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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E30

Story 1 year ago

The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E30

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30

Vicky’s Dad pushed her away and was getting closer, I tried to hold Akor’s hand but didn’t see Akor, I immediately started shouting nurse, nurse but no reply… He finally came to my bed side and started pressing my neck… I was struggling and calling nurse, the nurse finally came with securities and they were able to take him off me…

I started breathing heavily and trying hard to catch my breath, while he was pressing my neck Vicky was crying and holding him and telling him to stop, I was wondering why she was helping me…

You this stupid boy, so you lied to my daughter? You came to my house and acted like a big man and even put your dirty legs on my table while swallowing all the food in my house… I will kill you today for breaking my little Angel’s heart.

I finally caught my breath and I said, do you want to choke me to death? Are you the one that is going to marry your little Angel? Come who is little Angel? You mean, you are calling my Vicky little Angel like one small pikin? Sir, I know I will make it in life and I truly love your daughter. I am telling you my mind; so do whatsoever you want to me but please don’t press my neck again…

After I finished he was so angry and broke lose from the hold and started approaching me again when Vicky yelled “I still love him”… My eyes opened wide and the Dad stopped abruptly. What did you say? He asked… I still love him Dad. Please don’t hurt him…

The Dad left the ward with so much anger in his eyes while Vicky was running after him… I started yelling at the nurse for being so negligent to allow someone come there to assault me… She was apologising when I saw Akor peeping from the toilet.

Akor? How on Earth will you allow that man to come here and try to choke me to death? So you were in the toilet when I was calling for help? Akor what did I ever do to you?

I am very sorry, I left because the man may think I am you. Thank God you are alive… What’s the new development? When is Vicky coming to set us free?

My problem and yours are different from each other, how can you be expecting my girl to pay your bills? Upon all the flirting, you still didn’t know who to fall back to in this trying time, the only one that try small is still a very stingy spirit…

What do you mean by that? Are you insulting me?

Yes Akor, I am insulting you… You are just too stupid, while others are getting in trouble in their line of duty, you are getting in trouble because of women. What is the difference between each of those ladies? Each of the ladies you move with are beautiful, why didn’t you keep just one?

That’s enough, Akor cut in… This is my life and I have the liberty to live it the way I pleases, who gave you the right to mingle in my personal affairs? Seems you are forgetting that I am older than you, don’t ever try to disrespect me because I choose to be your friend.

I can’t believe all this is coming from you, after everything I have done for you? All the sleepless nights couple with the stress and also dealing with breakup because of you? This is what you still choose to do with your life? You mean you haven’t learnt your lessons?

Peter please stop all this, what are you even contributing to my life? You have no savings at your age, you depend on a woman for everything and you think you have the capacity to advice me? Peter you are just not really useful to my life and it’s pains me you think you have a say in what I do…

I couldn’t believe the things coming out of Akor’s mouth, I was shocked and speechless… Tears started running down my cheeks and I had to called on the nurse to take Akor away…

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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E29

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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E31

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