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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E27

Story 2 years ago

Intoxicated Romance - S01 E27

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 27


Even though i had threatened to kill James numerous times, his death

still shakes me. I use my palm and cover his eyes close. Few minutes later, an ambulance comes to carry his body away. Some tools were also

brought with which antonia was cut out of the car. Antonia's still

body is carried in another ambulance and thankfully, she's alive

. I hold her hands all through the journey to the hospital while whispering that i love her and our baby. She cant hear me though as she is still unconscious. We arrive at the hospital fast and antonia is carried quickly into the hospital. I run beside them still holding her hands like its an assurance that she won't let go and leave me.

Antonia is carried into the operation room and i am stopped by the


"please let me go in with you. She needs me. I have to be there for

her and our baby" i protest.

"sir, you cant help her in here and what you are doing right now is

delaying the surgery. Now, go and fill out the necessary form. Your

wife will be out in no time. Also get her family here."a nurse tells

me and i nod my head. The nurse gives me a re-assuring smile and

rushes into the O.R.

After i finish filing all the necessary documents, i inform antonia's

parents about her accident

. I didn't have any of their contacts except

Mr Solomon and he was so mad at me on the phone for putting his

daughter in harm's way. It doesn't take long before i see him rush into the hospital with his wife and son in tow.

"Mr Solomo-"i get punched in the face before i get the name out of my mouth.

I grab my nose which feels broken and look to pastor solomon's who is grabbing his sore knuckles. His wife and son look stun.

"am so sorry sir, this is all my fault"i say "you've hurt my daughter too much. I don't want you to see her ever again.

Now leave!" he says

"Mr Solomon, please. I need to be here, i have to know if she and our baby is ok" i plead.

"babies" antonia's mother whisper beside her husband. I look at her with wide eyes and she nods to confirm my suspicion. Antonia is having

twins. I am going to be a father of two in no distant future. This is a mind-fuck. I cant believe three people i love so much are currently between life and death right now.

God please save them. I have lost too much already.

"please sir let me stay here" i plead but he shakes his head.

"cant you see we are having a hard time, now stop making it worse and

leave." i look to antonia's mom and she just sighs. Antonia's brother

doesn't even spare me a glance. I shake my head solemnly and walk to

the farthest wall of the waiting room from them. Mr Solomon still eyes

me but i cant leave antonia and our babies right now.

I pace around trying to calm my nerves. Its been hours since she was

taken in and we haven't gotten any news.

The nurse who came out of the

O.R some minutes ago didn't give us any information.

Its Another

thirty minutes before i see the doctor walk out. I rush over to him together with antonia's family.

"doctor how are they?" Mr Solomon asks.

"the babies are fine but the mother suffered a trauma to the head.

We were able to stop the internal bleeding but she entered into a coma some minutes ago. We cant do anything now but pray and wait.

The rest depends on her will to live."the doctor says.

"can we see her doctor?"i ask

"you cant for now but when she is transferred to the ICU, you can see

her but not too many people at a time" he says then walk away.

Its an hour later before we are allowed to see antonia. I don't want to anger Mr Solomon so i let them go in alone. When i see them leave,

i go in. Antonia is lying there hooked to so many machines and the sight nearly cripples me. I walk to her side and hold her hand.

"i am so sorry for putting you through this, love. Please come back to us. Your family is really devastated and i cant seem to breathe without your presence. I love you so much, it hurts" i sob into her hand. I hold her hand for hours until a nurse tells me that i have to leave. I kiss antonia's fore head and her tummy before i leave.

The next morning, i am back at the hospital before 5am. Antonia's parents

come back by 8am and thankfully Mrs Solomon helped me persuade her

husband to let me sit by antonia's side.

Its been almost two months and antonia is still comatose. Alot has

happened though. I was able to find my mother. I was able to get her

location from my father's documents. She didn't recognise me and her

sickness had gotten worse. I admitted her into a better institution

and she has gotten better. I took over my father's company and i have

been working from the hospital. I was always here. Reading antonia and

our babies stories. Cleaning her and talking to her. I was able to get

forgiveness from antonia's family. Antonia's brother and are buddies


"so, antonia you have to wake up. We all miss you" i say while

massaging her hands.

"our babies need you" i place my hands on her tummy which has gotten

bigger and i feel movement.

"oh my God antonia. Our babies just moved!. Did you feel that?"i cry

out. Antonia's finger moves a little as if to say yes i do and my heart soar.

. Her eyes blink open and she calls my name. My name!

Antonia has been transferred out of the ICU. She's out of her coma

now and her parents are here but she's currently sleeping. She hasn't

regain complete control of all her body parts but i am so happy that

she is alive and back to me. When she opened her eyes earlier, she

didn't talk to me. She just ignored me. I stand by her bed with a big

grin on my face. Antonia stirs awake.

"antonia, can you hear me?" i ask while clutching her hand in mine.

"ofcourse i can, i am not deaf" she says and retrieve her hands from mine.

Antonia gives me the silent treatment for the one week she stays in

the hospital. She's going to be discharged today and she's going home

with me.

The doctor put her on two more weeks of bed rest and i am the

only available one to monitor her as her parents are going on a compulsory missionary trip. I am going to make her love me again in the two weeks that she is going to live with me.

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E26

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E28

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