Adventure with the daughters of jezebel - S02 E10

Adventure with the daughters of jezebel - S02 E10
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 10
The next day, the ladies were prepared to leave
Each with silence pistols in their body
“Ladies am expecting a well done job from you”the leader said
“Queen f--k up no go shele”they all chorus
They all began their journey to abeokuta
“Mirabel na you go go meet am and go lure am come the car side and am sure from there everything go continue from there”halimat said
“Ladies no Lele leave everything to me”Mirabel said
They arrived abeokuta after spending an hour on the road
Mirabel called Michael
Mirabel ? Michael am already the compound you told me
Michael ? come inside
Michael came to pick Mirabel outside
“Hope it’s not stressful for you to get this place? Michael asked
“No just some little asking and Google map”Mirabel replied
“So back to what you told me on phone, you said you want to apologise”Daniel said
“Yeah I want you to help me beg Daniel, I’ve realized my mistake”Mirabel said
“It would be hard poo cause Daniel really suffer and am not sure maybe he will hearken to me but what you too did was bad”Michael said
“O know that why I want you to beg him for me”Mirabel replied
After much talkings Michael excort Mirabel to her vehicle but was surprised to meet 3ladies fully armed
He tried to prove stubbornness but was later put into the car not after shooting one of his leg
“What have I done for you ladies? Michael asked with a pleading face
“You will get to know when we reached where we are going to”Mirabel replied him
They blind folded him
After 1hrs 30mins, they arrived their secret house, they tied Michael to a chair
The other ladies with 01 and 02 coming out from the other room
“Daughters of Jezebel”the 02 shouted
“We rule the world”they chanted
Daughters of Jezebel
We rule the world
Daughters of Jezebel
We rule the world
“Look who we have here”one of the ladies said
“In blindfold him”the leader said
Michael was then unblindfolded
“What have I done for you ladies? Michael asked
He received a resounding slap instead
“I get one question wey I won ask you”the leader said
Michael was just nodding
“I want to know Daniel’s hometown”the leader said
Michael doesn’t reply
He received another slap
“No be you Mama dey talk to”suzzy said
“For the last time where is Daniel’s hometown or I won’t estitate to kill I”the leader said
Michael explain everything to them they need to know
Wahala don enter for Daniel gengengenge.????
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