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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E18

Story 1 year ago

The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18

I felt something on my face like a heavy block and I jerked up in a kung fu position… peter ran into my toilet and I called him and ask him what he hit on my face that is that painful… he explained that immediately I fainted he ran to my fridge and emptied all the satchet water in a bucket but forgot some of the satchet water has ice in them so he mistakenly poured both the water and the ice on me…

Do you know you almost killed me? I asked

Point of correction… ‘it not do you know I almost killed you’ but ‘do you know I almost died?’ what the meaning of killing you are adding there? Na me faint you? You were already dying and you should be thankful that I brought you back to life…

Well, now that you are back can you kindly provide the breakfast Agnes brought for us, I have no plan of cooking anything for breakfast, remember I was the one that brought the idea that they should give us breakfast, lunch and dinner… so kindly bring the food I am begging you. peter


‘I looked at peter in amazement, so upon everything that has happened to me the only concern peter has is to be asking me for common noodles?’

Peter you are a goat I finally said

Are you insulting me? Peter asked

Yes, I am insulting you… in short you are not just a goat but a baby goat…

What do you mean by baby goat? Gosh, your grammar is so bad… the baby of a goat is called kid… therefore, instead of calling me a baby goat, call me a ‘goat kid’ peter said

What kind of human being are you? what is a goat kid? That’s by the way… peter please were you the one that ate the noodles with me? Are you playing some kind of prank? Please be sincere..

I wasn’t the one Akor, and I didn’t even see anyone leaving your room. Are you serious about what you are saying? Or you were so hungry and decided to finish the noodle… peter said

Common bro, look over there, they are two forks in that plate, I can’t use two forks all by myself na…

Well, after what I witness this morning I think I am beginning to believe your story, what was the name your spirit friend gave you the first day you met her?


What do you mean by “my spirit friend”? you are so annoying peter..

Do you want me to help you or not? Peter asked

She told me she’s the descendant of Belial but I should call he Asmodeus

Shuuuu… guy, you hear that kind thing and you no run? You still have the gut to invite her into your house? Oya, bring your phone let type the names on google and see if there’s any meaning… peter said.

I put ON my internet and handed the phone over to him… the next thing I heard was ‘Akor, your own don finish’ do you know who belial is according to google? Tell me please you are the one with the phone… I said

Belial is one of the ‘7 fallen angels’ at this point I was shaking so hard and I ‘fart’ out of fear..

Akor, what is that na, what kind of hot fart and smelly fart is that? Peter asked…

Did you taste the fart? How did you know is hot? i said with a shaky voice… what about Asmodeus? I asked

Heeeeey, Akor, your womanising has finally paid off…

What do you mean by that I asked

Asmodeus means lust! Akor, now; repeat after me. Say ‘I am finished’

I left peter and ran to the bathroom to ease myself… I came back to the sitting room but ran back again to ease myself…

‘Guy, if you like piss till tomorrow you don already buy market’ peter said

I came out and ask peter to take me to the seer he talked about earlier

Okay! he said.

We went to the place and saw one woman wearing white, she saw us coming and told us to stop and pull our shoes before coming close that her ground is a holy ground… we pulled our shoes and went and sat in front of her…

Welcome my children, what brought you to this great temple? I wanted to explain my predicament but she asked me to stop…

I know what brought you here, she laughed and continued… I know you wanted to know why things have gone wrong in your life… I quickly answered yes mummy.

She went further to say… it is your mother that is the cause of all your problem… she is the reason why nothing is working for you. she is the one siphoning all your wealth to her witchcraft coven, she has tied your destiny… her eyes were closed while saying all this, I try to looked at peter but saw peter already on his way out of the temple, I yelled “madam”, open your eyes… which mother are you talking about? ‘My mama don die ooo’ what kind of bad guessing work is this? I said and she…

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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E17

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