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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E10

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E10

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 10

The next day I was a mess. It was at 11:30 and I was running around my house like a fish with its head cut off. I was adding last minute things to my suitcase, while finishing up a few things for work, and stressing about meeting my family in a few hours.

I was fine until Leah left last night. One second I was calm about this whole thing and the next I was stressing that this whole plan wasn't going to work. Afraid my family wouldn't believe Knox and I were dating and then disappointing my mom once again. And then on top of that getting this promotion.

It was like suddenly everything was falling down onto my shoulders and the weight was getting too heavy to hold. Now here I was, Knox almost here and freaking the fuck out.

"Its okay Aubrey you can do this. Everything will work out. It has to." I told myself as I stuffed the last of my toiletries in my bag. My little pep talk did little to calm me down.

"This entire plan is stupid and here I am finally realizing it. Leah was right this is my worst idea yet." I mumbled moving around my bedroom. I didn't have to pack too much since we'd only be gone about 6 days and I bet my mom still had some of my old stuff at the house.

Just as I zipped up my suitcase a knock sounded at my door. Knowing it was Knox and Olivia I quickly straightened my cream sweater, even though it wasn't even wrinkled. Taking a deep breath I opened the door putting a smile on my face.

"Hey." My smile faltered a little as I took Knox in. Because every time I've met Knox in person he's been sitting down, I had no clue how tall he actually was.

His big frame seemed to take up the whole doorway. I had to tilt my head up to get a good look at his face. I took in the slight scruff on his face that made him very attractive. His blonde hair was styled the same as it was the last time I saw him, suiting him.

My eyes had a mind of their own as they moved down his body. He wore a nice brown jacket with a pair of blue jeans. Since it was too cold to wear anything but a thick jacket I couldn't see what he had on underneath, but it didn't take a genius to know that whatever it was looked good on him.

Finally my eyes moved away from Knox and landed on his sister standing next to him a bright grin on her face.

"Uh here come in." Realizing I was keeping them out in the cold hallway I moved to the side. "Let me make sure I have everything and we can get going. Make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks." Olivia smiled at me. Knox had yet to say anything and it made my nerves skyrocket. Feeling his eyes on me I quickly ducked my head and headed back to my bedroom. There was something about Knox's gaze that always caught me off guard.

Not wanting to keep them waiting long I grabbed my heavy suitcase after doing one last look around to make sure I had everything. Heaving my suitcase I moved back into the living room, arms straining. I really needed a suitcase that has working wheels.

"I'm ready." I set the bag down with a thud. I looked up to find Knox standing near my kitchen holding a picture frame. I knew exactly which one it was too. It was of my entire family before things changed last year. Before I could say anything Olivia spoke.

"Thanks for letting me tag along." Looking away from her brother I smiled.

"Of course, I'm glad you're coming with. Sorry to take you away from your family for Christmas though." I really was selfish for not thinking of them and their family for the holidays.

"It's okay our parents aren't-" Olivia was cut off by Knox walking over.

"Ready to go?" I didn't miss the look he sent his sister, making me confused. Not wanting to get involved I looked away and grabbed my suitcase. Finally Knox looked away from his sister and turned to me. Lifting one shoulder I sent him a small grin.


"Good to go?" I asked. Wordlessly he nodded. Knowing I wasn't going to get much else from him I practically dragged my suitcase to the door where I already had my bag ready.

Locking the door behind me I went to move my suitcase only to have it taken from me. I watched with raised eyebrows as Knox easily grabbed my heavy suitcase and carried it down the hallway. I could have sworn I saw the muscles in his back flex through his jacket.

Not wanting to get caught drooling I quickly caught up with the pair. I needed to shake some sense into myself. I couldn't find Knox attractive. This was only a week deal and he wasn't exactly the nicest guy either.

I was probably only finding him attractive because its been so long since I've been with someone. That was the only explanation.

"So where are we going exactly?" Olivia asked as we left my apartment building.

"We are going to Rutland. It's about two hours from here." I answered, wrapping my arms around myself as I shivered from the cold.

Olivia lead me towards a nice looking truck parked in front of us. It came as no surprise that Knox would drive a semi-jacked up truck like this. I watched as Knox lifted my suitcase and placed it in the back of the truck. The suitcase landing with a thud.

"Hey! There are presents in there!" I shot him a glare. He didn't so much as look at me and headed for the drivers side.

"You can take the front Aubrey if you want." Olivia kindly suggested, moving towards the backseat. She was already inside before I could argue. Great, sitting up front with Knox the entire two hours....yay.

Already freezing my ass off I reluctantly went around the truck and got in the passenger side. I sighed at the warm air already blowing. I can't wait for warmer weather.

"So where am I going?"

"Oh right. Just uh get on the 7 South. It takes us all the way there." I was beyond nervous about returning home. Beside the fact that I haven't been home in almost a year and now with a fake boyfriend.

"What is Rutland like?" Olivia suddenly asked, leaning forward through the front seats.

"Well it's a bit smaller than Burlington, so it has that small town vibe. Everyone knows everyone which can be very annoying at times. People in Rutland like to go all out for Christmas. There is a festival with booths at every corner, contests, stuff like that."

"That sounds like fun." Olivia beamed. I didn't miss the gleam in her eye at the mention of the festival. I bet she would love it.

"Knowing my mom she will drag us to every event, even if it is freezing. So beware." From past experience I knew we would be attending everything Rutland has to offer for Christmas.

Knox was quiet as I spoke, his eyes focused on the road ahead. I found myself glancing at him every few minutes despite the fact that he seemed very uninterested.

"Beware my mom is a baker so you will be eating a ton of desserts the next few days." I warned.

"Oh really?" Olivia pipped up before going into how cool it would be to be a baker.

"Olivia is always baking when she gets home from school and on the weekends." Knox finally spoke. The fond tone of how he talked about his sister was sweet. From the side I noticed the hard look on his face softened a bit as he glanced at his sister through the review mirror.

"You know while we are there I bet my mom could use the help. If you wanted I know she would love to have you come to the bakery." I supplied, twisting in my seat to look at Olivia.

"Wait really?"

"I don't mind baking but my heart was never really in it, so my mom would love to finally have someone to teach and help out."

All my life my mom has tried to get me to love baking. To help her run the bakery and keep it in the family. But much to my mom's dismay it wasn't what I wanted to do. While I loved helping at the bakery, even working there all through out middle school and high school, it just wasn't my thing.

I didn't like to admit it but it drove a wedge between my mom and I. While she was busy making new kinds of desserts, I was off with my dad doing other stuff. Helping him fix his truck, helping build the new back patio, playing football with him and my two brothers.

I once heard my mom talking to my dad about how she wished I was more like her. How she wished I loved cooking and baking like she did. But instead she got the daughter who would rather hang with her dad and big brothers getting dirty. She never said it but I knew she was or even still is disappointed.

Yet another thing to be disappointed about with me. I sighed softly, turning to face the road. I forced the unwanted thoughts to the back of mind. Now is not the time.

Silence settled over the car. Olivia leaning back and putting her headphones in, Knox silent as ever staring at the road. I wanted to break the silence but I had nothing to say. I was so awkward around Knox for some reason.

I've always been an awkward person in general but not enough to where I couldn't make conversation. Even with guys I was okay to go up and talk to them. That part didn't bother me. But sitting here beside Knox I had nothing. It was like all words were stuck in my throat. Probably didn't help that every time I spoke he would look at me like I was some idiot.

With another sigh I leaned my head back wondering how on earth we were going to pull this off.

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E09

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E11

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