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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E23

Story 1 year ago

Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E23

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 23

Miss Evans was sexier today than usual, her skirt looked shorter and tighter if possible and her cleavage was showing through her button up.

She strolled down the hallway looking straight at me and G-d I swear she looked like she's about to jump on me and take me in this deserted hallway. I thought she would stop in front of me but she kept getting closer making me walk back until my back was pressed against the lockers behind me.

I looked at her in shock as she was just mere centimetres from my face, I could feel her hot breath on my lips, damn those red lips were getting closer and closer until...

Ring ring motherfucka.

I opened my eyes with a groan turning off my alarm, what a dream.

Seriously tho, not even in my dreams I can get the puss.

It is quite needless to say I woke up miserable, not only because I didn't have the pleasure of dreaming with at least a kiss from the one and only, making me frustrated, I also was not rested enough from my sleepless weekend.

I got up and literally crawled to my bathroom. The air was starting to get chillier at night and in the morning but in the middle of the day it was still quite sunny, which is weird since it's November already, global warming guys, so I made sure to put a nice looking t-shirt that would go well with my outfit under my hoodie just in case I had to take it off, most of the time I don't care but there was someone that I wanted to look nice for, not only for her tho, it is a nice reminder to actually make me think twice of what to wear every day.

By the time I was ready I realised I had only 5 minutes to get to class, I know I should wake up earlier but damn, nah.

I picked my longboard and flew through the streets, I was so going to be late. The bell rung as I reached the main doors making me run like crazy to my beloved calculus classroom.

I knocked on the door, 2 minutes late, it isn't that bad.

Miss Evans opened the door with her usual uninterest face letting me in and just as I was reaching my desk thinking I was safe she said in a stern voice, "Stay after class." A chill went through my spine, I know when she talks like that it's because things are getting serious.

The class was passing awfully slow and I was hardly containing the anticipation, she never asked me to stay after class so I have no idea of what would happen, Daniella isn't the type to reach out for my company so that was out of the question, either I was failing or I was in trouble.

Eventually, the bell rang and my heart was beating at least a million times per second. When the last student closed the door leaving us alone miss Evans got up from her desk with a sigh.

"Anna," she said crossing her arms. "Do you know you can fail for being constantly late?"

"I know now," I said laughing awkwardly trying to lessen up the atmosphere.

She eyed me carefully not taking well my humour. "Do you even care?"

"Of course I do."

"If you do then why are you not even trying?" She walked to me making me remember my dream, just this time she was wearing her clothes decently, I could feel my face getting hotter. "Also, your grades are holding themselves together by a thin string."

"I'll do my best to be on time and to study more Miss, I promise," I said looking elsewhere, I stuck with the blackboard behind her where was written today's lesson which I didn't pay attention to, my face was probably looking so damn red even though my skin isn't necessarily the palest. G-d just let me run away from here.

"Is the board catching your attention now? Shouldn't it have when I explained today's lesson?" she asked sternly.

"I'm sorry Miss," I said briefly looking at her again but quickly averting my eyes to the ground instead.

"Look at me."

I slowly raised my eyes looking at her intense grey eyes, I don't think I've seen someone with grey eyes in person before and I swear there's nothing in this world that can compare to them.

I didn't realise I was staring for so long and I should have probably said something but I couldn't, just then my gaze fell to her lips and girl did I want to kiss them so badly, they looked like they were coming closer, damn I was coming closer, until I realised the promise I have made, the last thing I want is for Miss Evans to hate me or to not want me around her anymore. I stepped back just as the bell rang saving me.

So goddamn awkward.

"I, uh... See you tomorrow, miss," I said leaving the classroom as her other students started pouring in the classroom.

That was close, very close.

I came in the next class just in time before the tardy bell seating next to Soph.

"What's up with that face?" she said with a lollipop in her mouth.

"I'm failing," I said propping my head on my hand, Soph didn't know that I have kissed Daniella before and I know she is my best friend and all and I trust her with my heart and soul but I don't think Daniella would be pleased to know I have told someone, I think she would be very mad.

As Soph said, it is one thing to have a crush on a teacher but to have a teacher like you back? If she knew I kissed her I would never see the end of it.

"We're failing," she said amused.

• • •

Soph and I decided it would be a good idea to head to the new nearby cafe to start a study group, that only consisted of the two of us, and actually start working on our grades, although I do think it would have been a better idea to do it at the library instead where we could focus more because let me tell you, Soph gets distracted by the dumbest things.

"Wow, John Steinbeck was so hot when he was younger, seriously," Soph said out of the blue pulling me back from my English assignments. "Who would you bang, young John or Jack Kerouac?"

"Neither," I said rolling my eyes. "Soph you're the worst for studying with."

We spent all evening studying and although Soph was a pain in the ass we did get a lot of studying done, although I know that I wasn't doing bad with my grades I know I have to get on time and show that I'm actually hearing. I couldn't fail this year, if I did then I would certainly never have a chance with Daniella.

I have to prove to her that I can do it and that I'm not an idiot or a kid. The school year only just started so I still have time to get it right, maybe I should start with actually paying attention to Danella's lessons instead of looking at her.

It was the most difficult part tho.

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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E22

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Why So Sexy, Miss Evans - S01 E24

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