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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E13

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13

By time I came out of the bathroom Knox was gone. Olivia's suitcase was gone which meant he already put it in her room. I sat on the edge of my bed, tugging at the sleeves of my sweater. I've only been home a total of 20 minutes and yet it felt weird being here. Almost like years and years have passed when its really only been 10 months.

Not wanting to let Knox or Olivia to get stuck with my mom, I made myself get up and head downstairs. Walking down the stairs I found myself smiling softly at the pictures once more. I paused at one of us as a family. It was about two years old and it was taken on Christmas. All 5 of us dressed in matching PJ's, grinning like idiots with wrapping paper scattered all around us.

I quickly looked away and walked the rest of the way down the stairs. My stomach growled loudly as I followed the smell of food in the kitchen. The smell of cinnamon bread made my mouth water. I fully planned on pigging out this next week on my mom's food.

Walking into the kitchen my eyes immediately went to Knox. He was leaning against the counter next to his sister while my mom chatted away. Hearing my name I knew it was time to interrupt. I probably didn't want to know what my mom was saying about me before I came down.

"It smells really good in here Mom." I spoke, crossing the room and heading for the counter. The sight that greeted me made me want to moan. Desserts, bread and even pies were sitting on the counter waiting to be eaten. "Have you been baking all night?"

"Some of it is from the bakery yesterday." Sometimes dessert is better the next day.

"Well don't mind if I do." I moved around the counter and headed to the cabinet for a plate. The only thing on my mind was food.

As I was reaching for a slice of cinnamon bread and a few cookies a hand slapped mine.


"You aren't even going to offer our guests some?" My mom gave me a pointed look. Trying my hardest not to roll my eyes I looked over at Olivia and Knox.

"Would you guys like some?" I asked, even though Olivia already had a plate filled with food. She shook her head and when Knox didn't say anything I took that to mean he didn't want any. Without another word I stuffed a chocolate chip cookie in my mouth.

"I thought I taught you manners young lady." My mom put her hands on her hips.

"Sorry." I talked with my mouth full, only to grin at the horrified look on my mom's face.

"I'll take that plate away from you." She warned.

"You wouldn't deprive your starving daughter of food!"

"I definitely would." I gasped at her comment.

"Cruel! That's child abuse you know." My mom shook her head at me while I grinned and shoved another cookie in my mouth.

"It's not child abuse if your 26." She looked away from me to Knox. "I'm sorry you've had to put up with my animal of a daughter."

"It has been quite hard." Knox joked, his green eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Excuse me." I looked between my mom and Knox. "You are not allowed to gang up on me!" I wiggled my finger at the two of them.

"Whatever you are doing to Aubrey, I'm in." A new voice chimed in. I knew that voice from anywhere.

"You weren't invited dingnut." I turned and found my second oldest brother walking through the doorway. The smile that took over his face made my own appear. My feet moved on their own as I crossed the kitchen and wrapped my arms around my brother.

The big bear hug he wrapped me in brought tears to my eyes. You never realize how much you miss someone until you see them again. Pulling back I tilted my head back to look at him.


Jackson looked the exact same. He had the same floppy brown hair, slightly shorter than I last saw him. His brown eyes were filled with mischief like always. The only difference was the beard that now graced his jaw.

"When did this happen?" I touched the beard.

"Like it?"

"Better than the pornstache you had sophomore year of college." Jackson groaned.

"It wasn't a pornstache!"

"Yes it was." I grinned, taking a step back so my mom can say hi. While the two of them hugged, my brothers 6'1 frame engulfing my mom, I moved over towards Knox. When they pulled apart his eyes landed on Knox next to me.

"Jackson this is Knox...my boyfriend." I reached down and laced our fingers. I've never been one to experience or even believe in sparks when you touch someone. But as I slid my hand into Knox's I did. Tingles went straight up my arm at the contact. "And his sister Olivia." I somehow managed to say.

Knox hand was...rough. I could feel calluses along his palm and even along his fingers as I gripped it. It shouldn't have surprised me since I knew he was in the military and owned a hardware store. He uses his hands a lot.

It just felt different, but in a good way. My past boyfriends have always had smooth hands. A few little calluses from gripping things but nothing like this. The difference between the guys I've dated to Knox is actually quite large.

Jackson was quiet as he came forward. Knox and him practically seizing each other up. Knox had a good two inches on him and was definitely more muscled than my brother. No secret that Knox could take my brother. For some reason I found myself clenching onto Knox's hand tighter as my brother stopped a foot away from him. My brother wasn't the violent type but he was being so quiet.

"Yeah, you are too good looking for my sister." Was all he said.

"Jackson!" My eyes popped out of my head at his words.

"What just stating facts." He shrugged as if he didn't just say I was too ugly to be with Knox, in front of Knox! "Nice to meet you Knox."

"Nice to meet you." The two of them shook hands, Jackson a bright smile on his face. His serious face all just an act. He was a big teddy bear honestly.

"Surprised my sister got you to come."

"Wouldn't have missed it." Knox replied, tilting his head down to smile at me, his hand still gripping my own. His smile almost took my breath away and I returned it with one of my own. I knew his smile wasn't real but for just a moment I believed it was.

"And its lovely to meet you Olivia." Jackson moved around us towards Olivia. Grabbing her hand he placed a kiss on the back of it. I rolled my eyes at the gesture, Olivia's cheeks bright red. The way Knox gripped my hand tightly I knew Jackson's flirty nature was not going to fly with Knox. Especially with his 17 year old sister.

"Lucas and Annie will be here in a few hours for dinner." My mom pipped up. "So until then eat, relax, make yourselves at home." The last part was directed to Knox and Olivia.

When my mom left the room Knox and I at the same time realized we were still holding hands. He let mine go as if his hand was on fire, moving a step back as well. Thankfully before the awkwardness kicked in my brother started talking.

"So Knox, because my idiot of a sister didn't tell us you were coming until last minute," Jackson sent me a pointed look, to which I rolled my eyes at. "we don't know anything about you. What do you do?"

"I own a hardware store." Knox responded, leaning his hip against the counter top, his arms crossing his wide chest. The stance screamed dominance even though I was certain he wasn't trying to come off that way. "But I was in the military before that."

"Thank you for your service man." They each did that guy nod they do.

"How about yourself?"

"I'm the assistant coach for the football team at the University of Vermont." Just those few words seemed to slip a switch. Instantly the two of them left the kitchen and headed for the living room, talking sports. I knew Jackson being a sports guy would definitely help Knox become more comfortable here.

Leaving the two of them to bond, I took a seat beside's Olivia.

"Ignore my brother, he can be the biggest flirt known to man."

"It's okay. He seems sweet." The soft blush on her cheeks I instantly knew a small crush was forming. Knox was gonna love this.

"I did want to apologize to you and your brother."

"What for?" Olivia asked, munching on a cookie.

"For taking you guys away during Christmas. It was really selfish of me but I hope you know I appreciate it."

"We really don't mind." I could have sworn I saw her eyes dim a bit as if a thought entered her mind. Here I was taking this teenager away from her family for Christmas; almost like the Grinch.

"Do you guys have any traditions you do around Christmas or on it?" I suddenly asked.

"Um..." Olivia pondered my question for a minute before her face lit up. "We would make gingerbread houses and then vote on which one was the best. We'd make tons of cookies too." The sad look on her face made me itch to say something but instead I held back.

Reaching out I placed my hand on hers, giving her a small smile.

"How about tomorrow we go into town and find some stuff to make gingerbread houses?" I offered.

"Really?" Her green eyes instantly lit up

"Of course. And I know everyone else will join in so we will have tons of gingerbread houses to build."

"Thank you Aubrey." Olivia smiled. I smiled back as guilt weighed in my stomach. Since I asked them to come here for Christmas the least I could do was make it feel a bit more like home to them.

Previous Episode

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E12

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E14

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