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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E28

Story 1 year ago

Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E28

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28

I knocked 4+1+4+1+7 times fastly on Edward's door, our secret knocking system just so he knows it's me.

"Come on in my Cucaracha," he said from the other side. As always he was seated on his wheelchair by the window.

"Sup old man," I said coming in and giving him a side hug.

"What brings you by?"

"What do you mean? I came to see you," I chuckled already pulling his wheelchair to the door.

"On a Monday?" He eyed me. "I can see right through your lies."

"You always do, don't you?" I said amused. "I came with Daniella, I guess something bad happened, even though I came with her she just left me hanging without knowing what is going on." I sighed.

"Well, if she came with you she has to leave with you so..." He was interrupted by the elevator doors opening up to the ground floor, there was a guy screaming at the entrance.

"What a crazy day," I said pulling his chair to the patio away from the fight.

"What's so wrong about this day?"

"Uh, how do I start," I said sighing again. "There's nothing wrong about today, it's just crazy." I chuckled. "Well, I guess I'll have to start from last Friday."

I told him everything, since the dance to the Jenny incident, he didn't say anything as I was venting everything I was feeling. Right now Edward was the only person I could say these things to, the only one that wouldn't judge me and support me no matter what.

I have an 80-year-old best friend.

He nodded his head as I finished talking. "Do you think that girl will cause any problems with you two?"

"I don't really think so, Daniella and I are not even going out, she has nothing against us, besides that she's my friend so I don't think she would do something to ruin my life."

He nodded again, "then what's the matter?"

I looked at him defeated, "I didn't tell Daniella about it yet, I feel like she wouldn't like to know that, I'm afraid she'll push me away again." I said finally coming to a stop seating at one of the benches and resting my chin on my hand.

If she pushes me away it will be the death of me.

Edward rested a hand on my shoulder patting it softly. "She might push you away but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about you, I'm sure she knows that someone right here is really persistent," he said chuckling. "Just tell her the truth."

"You're right, thank you, Ed, you're the real beast."

"Anna!" I lifted my head instantaneously just from the sound of her voice, Daniella was just a few meters away from where we were seated, she wore a mixed expression, sadness and frustration if I'm right.

"I should go," Ed said as she reached us.

"I'll take you to your room," I said reaching for the wheelchair to push him but earned a light slap on my hand from him.

"I can go on my own." He chuckled eyeing Daniella. "Visit soon," he said taking off to the building.

I was finally alone with her and I swear I was so nervous I could hear my heart trying to beat his way out of my chest, I have to tell her no matter what happens. I looked down, damn just do it.

"I... Can we talk?"

"Anna," she sighed. "I have too much on my mind right now."

"Can you tell me what's going on then?" I said shyly almost whispering as if I was too scared of saying it out loud.

She sighed again pulling some hairs out of her face. "I don't know but everything is OK now," she said simply.

I didn't fully understand what she meant by that but I didn't want to push her into telling me something she's not comfortable with, she didn't need that right now because I can tell she's in pain.

So I did the only thing I could think at the moment, I hugged her. At first, she was a little confused and surprised but she ended up hugging me back for just an instant before moving away.

"Sorry for hugging you all of the sudden," I said awkwardly looking down. "I was just trying to make you feel better."

"I know, thanks." She chuckled at my sudden awkwardness, well here's something that makes her feel better. "Let's go," she said already walking away. Rude.

At least old Miss Evans is back and I'm certainly not complaining.

The ride to my house was mostly silent, I didn't live too far away so it was a quick drive.

Eventually she pulled up in front of it turning the engine off.

"See you tomorrow, Miss," I said not really wanting to leave her just yet.

"Anna," she said before I could open the car door. "Thanks for coming with me."

I was going to say something back but our eyes ended up meeting and I just couldn't focus on anything else.

Without realizing I found my face really close to hers but I didn't have the courage either to back away or to go ahead, Miss Evans didn't move away either, if I kiss her she'll kill me if I don't I'll kill myself out of frustration.

But I didn't really have to choose, our faces came closer at the same time and our lips touched moving in a single sweet kiss.

It was short and fast but I couldn't be more satisfied in my life, the memory of her soft lips will never get out of my head.

I felt her moving her head back just a centimetre away from mine, I could feel her breathing on my face but I couldn't see her because I refused to open my eyes and face what just happened.

I was waiting for her to scream at me but she still didn't back away so I finally half opened my eyes, her face was close and she still had her eyes closed, was she waiting for another kiss?

I moved closer again but I felt her hand going up my shoulder preventing me from moving any further, her eyes slowly opened revealing dark grey eyes.

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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E27

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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E29

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