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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E63

Story 2 years ago

Bad Boy Romance - S01 E63

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 63




Brody’s POV cont’d

‘I love her Cooper,i love her more than anything you could ever imagine,why do you think I’m in a relationship??.She’s the only girl I’m been in a relationship with and you’re asking if I’m just using her to pass time?? I’m a boy Cooper not a heartless jerk’…I replied..

‘Thought as much but why is your relationship a secret to the whole school then??’..He asked again..

‘Well that’s a secret known to me alone’..i murmured getting bored of the subject already..

‘Hmm okay so how is your ya processing going?? My Dad is working hard to get me a slot in Balford college’..He asked again and I frowned seeing the dirt on my shoe before replying him…

‘Harvard is not the top of of priority list right now and I’m…’..my voice trailed off as soon as I yawned loudly..

‘Are you okay??You look tired as f**k’..He asked..

‘I don’t think so,I’ve been yawning loudly for an hour now and I seem to be dozing off..it’s funny cause I slept pretty well last night’..

‘Maybe you’re sick or something’..He shrugged..

‘No i can’t be sick I’m perfectly okay,maybe I’m just bored or something’…

Payton’s POV

I watched avidly as Brody walked past me not even bothering to glance at me.My hands hovered his shoulder but at the last minute I withdrew myself since he was still pretty angry at me.I kept looking at him and he sat on his chair yawning loudly such made the whole class laugh..

‘Whoa dude is pretty bored’..Serani teased and everyone laughed..

I chuckled softly thinking what she said was kinda funny but then I noticed the restless look on his face.His eyes were kind of blurry and he seemed to be going pale by the minute…

‘Serani i don’t think He’s okay,he looks kinda pale’..I whispered..

‘Yeah i thought so too cause he doesn’t look so good’..She whispered back and I let out a depressed sigh looking back at him. He rested his head on the desk and in a minute he was up again sweating profusely…

‘Brody are you okay??’..Nicole asked as she walked over and a downcast look fell over my face..

‘Yeah I’m okay what’s the problem don’t I look fine??’..He snarled..

‘Sheesh dude I’m just asking’..Nicole retreated and went back to her seat.He began panting heavily and even though he said he wanted a secret relationship I mustered enough courage to walk up to him..

‘You don’t look good Brody you need to go to the school’s clinic’..I murmured..

‘It’s none of your business back off!!’..He snarled and everyone oohed..

‘I’m not backing off Brody you’re sick and you need to see the nurse or something!!! Why must you be so stubborn every single time!!!’..i yelled and the whole attention of the class turned to the both of us…

‘What’s your deal Political money its not like He’s your boyfriend or something so mind your business!!’..Nicole said aloud…

‘You don’t understand He’s my…Fine then if he wants to act stubborn then i wont force him!!!’..I retorted loudly and grudgingly went back to my seat.Mrs Henshaw came in for science class and as she talked endlessly about Osmosis and Diffusion i glanced over at Brody who was pursing his lips and panting heavily.His hands were rested on his chin and i frowned as he blinked his eyes continuously…

Fine He’s angry with me but it doesn’t mean he should act so childish to hide that He’s sick??…

‘Okay so Payton can you please tell me the last thing I said??’..Mrs Henshaw asked interluding my thoughts and I gasped…

‘Huh?? Oh sorry well uhmmm you were talking about uhmm Diffusion??’..I said nervously and the whole class roared with laughter.Brody’s head was hung low and he still kept panting but no one noticed until he fell to the ground unconsciously..

‘Oh my God Brody’s fainted!!!’..

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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E62

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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E64

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