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Bad Boy Romance - S01 E42

Story 2 years ago

Bad Boy Romance - S01 E42

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 42




Brody's POV

I watched as Serani came back with tears in her eyes and ignored Trevor who in return followed her.Minutes after Payton came back with her eyes red with anger and walked past me for Chase..

What happened??..

‘Jeez it seems like there’s going to be a rumble,what happened between the two besties??’..Cooper asked and I frowned..

‘Must you always gossip?? Dude stop acting like a ninny’..I replied and he snickered..

‘Sorry but I always have a nose for the news man,it’s not my fault’..He said..

‘Ohh but keep your nose out of their business,you know it’s a bestie problem’..I murmured and glanced at Payton again only to see her smiling but the corner of her lips I saw the worry lines…

Why do i feel like she’s doing this just to spite me and it isn’t working??..

Already tired of eating and drinking and stood up from the log and went into the cabin like rooms only for me to see Trevor consoling Serani…

‘Hey Trevor what’s wrong with her??’..I asked arching my brows..

‘Go away Anderson’..Serani sobbed and i smirked..

‘Hey even though we hate each other you know i can’t bear to see you cry??’..I teased and she scoffed..

‘Look who’s talking,you enjoy seeing me cry and you also enjoy seeing Payton cry so spare me the pity talk’…

‘Ohhh my dear Serani just tell me what’s wrong with you and I won’t disturb you and just so you know Cooper won’t let me rest until he knows what’s going on’…I said..

‘Look i don’t know okay just that I regret being Payton’s friend!! She’s the most horrible person I’ve ever met!!’..She cried out and ran into her room.I glanced at Trevor and he just shrugged…

What does she mean by she regrets ever being Payton’s friend??..

What’s even going on between the both of them??..

Payton's POV

‘Have I told you how beautiful you look??’..Chase asked again and I tried hiding my groan so it just came out as a squeak..

‘Chase please you’ve said this times without number please if you’ve got something to say please say it’..I snapped and he furrowed his brows .

‘Well i guess you’ve caught me,will you be my girlfriend??’..He asked and I gasped loudly..

‘B..but we’ve just known each other for few hours so how can you ask me this??’..

‘WELL I CAN JUST SAY IT’S LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT’..He said loudly and i felt a sudden lump in my throat..

‘I..i don’t know what to say to be honest Chase,i don’t know what to say to be..may..maybe I guess I’ll go..I think I’m going to bed’..I stuttered standing up from the chair and he held me back…

‘I’m sorry if i said anything wrong I never meant to hurt you in anyway with my words’..He said and I smiled .

‘No you didn’t I’m just tired that’s all but I’ll give you a reply tomorrow that’s for sure’..I replied and he kissed me on the cheeks.The lump in my throat grew stronger as i briskly walked away from the bonfire.I looked around searching for Brody with my eyes and when I didn’t see him I went back to my room.Serani was already packing her bags when i opened. the door…

‘Where are you off to??’..I asked and she sniffed…

‘I’m going to another room with someone who doesn’t think I’m a jealous friend’..she replied .

‘Serani are you being serious right now?!!’..

‘Yeah I’m serious Payton,you’ve let it get to your head and don’t come back to me when you have regrets you are really bad person’..

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