My City Adventure And Sexcapade - S01 E06

My City Adventure And Sexcapade - S01 E06
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 6
Taaaaa!!!! Na there you miss the girl. Cos of that
now the girl will
start to bang another guy, your close friend. You
will be dyn of
jealous. And you no go fit complain because
shebi she be your
sister and sister don bleep brother… so when
she asked me that
question i had to be careful in answering it. I
smiled to buy a little
time for myself. She was looking at me with
some kind of
expectation and i was thinking very fast. I stood
up from the sit
where i was sitted and took like five steps
towards the tv. Placed
my hands on my chest. Trying to act like one
movie celebrity. I
turned back slowly and captured her eyes. I
could read her face,
she was indecisive. Any answer i give her now
will define our
relationship. I turned back again. And backed
her. not cos i was
shy nor i was afraid she will say no to what i was
about to tell her,
but cops i want her to make her decisions. I
want her dig her own
grave. I want her not to be intimidated by eyes
nor by my aura. I
started reading poem to her. when i left in
nsukka two days ago
coming, coming to lagos. I never knew that gawd
has a good
futune waiting for me right inside this room.
Immediately i steped
into this house and set my eyes on you. I know
that you are the
girl for me. You are the girl that will restore my
lost joy. She asked
me how did i lose my joy. I sighed and said. I
just lost my girl
friend. I just lost my childhood sweet heart. She
asked me what
happened? i told her that she left me for
another man. Tosin
chuckled and said if she loves me and i love her,
that she will
come back to me. I turned and tokd her no, no,
no. she cant come
back. Tosin asked me why? I told her cos she
has gottn married.
She just wedded two weeks ago. I looked at her
face, i saw that
she is either pitying me or that she is already
considering my yet
to be well directed proposal. But one thing i will
never tell tosin is
that i love her. i went to where she was sitted
and stretched out
my hands, she was reluctant in taking them. I
took hold of her two
hands and said to her. every part of my body
need you even now.
Tosin opened her mouth and closed it her face
went down and
came up with a face that i couldn’t read.
I was confused because i don’t know what she
has in mind. Her
face really became expressionless and i didn’t
like that one bit.
She removed her hand from mine. Tried to talk
again but she
couldn’t talk still. I left her and back to my sit, i
thrown the bomb
now is time for me to wait and watch to see the
effect. I was
watching to see if it will devastate my enemies
and give me their
territory or if it will backfire and destroyed my
reputation (if i really
had any). As i was looking at tosin the palour
became awkward.
That is what oyibo people call awkward
moment. It reminded me
what i taught to be my final encounter with that
ugly girl in my
sister’s former hostel. 3days after she caught
debby and i in their
room. I went to look for one of my class mates.
The girl was with
one of my text books so i went to her lodge to
collect it.
Unfortunately or fortunately for me, when i got
there i saw that
ugly girl sitting in the girls room. I actually met
her outside, i mean
my class mate and she told me to give her few
minutes that she is
coming. She told me that i should go inside her
room and wait. So
i walked into that place and saw they ugly girl
with fine set of
teeth. I didn’t know if i shuld go back or go fully
in. she had seen
me even before i saw her. she smiled with that
sweet looking set
of teeth and said, pinky come in. i walked in and
sat down on the
reading sit. I dint know what to say but i was not
afraid of her tryn
her tricks here. So she saw that i was not
laughing and that i
didn’t even greet her. two of us just sat that
without talking to
each other. I couldn’t even look at where she
was sitting. As my
class girl dosnt have tv i didn’t know if i should
look down or look
up. I know i couldn’t start a conversation with
her. The moment
was so awkward until she broke the dead luck.
This is the same the situation i find myself with
tosin right now.
Back to the ugly girl incident. I bent down my
head on the table i
saw the shadow of the girl went outside then in
less than 1minute
she came back instead of going back to the bed
she came to
where i was and started touching my back.
When she touched my
back i didn’t say anything but held her hand and
took it out of my
back. Then i sat up she bent down and kissed
my forehead. I kind
of liked the softness of her lops on my
forehead. I swallowed very
hard. She went back to the door. As i watch her
go there i
discovered that she has a very wonderful hips
and waist that i
have not noticed before. her steps where
graceful. I don’t know if
what i was seing is real or fake but all i know is
that some
sensation ran through my brain down to my
waist region. She
asked me if i have come to fvck Ese. I didn’t say
anything. She
told me again that she has in her palm every
move i have been
making in this school with girls. As she was
saying it she was
opening her buttons but somehow i was weak
to stand up and
leave which would have been the best thing for
me to do. Ese is
pretty but i don’t want to fvck her. Even though i
have crushed on
her but i dare not go there at all. I looked at the
ugly girl she
opened her bra and removed it put it inside her
hand bag. Wow. I
really love the brea;st that am seeing here. She
told me that she
know about becky and tina. She told me that if i
don’t fu;ck her
she will carry out her threat. I started sweating
but what am i to
lose if i bang this girl i told myself nothing. My
manliness has
really stood up waiting for action. I stood up for
her to see me in
full. I stretched out my hand for her. she smiled
and came into my
arm and i locked up mu lips to her lips.
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