Adventure with the daughters of jezebel - S02 E01
Adventure with the daughters of jezebel - S02 E01
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 1
After the intiations of new recuit into the daughters of jezebel, they began their gyration
the next day mirabel and some of the girls from the confraternity about 3, which are suzzy, jessybabe and clara went to see the lecturer thats wants to give mirabel carry with their pink berets and pink jackets
“yes come in”the lecturer said
the girls enter and this makes the lecturer starled
“what can i do for you girls?he asked
“we confirmed that you want to give one of our babe carryover in your course”suzzy said
“and we came to meet you, it either you do in the easy way or we give you the hard way”clara said
“who am i to disobey you”he said
“now you are coperating”jessy babe said
“so what her name?he asked
“mirabel shonekan”mirabel replied
“consider her pass my course with flying colours”he said
“now you are talking”suzzy replied
they began to massage the lecturer head before they left
the office
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