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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E30

Story 1 year ago

Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E30

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30

"Please acknowledge my presence for a few minutes," I said trying to not sound too nervous. "We need to talk." I completed.

"About?" She said simply arching one of her brows.

"Uh, about yesterday?" I said a little confused, nervousness starting to finally make itself present in my system.

"There's nothing to talk about what happened yesterday Anna," she said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Just what is going through your head...

She just sighed running a hand through her hair. "Can we talk about this another time?"

"You said that yesterday," I said growing a little impatient. "Why are you avoiding this conversation so much? Just tell me to not do it again, scold me or just fucking beat the shit out of me for God's sake." Somehow I was hit by a jolt of confidence. "Unless you wanted that kiss as much as I did," I concluded.

"Anna," she said through gritted teeth. "Let's talk about this later, ok?"

"No," I said stubbornly crossing my arms.

"You're talking too loud," she said harshly.

"So? I don't care."

"Just meet me here after school." She half whispered running her hand through her hair again, nervous habit?

"And we will talk for once?"

"Yes," she sighed. "Just go to your next class, the bell is about to ring."

"Fine," I said simply picking my bag and leaving.

I don't even know how I said all of that looking into her eyes without either melting or dying, be strong Anna!

The day seemed to never end, each class seemed to pass like a whole day and I was growing more and more impatient, I don't know how I didn't have a heart attack yet.

What will she say? I'm not going to lie, I'm so scared. Something tells me she will not confess her undying love for me, what am I even expecting?

Eventually, the bell rang and I ran to her detention class almost knocking the door down upon arriving, there she was as usual seated on her desk but she wasn't alone, 2 more girls sat in the student's seats.

What the hell?

"Uh, Miss can I have a word with you?" I asked cynically, I know what you're doing Daniella.

"As you can clearly see Miss Krause, I'm busy right now," she said sarcastically, venom running through her words.

"I see very clearly Miss, I hope I can find you free tomorrow," I said using the same sarcastic tone leaving the classroom.

The rest of the week passed by and it was impossible to find Daniella alone, she always called someone to stay after class and sent them to detention for the stupidest things, except me, I've tried misbehaving several times but she would promptly ignore my presence or just tell me to leave the classroom.

I even went seeing Edward at the same time and days she went there but there was no sight of her whatsoever.

And so came Friday and her detention classroom had over 4 students, this is just ridiculous, as she has said to me before, she never sends people to detention, she's obviously doing this to avoid our conversation.

But why?

Just why the hell are you running away from me goddamit!

I was supposed to be the immature one in this relationship!

You give me no other choice Daniella...

There I was, Saturday morning, 6:23 am to be exact in an old gym outfit, I don't even know why I have one honestly, and to top it all off, an extremely annoyed face waiting by the fountain of the same park we met before on the side I knew she went running in the morning.

I pretended to be stretching as I saw her coming in the distance with a very happy Slippers running and jumping around, he was the first to see me and immediately started running in my direction making Daniella acknowledged my presence.

Well, I have her dog so she can't just run away I thought to my self as I petted him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in an annoyed tone as she reached us.

"What do you mean? I'm here to exercise, can I not?"

"What a joke," she said sarcastically. "I know why you're here Anna," she went straight to it.

"I don't know what you're talking about Miss," I said mimicking her sarcastic tone. "But since we are both here why don't we have that pending conversation?"

She sighed rolling her eyes a little bit but still seating in one of the park seats.

"First of all, I want to know why you've been quite literally running away from me," I said doing my best for my voice to come out as a serious tone.

"Anna," she said sighing again. I just stood there a few meters in front of her waiting for her to continue but it seemed like she wasn't going to. Just as I was about to urge her to talk she finally completed. "I think it's for the best if we stop talking and seeing each other."

"Why?" I said trying to contain the pain that has been consuming my heart in the past few days. "You didn't even answer my question."

"Because I don't want to see you again, get a goddamn clue," she spat in the coldest tone I have ever heard from her.

Heart? destroyed, but I didn't say anything I just turned around and left seeing by the corner of my eyes Slippers following me for a bit then finally going back to Daniella after she called his name.

I'm not sure it was the best decision to just leave but I knew if I stayed longer I would just give in and embarrass myself even further.

I know she's lying when she tells me she doesn't want to see me or talk to me again but I'm not going to be the one to beg and no, I'm not giving up, I'll make her be the one to come to me.

She must at least have some kind of feeling towards me, she did kiss me back, I'm not crazy yet. She might not love me or even have the same feelings I have for her but I know she cares and if this is the way she wants to deal with it then so be it, just wait for it Miss Evans, I'm going to play by your rules.

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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E29

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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E31

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