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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E25

Story 2 years ago

Intoxicated Romance - S01 E25

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 25


its been almost two hours and there's no sign of Steven. Numerous times, i have stood up to leave but couldn't really do it. I am really getting angry now and the only reason i am still waiting is to give Steven a piece of my mind for making me wait like this. Another reason i am still here is i want to see him. I miss him too much.

A waiter walks towards me just like before.

"ma'am are you sure you don't want anything?"

"yea, thank you"

"okay ma" he says and gives me a fake smile

. I'm sure he wants me out so a patronizing customer and take my seat. My phone starts ringing in my bag and i retrieve it fast thinking that it must be Steven. I look at my screen and see that its my brother. I sigh in disappointment and connect the call.

"hello, brother of mine"i say

"toni, i did it!" he says excitedly.

"i am so giddy right now, it wasn't easy and i have been trying for almost a month , but then i said i should try another method and bam! It worked" my brother ramble o and i have no idea of what he's rambling about.

"slow down, what worked?"

"i repaired the phone i collected from you last month or so. The one you wanted to throw away

. Oh by the way, there's a message for you in the phone and its important"he says solemnly.

"there is?" why would they be?. Wait a minute! That phone could be angelica's. Am about to ask my brother about the message but i am interrupted by the same waiter. I roll my eyes.

"ma'am are you sur--"

"i'm sure okay? When i need you, I'll call for you. So go wait on someone else. My companion isn't here yet" i snap.

"okay ma" he says but i don't get a smile this time. Atleast he won't be coming back anytime soon.

"so what's the important message?" i ask but there's no reply on the other side of the line.

"hello" i say and look at my phone screen. The call has been disconnected. Oh well, I'll just ask him about it when i get home. What could be the important message though?.

I check my watch and see that i have already been waiting for almost three hours. Ok, i cant do this anymore. Atleast i made an effort. I stand to leave and my phone pings in my hand, signifying an incoming message. I sit back down and click on the message. Its from Cynthia.

Please i need your help right now. Come to my house. Please.

What could she need help for?. I have to go see her. I'll deal with Steven later. But for now, a friend is in need. Cynthia and i haven't been in contact since the day i visited her. Wow, i never even thought about her. Now that i think about it, Steven has taken up all my time this past weeks. I pick my bag and rush out of the restaurant. I board a taxi and give him cynthia's address. Twenty minutes later, i am at her doorstep and i knock. The door opens on it own and my danger alert rings. Why would Cynthia leave her door unlocked. Could she be in trouble now?. I rush into her sitting room to find a guy sitting on the couch.

"excuse me, who are you?" i ask which makes him turn to face me fully and i gasp. Its Steven's brother. He smiles at me and i shudder.

"what are you doing here? Where is Cynthia?" i ask him while moving back slowly.

Something isn't right and i need to get out of here.

"oh Cynthia is probably in hell right now" he answers then stand up and start walking towards me. My heart is already beating so fast. I can feel my legs shaking. I keep walking back as he walks towards me slowly.

"what do you mean, she's in hell?" i keep talking

"i killed her"he says and i gasp. My legs almost give out under me but i hold myself up. I cant fall now, i need to escape.

"honey, you should thank me. She's a lying friend. Did you know that?"he stop walking and studies me.

"she is?"i ask, still walking backwards.

"yea, just because of a guy, she drugged her friend. That friend being you. By the way, you are one lucky girl. But i think luck cant save you today"

"please, just let me go. I won't tell the police about Cynthia."

"ofcourse you won't, cause you would be too dead to talk"i feel the door at my back and use my right hand to find the handle without making it obvious.

"why are you doing this?"

"nothing much, i just need your land" that stupid land again?. Wait a minute! Is Steven a part of this plan?. Was that why he didn't show up today?. No, i don't think so. Even though i haven't known Steven for long, i am sure, he cant plot such a thing. I hope I'm right.

"you can have my land. I don't need it. Just let me go"

"i cant sweedy. I also need your fiance and you are going to be the bait" my hand touches the handle and i immediately twist it. The door flies open and i dash out. I run with all the strength in my body. I can hear the thud of his feet behind me but i don't look back. I keep running in hope of finding a taxi. I don't see any taxi and i can tell he's already gaining on me by the close sound of his feet. I see an uncompleted building by a bend and i run in to hide. My breathing is out of control and i can feel a panic attack coming. Please, God help me. I pray silently. I hear footsteps close by and i close my mouth to keep from screaming in fear.

"come out, come out little one" i hear him say. He must be close.

"i think i like this game of hide and seek. Do you know, i never played it when i was a kid?. My dad thinks, no thought its a game for weak people.

. Well he isn't here now to reprimand me, because i killed him. Just this afternoon" he says. This time his voice is closer. My check heave up and down. He's going to catch me if i remain here. I look around but there's no way of out except the way i came which is impossible because he would see me. I have to defend myself. I pick a plank beside me and hold behind me

"you know i can see your feet right?" he says and i drag my feet backwards.He doesn't know, i am armed so I have an advantage of surprise. He walks in front of me and grins. I raise the plank quickly and hit the side of his head. Blood gush out but he doesn't seem fazed.

"sorry babe, but pain is just for the weak"he says then punch my stomach twice and I lose consciousness.

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E24

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E26

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