just went our separate ways.

"Knox take the damn money." I reached out and grabbed his hand going to put the money in it. He twisted his hand out of my hold and instead was now grabbing my wrist, halting my movements.

"Aubrey." Tears pricked my eyes as I clenched my jaw. "Look at me." I shook my head refusing. Knox dropped my hand bringing his own up to hold the side of my jaw, tilting my head back to look at him.

"I only agreed to be your fake boyfriend so Olivia could have a great Christmas with our parents gone. That is why I accepted doing this. But," his green eyes locked with mine and never looked away. "after being around you and learning who you are, I don't want your money....I want you."

I took a shaky breath.

"You do?"

"Yes I do." He let out a small chuckle. "I want you and your sassy comebacks, your no-shit attitude, your crazy and loud family. Somehow in a matter of a week you have bewitched me Aubrey Lynn."

I felt the tears in my eyes run down my cheeks as he spoke. Here he was saying the words I was silently praying for since we left my mom's house. Words that said he felt something for me as much as I did him.

The moment we met something clicked. Neither of us had realized it until now. Until we both had a chance of walking away. Standing here I knew deep inside of me that Knox and I could be something great.

"You want to be with me?" I asked, my voice small.

I've grown into the fear of everyone leaving me; past boyfriends...my dad. I've had ex's that have told me I wasn't good enough or shown that I wasn't. Cheating and leaving me with no reason. It was a fear I've never told anyone. It was the reason I haven't dated in well over a year. I don't think I can take another person leaving me after I've given them my heart.

That fear was front and center with Knox. At first it was just a fake deal so it wouldn't have mattered if he left at the end, but now after this weekend I don't want him to leave.

"As crazy as it sounds, yes I do. This may have started off as fake but right now what I feel is not." His thumb gently grazed my cheek as the corner of his lips tilted up. "I would like to take you on a real date if you'd let me."

"I would love that." I answered with an ear-splitting grin.

As soon as the words left my mouth his lips were on mine. I moved up onto my toes as my hands went up to wrap around his neck, my fingers gripping his hair. I pressed my body into his as he reached down to grip my ass.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed before we finally pulled apart, the two of us breathing heavy. I heard the sound of a muffled scream and glanced to the side. Olivia was pressed against the back window grinning widely at the two of us.

Bursting out laughing I buried my head in Knox's chest. His sister just literally watched us make out.

"So how would you feel if I asked you to go out with me tomorrow night?" Knox asked a moment later. We may have spent the last few days together non-stop but the thought of seeing him tomorrow for a date brought butterflies to my stomach.

"I would love to."

"It's a date." Knox grinned down at me.

"It's a date." I echoed, smiling up at the man who in just a matter of days flipped my world back around. Maybe having a fake boyfriend from Christmas wasn't the worst plan.

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E39

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E41

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