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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E46

Story 2 years ago

Bad Boy Romance - S01 E46

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 46

(Camping pt 6–(Injured)



Payton's POV

I shivered as Brody kissed my chin and from my chin he kissed my nose.I was hell bent on pushing him away but no matter how hard I tried my body just ended up doing otherwise.His hands cupped my breasts as his mouth went full force on mine.The kiss was so intoxicating that my hands dug into his hair and my hips bucked towards his loins…

Okay Payton..

You’re 18 so you’re of age..

If anything happens then it’s totally normal..

‘I think it’s time we stopped’..He said and our lips unlocked.

‘B..B..but..but why did you kiss me if you aren’t interested?! Why do you always do this to me Brody?! Am I that disgusting to you?? Am I not popular enough?!’..I cried out already angry.He opened his mouth to say something and when the words couldn’t come out he shut his mouth immediately.I groaned loudly not being able to bear his demeaning face and ran outside not caring about the serious storm…

‘Payton come back you’re going to hurt yourself!!’..I heard him yell.The rain was falling so heavy that i couldn’t see where I was going and before I could even move further I bumped against a rock and went tumbling to the ground…

‘My leg!!’..I cried out as i got to the bank of a river and my leg got caught in something sharp…

‘Brody!! Somebody?!! Anybody help me!!’…I cried out calling for help but all I got in return was the busting of rain.I heard a ‘Sss’ sound but ignored it thinking it was the stream but when I turned around i saw a spitting cobra headed towards me.I tried moving away at all cost but my leg was tightly stuck…

So it’s settled then..

I’m going to die because I ran away from a jerk who kissed me senselessly in a cave..

‘Just stay still Payton I’m coming over to help you!!!’..I heard and when I looked up it was Brody wearing a raincoat..

‘..i..i think I’m stuck and..and there’s a spitting cobra almost coming for me..I…I don’t want you getting hurt’..I cried out as he came down…

‘Nonsense I’ve got to get you out of here!!’..He replied.I let out a sharp cry as the pain on my ankle intensified and all of a sudden it was a burden has been lifted as Brody carried me up in his arms…

‘We can’t go back to the campsite,we have to go back to the cave until the storm is over’..he said and in a few moments we were back in the cave.I shivered effortlessly and my teeth chattered due to the cold i was feeling…

‘T..t..thank you’..i stammered and he frowned..

‘What are you even trying to do huh?? How can you act so immature?!! What if I lost you?!’..He yelled and i whimpered…

‘I..I’m..I’m sorry I..I..I..

‘You don’t have to say anything else’..he cut in and stood up from the dirt..

Brody's POV

I opened my bag and found a flashlight,a match box,a half granola bar and a blanket and thankfully sleeping bags.I took the matchbox and with the small amount of logs i found at the side of the cave i made a small fire..

‘W..where did you learn to make a..a fire like that??’..Payton asked..

‘I hate camping doesn’t mean i don’t know few things about it??’..i retorted..

‘Ohhh’..She murmured and when I looked at her i noticed that she was shivering.I sighed deeply and took a blanket from my bag,wrapped it around her and sat down back on the log…

‘T..thank you’..She stuttered and i nodded.The urge to hug her really tight engulfed me,the urge to lend her my warmth engulfed me but as quick as possible i shook off the feeling..

‘You..you can come share the…Owww!!!’..She cried out as she tried standing up..

‘Wh..what’s wrong with you??’..I asked..

‘I..i..i think I’m injured’..

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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E45

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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E47

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